
Not scared

Reese's jaw tightens a little. He knew what Hope meant, and it wasn't good. "You know... some of my agents have been through a lot... look at Jason... Katie... Scott... we got Agency guys on our hands with problems... but this... I just don't know what to do anymore. Pretty soon I'm gonna be the one needing to talk to you."

He manages a wry grin for Hope. Heaving a deep sigh, he leans over the cubicle wall to pick up the phone. "Hey, Con? Yeah... at Gunner's cubicle now please."

Con is quick to join them, his eyes full of question. "What is it?"

"I need you to find Gunner and..." Reese looks to Hope for reassurance. "...and take him to the Northside Hospital."

"Northside?" Con isn't sure he heard correctly. "Isn't that-"

"Yeah." Reese nods. "And take Hope with you, please."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. He took off just a couple minutes ago."

Con lifts an eyebrow. "How do I find him?"

"You're the tracker."

Con sighs. "Alright." He turns to Hope. "Sounds like I might need you. Come on, we'll take my truck."

It takes an hour, but together, they're finally able to track down Gunner. When they do, it only proves Reese's worry was not an overreaction. Con pulls his truck over onto the shoulder of the road, staring out across the bridge. "We better get over to him." He gives Hope a sidelong glance. "I don't know if he'll listen to me."

Gunner didn't know how long he'd been there, but the more he thought and the more he let his mind absorb his guilt, the longer he stayed. But now he was on the outside of the guardrail, looking down into the ravine. He had never before felt so empty.


He rolls his eyes as he hears Con's voice. Turning his head, he rolls his eyes again, seeing Hope. "Just in time for the show, guys." He stares back down again. "One, two, three go."

Con's heart skips a beat. "Gunner stop."

A grin forms on Gunner's lips. "If anybody should be scared, it should be me, and I'm not, so... you might wanna just get back to the office and file some paperwork or something. Oh yeah and, my job's opening so if there's any hotshots down at the station who want a job, they can have at it."

Con swallows hard, scared for his friend. He lowers his voice. "Hope... I don't know what to do."

Jeff nods to Katie. "I'm okay. I'll still be here when you get back."

Jason is waiting in the bunk, still sitting on the edge of the bed when Katie comes.
It's open, come on in.
Smiling at her, he gestures for her to come closer and pulls her onto her lap.
I've missed you, ya know that?
He plants a quick kiss on her lips.
Reaching to the nightstand, he pulls out a long-stemmed red rose. He hands it to her, still holding her on his lap.
Thanks for still being here... being patient with me.

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