
Getting away

Rick keeps up a fast pace to the exit. "I don't know," he answers Katie. "Scott called, he wouldn't say what was wrong and just hung up on me. But I don't like... I don't like it one bit. I knew I should have had someone watch the house his first night out."

Getting to the parking lot, Rick waves to Jason's truck. "Let's take two vehicles in case we need to split up. I'll lead."

Sliding in behind the steering wheel of his truck, Jason waits for Katie, automatically knowing that she'd ride with him.

I hope he's okay too... I have a bad feeling about this.

The ride to Scott's only takes a few minutes, but it might as well have been hours. Arriving, all three get out and quickly go to the door, no one missing the fact that there was a strange vehicle parked on the street.

Entering the house, Rick skids to a halt, his eyes wide. Jason almost plows right into him.

Rick blinks. "Oh my word," he breathes. "What happened..." Two unfamiliar bodies lay on the floor. Blood was everywhere. And Scott was in the corner. "Oh no."

Rick moves fast and kneels down next to Scott. "Scott...." He tries to see Scott's face, "Scott, we're here.... what happened? Are you..." His voice trails off as he realizes the motionless black and white bundle on Scott's lap. "Scott..." he speaks more quietly. "Tell us what happened."

Scott slowly lifts his head, his eyes bloodshot and wet with tears. His arms tighten around Domino. "They came..." His voice wavers. "They wanted to... but.. I couldn't.."

Rick suddenly sees the blood seeping through Scott's own shirt. "You're hurt." On closer look, he sees the bullet wound. "We have to take care of you... Scott... Scott, are you listening?"

Jason wanders to the bigger man on the floor, and doesn't need to bother checking him. A bullet to the head had killed him instantly. He moves to the next, seeing that it had been a shot to the side of the chest that had taken this one down. Checking his pulse, Jason's eyes widen. "Rick, this one's still alive."

Rick moves from Scott for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. "Aw great." He looks to Katie, then Jason, then back to Scott. "Okay. I'm going to call Reese and we're going to clean this mess up. I want you two to take Scott to the hospital. We've had enough commotion in our own infirmary, and I think it best for Scott to be in a different environment."

Jason nods his obedience and goes to help Scott up. It's more difficult than he'd think, but Scott has little energy to fight back. "Come on, Scott... you're going to be alright."

"No..." As Scott is pulled to his feet, Domino's body slides back onto the floor. More tears sting Scott's eyes. "No... I don't want to go." He tries to plant his feet, but Jason is too strong.

Jason tries to get Scott away from the scene without hurting him further, knowing that in Scott's condition, a bullet wound, no matter how small, could be fatal.

Katie, I need your help here... see if you can calm him down so we can get him to the hospital.

As the two make their way out, Rick grabs his phone and dials. But it's not Reese he dials first. He gets the answering machine, but hopes and prays someone will hear it. "Hope, it's Rick Johnston. Something happened with Scott... he was attacked in his home and got shot. He's being taken to the hospital and... I think he might need you."

Hanging up, he then dials Reese.

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