
Dang Jason

*Katie smiles back at Scott about to say something but he gets out of the car to fast. Leting out alittle sigh Katie gets out of the car next and heads inside with Scott her arm linked with him. Coming to where they both would part for now Katie stops Scott and gives him a kiss.*

"I love you too Scotty."

*Finally breaking off and heading to her own desk.*

*Misty nods to Jason. A spark in her eyes. She might like working in the infermary better, but she would pass up going out and working as well.*

"Alright, I think I can handle that. Alright I'll finish up what I have to do around here than head home, get changed and I'll be back about 8."

*After Jason leaves Misty goes back to her work making sure she can get it done in time.*

*Hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up at him fast and smiles.*

"Hang on one sec..."

*Than quickly looks back down as she type but suddonly stops. Slowly she turns her head looking back up at Jason a smile crossing her lips as her mind intakes Jason. She couldent help it he looked extra good right now.*

"Ok...so you wernt dressed like that this morning. I think while I was at lunch I missed something but dange Jason you look good."

*Shaking her head she turns back to her computer finishing up her typing and than. Once she is done she turns back to Jason still shocked to see him dressed like he is.*

"Ok, what do you need help help with?"

*Charlotte continues to grin at Bret.*

"I guess you right. I look forward to it."

*Taking another bit of her food Charlotte toss a wink at Bret from across the table.*

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