

Giving a small nod and a smile Bree looks back up at the stars as they twinkled in the night sky. Seeing there hand prints mapped in the sky again it made her stomach do flip flops once more as she gave a small chuckle.

"Cat..I like it very fitting."

Drawing silent again as if thinking Bree finally speaks again.

"I have two pets, Skippy my Tarantula and than there is Darwin my rat. They are actully to very interesting pets. Maybe sometime I could meet Cat?!"

Having BJ return out to her his checker bored in hand Rosetta smiles at the young boy. He was so special to her, and she was thankful for him laughing as his shirt was put on backwards.

"Come here you. Lets fit this shirt the right way."

"Mom wheres dad?"

Taking BJ's shirt off and than putting it back on him Rosetta gives the tip of his nose a kiss smile.

"He's getting changed into some clean cloths. He'll be out shortly. Now go set up your game while I put dinner on the table."

Moving around the table again while BJ was in the living room Rosetta braught everything to the table getting ready for dinner.

Coming back to the table BJ climbs into his chair and fold his little hands in front of him. Waiting to say prayers.

Looking at her son and giving a nod Rosetta smiles.

"You can say the prayers tonight ok?"

"I cant mom, I have to wait for Dad to come out!"

"We can say our prayers and when we comes out we can pray again."

BJ gives a little shake of his head looking at his mom his eyes telling her he would be stubborn on this one.

"We have to wait for Dad."

"Ok. We can."

BJ stands from his chair again giving a smile at Rosetta. He was growing so fast she could hardly keep track anymore.

"I'll go see if he is ready."

Disapearing down the hall BJ comes to the bedroom and pokes his head in.


Coming into the room all the way he see Mick on the edge of the bed and goes to him. Struggling for just a moment to get on the bed he finally does and scoots close to Mick pitting his tiny hand on his back and patting it.

"Dinner is ready and we cant pwray with out you! Are you Otak?

Drawing the blood from Axel Misty is very gentil doing her best to get the vein first shot and does. Pulling out a little bit of her paperwork Misty puts it in front of Axel talks as she drew his blood.

"Well before we do anything I wanna run a few tests on you blood, see your blood type, make sure you health in all other aspects before even attempting anything. Than, I would like to do a small surgary on your hand and take out a bit of your nerve. Around your thump you have a little extra nerve tissue and I would be taking that."

Drawing silent for a moment Misty changes out the tubes of blood starting to fill another. Studying Axel for a moment before continuing.

"I will than test the nerve tissue to see if I can get it to regrow a little, or at least give some signs it will. I've been working on differnt proteens, and a neurtransmitter as well to see if I can stimulate the nerve once again."

Finishing with the second vial of blood Misty takes a peace of gause and a bandage putting it over where she had drawn the blood. Placing both vials into the cooler till she was ready to use them.

"Going aganst what most Dr's will tell you nerves never die. They simply enter a state of hibernation that they cant wake from. So what out goal is, is to get the nerves to synapses with the target."

Looking at Axel Misty didn't think she was making a lick of sense to him with all her medical terms but it was kind of fun to talk to someone about it anyways.

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