

"Ohh, you're too sweet." Shirley smiles her thanks to Karla's compliment. "It's just a bit of eggs and cheese."

"And love," Kip adds.

Shirley gives his arm a swat and looks to Karla. "He likes making me feel good so I'll make him those peanut butter cookies he likes. Never did figure out how he can eat so many and still stay so skinny."

Kip's grin widens. "I think it's called metabolism."

"Well, you keep on going for ten-mile runs, you're gonna eat me out of a kitchen." She gives his hair a loving ruffle before turning back to Karla. "I'll get Rin some water."

As she leaves, Kip takes another bite and chuckles at Karla's question. "Other than getting myself in trouble? Most of my free time is used to play bass guitar. I was in a band, Righteous Bullet, for a while, and now we're forming a new one with the guy out there, Kyle, as lead singer. Erik and Twila are in on it too, and a couple other guys." He shrugs, making light of it. "Otherwise, I keep myself busy with handiwork around here to earn my keep." Another, smaller grin emerges. "This is actually Erik's family's place. They took me in when..." Though his grin remains, a shadow passes through his eyes. "...well, when I needed a place to stay."

He takes a sip of fruit juice then scrapes the last bit of breakfast from his plate. "Sometimes I get out for a night on the town, but only when I'm daring enough to face Erik when I get back." He shrugs again. "My life in a nutshell. I should write a book." A laugh escapes. "People could use their copies as doorjams or something."

Leaning back in his chair, Kip cocks his head. "Now that I've bored you out of your mind, what about you? Last time I looked, this 'getting to know you' thing went both ways."

"I think I could go for that." Leo waits for Ryan to finish wrapping her wrist before leaning over and giving her lips a light kiss. "Thanks for helping me get back on my feet. I think I'm gonna miss spending so much time over here."

Jason has his eyes on his task, but a smile spreads on his face. Turning around, he looks down at Katie, just letting his gaze fall into hers for several moments.

No... I'm not ready. For the first time, I don't want to go. I've been without you so much lately, that to think it might happen again... I don't know if I could take it.

He reaches out with a gentle hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes still on hers.

I love you, Katie Pent, more every day.

Giving a sigh, one corner of his mouth upturns a little more. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Hero. Let's nab these bad guys."

They had another half hour before heading out. Then they'd land in Texas and settle in a hotel for one night, making contact with Mick. Then they'd wait for Reese's direction with where to head after he'd received more information from the police. It could be the next day they'd head out, or the next week. It all depended on what intel they'd be fed.

Jade's head turns to follow Dan as he walks a short ways away into the barn. He sees the look he tosses her, and she smiles her response. This wasn't much fun. But... it was nice they could still communicate without needing to talk. It would get old pretty quickly though... and after thinking about it all day, she felt ready to talk to her father about it again. She needed to give him an answer... but she wasn't willing to leave because of Dan, and she wasn't willing to just throw away her newfound friendship in order to stay. There had to be a compromise... right?

Gunner looks at the clock. Most people had left TJY for the night. It was getting late. Past the time JT said supper would be on. Gunner sighs. His stomach didn't feel very good, but maybe that's because he hadn't eaten all day.

Thinking for a few minutes longer, he gets to his feet. He was being silly. He'd missed Bree all day... and even if he felt odd about that morning, he just needed to let it go. Surely she had... right? Maybe it was his fault... maybe he needed to apologize or... something. Bree hadn't acted like she minded it, sitting with him... like... that.

He shakes his head as his spine tingles a little. Okay. He'd go. On his way across town though, he does get distracted by a little shop on Main street before continuing his route...

Arriving at the house, he rings the doorbell and shifts his weight a little nervously, the small bundle under his arm.

JT looks up from a bite of spaghetti and glances to Bree as he hears the doorbell. They'd only been at the table for a few minutes after working together on the meal. It had been a nice relaxing time after a long day, and JT had thought Gunner wouldn't show up. "Hmm... maybe that's our friend." Going to the door and opening it, he smiles. "Hey, Gunner."

"Hey, um... I'm late."

"No one's ever late around here." JT steps back to let him inside. Studying Gunner for a moment with expert eyes, he takes a guess. "Haven't eaten much lately, have you?"

Gunner was surprised at JT's skill and just shrugs. "Wasn't hungry, I guess."

"Well, come on in. Bree and I haven't finished yet, but there's enough here to feed an army anyway."

Gunner gives a little nod and wanders behind him to the kitchen table. JT goes to the counter to grab a plate and starts to dish out another helping of spaghetti from the pot.

Gunner ambles closer to Bree, giving her a crooked grin. "Hey." He wasn't really sure what to say. This whole day had seemed topsy-turvy, and he didn't know what was supposed to happen next, especially when his stomach does a little flipflop. Clearing his throat, he then remembers the object under his arm. "Oh, um, I saw this today and I don't know..." He shrugs. "It made me think of you so..." He sets the little white teddy bear down in front of her. It had big brown eyes and was dressed in purple scrubs like a nurse. Its shirt said, "You're a beary special friend!" Gunner looks at Bree's face for her reaction, hoping that if anything needed to be fixed, that this would help... that if an apology was needed, that this would do.

JT glances over his shoulder, keeping a smile to himself. He takes his time getting the food.

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