
More than photogenic

Con shakes his head miserably at Nate's question. "He's on the same mission as we are... but for a different guy."

The search to the warehouse proves to lead them no where. Frustrated, they try several more locations, but come up empty-handed.

By now, Con is extremely frustrated, but his anger has cooled at least for a little while. "We might as well touch base back at TJY," he suggests. "Maybe someone has heard something else."

Ryder gives Katie a little wave, watching her leave for the day. The house is very quiet. It felt odd. He wanders to the kitchen where he finds the breakfast Katie had mentioned. Going to the fridge to look for something to drink, he's staring inside, when movement catches his eye.

Straightening, he spies Henry. The cat's tail puffs out, and he lays his ears back, giving a low growl.

"Oh, shut up," Ryder returns. "You might have startled me once, but you think a little feline is gonna scare me away from your kitchen?"

Henry hisses in response.

Dropping to all fours, Ryder stares the cat in the eye, giving his own authoritative hiss. Henry jumps back, startled, growling again. When Ryder returns a mimicked growl, Henry cocks his head a little, his tail getting a bit smaller. He sniffs the air and takes a cautious step forward. As the silent battle continues, he takes a couple more steps until his nose is touching Ryder's curiously.

"That's what I thought," Ryder muses. He reaches around to scoop Henry up in his arms and carry him around the kitchen as he gets his breakfast together. "You and me better get along, 'cause we're stuck with each other for the day."

Turning around at Hope's question, it was unusual for the color to seep into Scott's face, but it did. He hesitates. "Um... well..." He stuffs his hands back in his pockets and shrugs. "I guess... black and white just wouldn't do justice for someone as..." His voice trails off, his face growing even warmer. "...photogenic as you are." It wasn't what he'd been thinking, but it would have to do.

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