

Staying with Scott as long as she can Katie never leaves his side, till finally she has to as he goes in to get the bullet taken out.

Keeping her arms around Jason all Katie can do it wait as her friend is taken away and her own pain inside was great. Why did this have to happen again to Scott? What had he done to deserve this?

The time seems to drag on and no new about Scott comes. The worry inside Katie growing.

No news is good news right?

Katie stands about to go ask one of the nurses if they have hurd anything when she sees a Dr. come out letting her and Jason know they can come into see Scott.

Slowly making her way down the hall Katies comes to Scott's room and enters a smile on her face though this whole thing was sad. Sitting down next to him Katie continues to smile.

"Hey Scotty, I'm glad your ok!"

Only silence returns to her from Scott.

He's not talking I dont know if thats a good thing or not.

Making her way down the halls quickly Hope stops at the front desk. She new she must be a sigh with her hair down, her sweat pants on and baggy hoodie. It was not the nomale for her to see a pashent like this but she had been in a rush to get here. She didnt want to wast time to get dressed properly.

"I'm looking for Scott Johnson please."

Receving a look from the receptionist rolles her eyes.

"I am Hope Garrison Scott's therapist. So you can eather believe me, and tell me where to find my pashent, or you can hold me up here making sure I am telling the truth while doing more damage to him than already has been done."

Hope holds an annoyed look on her face. Rick had said it was important and Scott would need her. She didnt want to take any chanses in waiting to long to see him.

"Third floor, room 306 on the left."

The nurise nods to the elevator before turning back to her computer.

"Thank you!"

Hope turns twords the elevator and walks quickly wasting no time at all. Finally reaching Scott's room she knocks on the door quietly before entering. Seeing the other two people with him Hope can guess who Katie is by her looks, and know that must be Jason with her.

Giving a nod to them she decieds to skip the fomal introductions for now knowing there was not really the time for it. Going close to Scott Hopes smiles down at him and gently lays her hand on his arm to let him know she was there.

"I have to say, your looking better than me right now. How are you feeling all in all?"

Making her way down the hall to the holding cell Misty carrys some items she knows Rick will need along with more towles.

She had finished making Angel as comfortable as she could and now it was time to move on to someone alse who needed help.

Entering Misty's eyes widen just a little as she sees the yong man laying on the table. He didnt look that old what on earth had happend.

"Rick here is some gaws and more towles. What happend?"

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