

Gunner's eyes narrow slightly and he looks back to Hope. A terrible battle was raging within him. He knew exactly what she was doing, and therefore he wanted to retaliate. Yet another piece of him wanted the help that she was offering. He wanted to jump... he didn't want to jump.

Even though he didn't show it, he really did like Hope. She was nice and even though he said he couldn't trust her, a part of him did. He knew who she was and what she was about, and he knew that she would never deceive him. But this... today... he didn't know what he wanted more: to live or to die.

"I've put people through worse," he responds. "I've killed people, remember?" He studies the ravine again. "Maybe if I go today, it'll be an even trade."

While Gunner talks, Con takes the cue from Hope and ever so slowly walks with her, swinging wide to get around to the other side.

Gunner moves a little closer to the edge and a small rock tumbles down, pulled by gravity. He grins again. "Can't be that bad, right? Better than wasting half my life searching for something that doesn't exist. Better than living, knowing I'm the one that killed my own past." He makes another small move, and for several moments, silence rules. But it gives Con just enough time.

Gunner feels the large hand on his shoulder and he swallows hard without turning around. "Don't let me fall, Con," he whispers.

Con doesn't hear, but he takes the opportunity of calm to slip an arm around Gunner's chest and gently pull him back, helping him over the guardrail again. Con's pulse is racing and he looks to Hope for help again. "C'mon, Gunner..." he prompts quietly. "Let's go."

Gunner's feet drag and he stops in front of Hope, not willing to look her in the eye. "I guess Reese was right... not only did I waste my time, but I'm to weak to accept the truth when I finally find it."

Con's heart aches for his friend, and he only wished there was something he could do. But the only thing they could do now was head to Northside where hopefully, Gunner could get the help he needed.

Jason takes in Katie's kiss, feeling as if it were a breath of fresh air to his lungs. His emotions surge through him, free and finally released. It was peace, it was love, it was gratefulness.

Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he draws her even closer, letting the kiss linger. Leaning back until his head is on the mattress, he lets Katie lean on his chest, embracing her with the feelings he had been keeping from her.

Thanks for being you, too.

His eyes closed, his fingers raked through her soft hair.

Can we just stay in this moment forever?

He would if he could. It was these moments that he had learned should be cherished.

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