

Taking a bit of her sandwich after dishing everything out onto the paper plates Bree enjoys the taste for a long moment. She hadnt relized how little she even eat all day until taking that first bit of her food and her tummy gave an angry growl.

"I didn't realize how hungry I was."

Placing her plate down and taking a sip of water Bree thinks for a long moment about Gunner's question. She'd had made a comment about making Gunner a hot meal without even thinking that maybe he didnt want to even see her after this. It was strange to have said that let alone even feel close enough to someone to just make a comment like that.

Looking up at Gunner again the courners of Bree's mouth twitch a little bit the flopping in her tummy continuing.

"Well...I just though we would. I mean I would like to, that is if you would too!"

Walking into the bedroom Alice was still in awww once again. The room was so nice looking and it was now where Alice would live. Looking back to Erik Alice shakes her head.

"I think I've just stepped into a fairytale. I dont have many cloths so I wont take up much space."

Looking to Kyle and giveing a big smile Alice squeezes his hand a little. She was so excited and couldnt wait for his band to take off. Her eyes twinkled.

"I dont think there is anything else I could ask for at this point. Thank you Erik."

Standing at the stove Rosetta mixes the stew she was making. The table was set for three and BJ was in the tub washing up for the night. Rosetta hadnt seen Mick all day. Wes had told her he want for a ride but other that that she hadnt heard anything. Not turning around Rosetta yells into the bathroom.

"Are you a prune in there yet?"

Holding his hand in front of his face BJ looks at the wrinkles in his skin before looking up again.

"I'm not a prune Mom, I'm a boy."

Giving a laugh and shaking her head Rosetta loved the boys innocents.

"Well dinner is almost done, so your pruny little boy butt needs to hurry up before I eat it..."

Turning around Rosetta gives a jump as her words trail off not exspecting Mick to be standing there. For a moment standing in shock Rosetta didnt know what to say. Everything came rushing to her and where to start first was not certain.

"Mick...you came back.."

Rosetta wanted to say more but the words wouldn't come. Stepping forward Rosetta starts to go to him but a naked body from the hallway catches her eye as BJ stands looking at Mick before getting a big toothy grin.


And the heart of a child holds no anger, only love flows through there veins. For what they were scared about yesterday would not be the same as today.

Throwing his wet arms around Mick's leg BJ hugs him tight not letting go. It would seem the boy had forgotten about what happend last night. Looking up at Mick the boys smiles again as he dripped water all over.

"See Mom, I told you dad would be home for dinner if we waited."

Smiling back at the young boy and than back up at Mick love reflecting for both of them in her eyes. Walking closer to Mick Rosetta pulls him into a hug wrapping her arms around him. Leaning her head into his should.Oh how she had missed him.

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