
Help needed

Scott asks Mabel for a box for the leftover pizza so they can warm it up any time back at work, and once the food is paid for, he heads with Katie back to TJY.

Not much is said - the ride is quiet. Once parked, Scott hesitates before getting out, his keys jingling in his hands. Looking over to Katie he just studies her for a moment, the wheels in his mind turning. So much had been said...so much had gone unsaid...and so much unspoken didn't need to be.

But questions linger. He didn't want to ask himself these tough questions, but they were there...in his heart of hearts, they were there. Was this just a little bump in the road? Was it more? Was this the beginnings of a downward spiral that would lead to even greater separation? Or would it make them stronger? Was Katie saying no now a reflection of what she might say in the future if he were to ever grow in his own seriousness about their relationship? Or was this just a circumstance that would be overcome? The future was so vague.

Reaching over, Scott brushes Katie's cheek with his hand, a small smile creasing his mouth. "You know I love you." Leaning closer to her, he plants a tender kiss on her lips, then turns to exit the car before more can be said.

Making sure she follows, he opens the door for her into TJY and goes in with her to try and finish out the day.

Bret looks up at Charlotte's statement about his ex being silly, a look passing through his eyes that indicates maybe he didn't put all the blame on Maria. He lets it slide though, and just listens to her continue.

"Sunday, huh?" He grins. "A lot of fate can happen between now and then."

Jason gives a light chuckle at Misty and shakes his head. "Well lets just not tell Carson then," he teases. "Actually, Reese has me on a case, and I need to hang out in a not-so-great part of town for a while tonight, get in a brawl with Nate and hope someone invites me to a street fight."

He shrugs as if it's just a daily occurrence. "Nothing too exciting." A faint grin tweaks his mouth. "I need someone there to back me up but won't raise suspicion, so if you'd be so kind as to pretend for a while you and I are together, that might pull us through quite smoothly."

He cocks his head. "And yeah...you'll need to change. Just pretend you're dating a back alley, top dog street fighter. I think you know what I mean."

Glancing down the hall, he sees Scott walk by, then turns back to Misty. "I'm leaving here a little before nine and taking my bike, so if you got a jacket, bring it along. I gotta go talk to Katie, so I'll be in my office if you want a more in-depth briefing on this."

Turning, he jogs down the hall and looks to the cubicles where Katie is just returning. Strolling over to her desk, he leans in the cubicle doorway. "Hey...I need your help tonight if you're up to it."

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