

Bret nods to Angelica and returns the handshake. “I appreciate everything.”

Turning to Charlotte he quirks an eyebrow. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a quarter and is ready to toss, but then stops and shakes his head. “I don’t think I’m leaving this one up to fate.” He grins at her. “I better get in all I can before you take off again. You name the place.”

“Mm, pizza sounds like a fantastic idea.” Scot starts to straighten the papers on Trish’s desk. At Katie’s question, he rolls his eyes. “I was doing great until this.” He rubs his wrist gingerly. “Otherwise not to bad I guess. Just…another morning.”

Jason nods. “Kelley’s across town. I’ll got at it myself tonight and see what happens. If I’m lucky enough to get spotted then invited, I’ll see about Misty going with me from there.”

He nods decisively. “How about nine o’clock tonight. I’ll probably just work late and leave from here – take my bike. Then you can show up shortly after.”

…Scott takes a bite of pizza, the cheese stretching out long as he tries to bite it off. Grinning, he’s finally successful.

Mom and Pop’s is fairly quiet today with a few customers scattered about. Conversation between Scott and Katie had been kept light for the most part as they enjoyed each other’s company and the food.

But as the meal progressed, there was just as slight tension that rose as well. Finally, Scott asks what he knows they’re both thinking about. “So…have you thought any more about Arizona?”

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