

Sniffing the womans hand cautiously Rin can smell the small remainder of food from whatever meal she was making. Giving in a playful lick and moving his front paws as his large tail wacked the floor to show he was happy.

Giving a small laugh at her dog and taking a bit of the food Karla was surprised on how good the meal tasted. Flashing a grin at Kip and than a look twords the cook Shirley.

"The meal is amazing, thank you so much. As for Rin, he could go a week without water and be ok. But getting him some water would be very nice of you. Thank you!"

Turning back to Kip and taking another bit of the food Karla savers the tast. It was nothing like she had, had before but it was so good, and after the last few days of eating nothing but ramen noodles this was heaven.

"So, what do you like doing in your free time? If we are going to be friends and not strangers anymore I need to know what you like."

Giving another grin Karla's eyes twinkled. It was nice having someone who talk with and get to know. Kip had made it so easy as well, and formed around her shyness.

Giving a chuckle about being the body guard Ryan shakes her head a little. It made her feel good to know Leo would stand up for her even if he new it would end bad though she would never ask him to do so.

"Mmmm...If you come with me we can go watch the race. My car is far from ready to race again, so maybe watching a race will give me the motivation to race again."

Though she didnt say it Ryan did miss racing and couldn't want to get back on the track. Knowing Leo was there to cheer her on was always nice too.

"How about we grab something to eat together and than head over? I'll leave Eli a note in case he comes back early."

Giving a big smile Ryan was happy Leo was there with her and talked her into going with him. Reaching to the table for the ace bandage Ryan wraps her wrist tightly making sure it was well supported.

Looking up and seeing Jade sitting outside Dan couldnt help the small ping that hit his heart. He'd liked becoming friends with Jade and talking to her. He liked having her work along side him so he had someone to chat with. But not it was like being caged away, being able to look out but it being to far to touch.

Bringing the horse around the ring one more time to pass Jade Dan looks at her giving a smile and a wink. He couldn't talk to Jade for fear of Mick getting upset but maybe that was his silent hello to her. Leading the horse into the barn Dan throws a look over his shoulder one last time before disappearing inside to get the next horse.

Mmm....yes I believe we did. But you know how it goes, on the road again.

Adjusting the bag on her shoulder Katie makes her way down the hallway. She was picked along with Jason, and Wyatt in the search for Dylan. Mick thought it was the Agency but the others could only hope not. Katie new what it was like to be under them and it was thought. Even if they didnt kill Dylan they wouldn't make it easy.

Everything the room where Jason was Katie lets her warm emotions flow even though she was worried about her cousin. Coming up behind Jason she nudges him just a little.

"The three stooges, I like it. Ready?"

Getting Axel's voice mail Misty puts her papers down as her voice held a little bit of excitement. It had been longer than planned but she was finally calling Axel back.

"Heya Ax, its Misty. Sorry I didnt call sooner its been crazy. Anyways I got your blood tests back and your cleared. Everything is ok to continue with the research. So when your free in the next say or two I'd like to do the mini surgery to take a peace of your nerve from your wrist. Give me a call back when you have time."

Hanging up the phone Misty leans back in her chair for a long moment as her lets out a small sigh. Things had been moving on with her research well and she was pleased. but what was to come next would be the real test in if this would work or not and Misty couldn't be more excited.

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