

Reese's mind is foggy from already been in bed several hours, but he manages to clear his head enough to understand what Hope was saying. He would find out later why Gunner had been at her house in the first place.

"Alright... I'll have someone check on him. Thanks, Hope."

Hanging up, he sighs and rolls out of bed. He was awake now. He might as well be the one to go find out where Gunner was. His agent could be a pain sometimes, but the last thing Reese wanted was to see him hurt.

Jeff still smiles a little, his eyes still closed. "You look like both of us... You've got Pent the eyes but you've got your mother's smile."

Feeling more at peace now than when he'd awoken so suddenly, he squeezes Katie's hand. "Tomorrow... ask me more tomorrow."

The moon makes its way across the sky, and slowly, slowly the light of dawn begins to outshine the stars. Morning had come.

Jeff stirs and opens his eyes. Looking around the room, he sees Katie and tries to remember all that had happened. He felt like he'd been run over by a train. Every muscle hurt, even his toes. It was painful just to turn his head. But something was different. He didn't feel so... sick. He was just incredibly sore... and thirsty.

His voice is hoarse as if he's had a horrible cold. "Morning, sunshine."

"I don't need a leave of absence!" Gunner throws up his hands, ignoring the stares from others on the main floor. He stood outside his cubicle, involved in a heated argument with Reese. "I'm fine!"

"You're not fine! I told you to take a break. Go home, Gunner. You need time off."

"I do not!" Gunner's eyes were bloodshot, proving he had had no sleep the night before. But he had come to work anyway. "And give me back my gun."

"No." Reese shakes his head stubbornly. "As of now, you're on mandatory leave of absence. If you won't take care of yourself, somebody has to."

"I don't need you trying to babysit me!" Gunner spots Hope just coming in to work and his stomach churns, remembering the evening before. He'd been foolish. "Hope! Tell Reese I'm fine so I can work!"

"You're not fine, Gunner!" Reese raises his voice to match. "You sitting at home in the dark with a loaded gun in your hand is not fine!" He'd spent an hour in silence at Gunner's last night before being able to leave, taking his agent's handgun with him.

"I was cleaning it!"

"In the dark?! I'm not stupid! Don't do this to yourself."

Gunner's eyes narrow, showing an unusual display of anger, a contradiction to his normally cool disposition. "Maybe if you hadn't come you wouldn't have to put up with me anymore."

"Don't talk like that," Reese retorts. "You're just going through a hard time is all."

"I'm fine!" Gunner repeats again. He looks over to Hope once more. "Please tell him I'm fine!"

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