

*Lockheart trys to calm Bret down at the argument only to finally stand once the judge talks to her giving a nod to him.*

"Yes your Honor if you would forgive Mr. Parker. He just got work his dear friend passed and has not had the right amount of time to greave so I blame his out burst on that. It wont happen agan you Honor."

*Siting down Angelica leans into Bret and keeps her voice on the low.*

"Bret you need to stay calm and quiet this isent going to help anything. Let me do my job. I know its hard to hear all this information but you have to remain calm."

*As Charlotte sits next To Bret she move forward in her seat for just a moment. Reaching her hand out she touches Bret's leg. Moving her hand away a coin is revealed face up. Pushing her chair back Charlotte stands.*

"Your Honnor I have some information and a statment of my own I would like to bring up..."

*The prosicuter stands himself as Charlotte nears the judge.*

"...She cant do that your Honner not in the middle of the trial he can not change lawyers."

*Charlotte looks at the prosicuter her confadent her face no flinching revealing what he said.*

"Your Honnor, Mr. Parker is not changing lawyers. I have apart of this case and have been helping Miss. Lockheart out. I am in this as much as anyone. There is no rule saying you cant have more than one Lawyer as long as such is stated before the hearing."

*Charlotte draws silent for a moment wating for another reply from the judge. See a nod of his head Charlotte continues taking a few papers from the table.*

" Your Honnor Mr. Parker had no ill will when he started out here. There was no neglagence involved. As people had been researching these under ground caves now since they have been discoveder. Its been shown in reports that the earth is several feel deep between the air pockets and the surfice. Even with the best Escavators Titan Inc. could offord they probley never would of discovered these cave. The weaght of the dozers, and all the people walking is that caused this to happen...Also your Ho...."

*Charlotte is cute off as the prosicuter trys to talk over her. Not paying any attachen to him Charlotte raises her voice to speak over him.*

"ALSO your Honnor, Mr. Parker has been with Titan Inc. for over six years and this is the first misshap. On top of that I have a copy here your Honnor..."

*Charlotte hands the judge a paper.*

"..a document signed by Titan Inc. and Mr. Parker saying that the team he choose to do the excavation was an ok one and they did there own background check on the company. So there in front of you in black and white Titan Inc. gave there ok."

*Charlotte regroups and takes a few steps back.*

"From where I stand and the information that I just gave you it look to me that Titan Inc. knows they made a mistake, was it Mr. Parker's mistake no. It was Titan Inc. for not really doing a background check and now people are hurt, an innocent boy has passed away and Titan Inc. knows if they dont blame someone alse they have alot of bills to pay."

*Returning back to her seat Charlotte looks at the judge again.*

"That is all your Honnor."

*Siting down Charlotte smiles at Bret and than at Angelica.

Angelica smiles at her sister listing to everything she had to say. Very shocked and proude of what she just did.*

*As Katie see the chair go flying out of Trish's cubicle and hears a loud crash she cant help but cring knowing exacly where Scott is. Giving a shake of her head she retreaves the chair and pushes back into Trish's cubicle. Seeing Scott still laying on the floor Katie stands over top of him smiling down and offers him her hand.*

"Well good morning to you too Handsome."

*Nate looks up at Jason a smile forming on his face.*

"A bar fight huh?"

*Nate thinks for a moment.*

"Sounds dangerous!"

*Nate stops and thinks again.*

"A change to get out of the office."

*Once more he stops and thinks about all the other times he went on tasts with Jason. Good or bad they always had fun.*

"Count me in. What do we have?"

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