

Jason watches Katie leave and makes sure she’s out on the main floor again before shutting his door. Leaning back against it, he takes a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm and not dwell too much on what had just happened. It was funny how something they had lived with everyday for so long had suddenly become awkward.

Shaking his head, he goes back to his desk and tries to concentrate on work, picking up where he’d left off. It doesn’t take him long to remember the plan he’d been formulating, and he heads out, aiming for Nate’s desk.

“Nate…” Jason pauses at the cubicle, a few papers in hand. “How would you like to get in a bar brawl with me?”

Scott plugs the last thing in under Trish’s desk and backs out on all fours. Standing, he brushes off his jeans, satisfied that everything was in place for when she came back from making copies.

Turning around too quickly, he catches himself on the computer chair that was closer than he thought. Tripping on one of the casters, he falls forward, somehow winding up cockeyed on his stomach in the seat. His force, however is enough to shoot the chair out the cubicle opening.

Legs flying, somehow one of Scott’s feet catches the phone cord hanging off the desk. With a desperate wail, he’s first shot out the door, then yanked off the chair and onto the floor by his foot.

The chair goes flying, upending and clattering on the floor. Scott sprawls on his face, his foot still tangled, and when he rolls over, the phone finally gives, coming crashing down. It’s own movement from the desk catches a stack of paperwork that follows suit.

Before “Ohhh crap!” is out of Scott’s mouth, papers are everywhere and he sits…in the middle…on the floor…just staring at the mess he’d just created.

Bret nods at Angelica, not quite as confident as she was about this whole thing, but following her lead.

It takes longer than he would have liked to get inside, to the right room, and finally getting called up.

The judge is dry and without much emotion, going through the routines, reading off the facts of the case, then allowing the prosecution to begin with their accusation.

Bret sits in between Angelica and Charlotte, his leg bouncing nervously. He hated it in here. It was a big room, but he still felt claustrophobic. He just wanted to get this thing over with.

Listening to the prosecution attorney, his blood begins to boil.

“…who obviously neglected to choose a company with credentials matching the needs of Titan Inc. It is evident that Mr. Parker was negligent, and as a result of that negligence, one man may never walk again, and another is dead. I do not see how one can may assume he is guiltless…”

As the accusation drones on, Bret’s jaw tightens. His mind reels. He was in a courthouse he dreaded to begin with. He was grieving over the loss of a friend. He was facing the possibility of being out of a job. It was hot and humid in here. He was trying not to think about the past. And here he was, taking in these absurd accusations. They might as well be saying that it was premeditated murder. The thought alone that Bret could be responsible for Brandon’s death was enough to make him sick.

“…instead of checking other reputable surveying offices, Mr. Parker...”

“That’s not true!” Bret is on his feet, his voice raised before he even realizes what he’s doing. “You know dang well that I checked other sources and I found the lowest bid! How can you think that you can get away with this garbage?!”

The judges gavel bangs, echoing loudly in the room, but the argument has already started. The prosecutor’s voice matches Bret’s, both shouting at one another, their words mixing to something not even understandable to listeners. Bret is seething, his face red from anger, feeling the overwhelming urge to punch someone…something…anything.

“Order!” the judge shouts. He takes advantage of the slight pause. “Miss Lockheart, control your client! I will not have this in my courtroom, do you understand me? Either set him down and keep him still, or I will have him escorted out!

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