

Jason's eyebrows shoot up at Katie's statement, heat rising into his face. "What is it with you women today?"

He shakes his head. "I'm going undercover tonight, alright?" He quirks an eyebrow. "But hey, if I get this kind of attention, maybe I ought to consider changing my style."

Realizing what he'd just said, his face reddens even more. He clears his throat awkwardly, waiting for Katie to turn back around. "Um...I..." Looking down, he can't help but give a little laugh. "Okay, so my train of thought just went right out the window." His eyes remain on the floor until he regains some composure. "Alright, there it is. Okay."

He finally looks back up at her, deliberately staying focused. "I'm trying to get invited to a place the cops can't find, and in order to do that, I'm going undercover and Nate and I are going to draw a bit of attention to me with a friendly brawl."

Jason pauses, hoping Katie catches his drift. "We're going to take it easy on each other, but I wanted to let you know what was going on, so if you all of a sudden thought I was getting attacked or something, that I was fine. Of course..." He thinks for a moment. "I guess...if I'm not really scared you might not think I was in trouble anyway....or something..."

Giving a little sigh, he shakes his head. "That's all. And I thought if you were going to be working late or anything, just keep your radar up in case something really does go down and we need backup. You'd know it before Misty could even call anyone."

Ty looks around the corner, spying Jason at Katie's cubicle. His card was still in his hand, clutched tightly. He waits a few moments, but it looks like the two are deep in conversation, so he turns back around to leave. He'd come back later.

Bret can't help a smile at Charlotte, and finally digs into his own food. "Well...tomorrow I get to go and see if I still have a job. Then Friday I have the funeral to go to. But Saturday..." He sits seeming to be deep in thought. "You might be in luck there - that is, if you can keep yourself out of trouble for two days."

A maid knocks on Lockheart's hotel room door and waits for an answer. As Angelica comes, the maid smiles and hands her the bouquet of flowers. "These are for you. Have a nice day." Nodding, she turns and leaves.

The bouquet smells of fresh spring, and a note is attached:

Maybe the second time is the charm for me. I think you missed these the first time around. Thanks for all your hard work for TJY and others. I see your passion to help people and admire that.
Don't forget we've still got an office open down here... I'm a terrible hint-dropper. Call if you change your mind.
-Mike R.

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