

Brent squints a little at Charlotte over his glass as he takes a sip. She really did want to see him again. It was odd…he’d never let pure chance take over like he had with her… he’d never thrown caution into the wind like he had with her… and he wanted to see her again too.

“It’s a deal.” He sets his glass down with a nod. “No wallowing for the next two days unless it’s with you… I mean, instead of with you. Call you first.” The humor in his eye increases with his purposeful tongue twisting. “I don’t know what it is about you Charlotte Lockheart, but you’ve certainly caught my attention.”

Shaking his head, he weaves for the waiter, asking for the bill. Whether he wanted it to or not, this time had to end one way or another.

Jason is just heading onto the main floor when he spots Misty. A grin creases his lips as he approaches and nods. “Perfect.”

Giving his watch a glance he nods. “Alright. I guess we can scoot on out of here.” He looks to Nate. “Give us just a bit to settle in, then come on and join us.” He turns to leave, but stops once more. “And take it easy with those steel fists of yours, will ya?”

Gesturing with his head for Misty to follow him, he aims for the exit.

Mounting his motorcycle, Jason can feel Misty settle in behind him, and revs the engine. Tilting his head he calls back to her. “Hang on.”

The ride is smooth and Jason takes a few extra turns through the town so as not to head directly from TJY, but approach the targeted bar from the opposite end. Pulling up in front, there is a row of other bikes before the lot full of cars. Neon signs in the windows advertised their drinks, and the bass of the loud music could be heard from outside.

Getting off the bike, Jason pockets his keys and nods to the door, taking a deep breath as if pulling on a new mask. “Show time.”

Making sure Misty is with him, he leads the way to the door and inside. Smoke fills the room, laughter and shouting add to the rock music playing, forcing people to talk even louder to be heard by each other. The sound of breaking glass indicates a rowdy bunch, but no one seems to care.

Jason slings an arm around Misty’s shoulders and saunters up to the bar, giving an arrogant nod to the bartender to set them up with a couple of beers.

Sliding onto a stool, Jason studies the room from the corner of his eye, trying to decipher faces and match them to those within the police files he had. Sipping on his beer bottle, he keeps himself from grimacing. He never had had a taste for beer, but would drink just enough to make his presence realistic.

He and Misty exchange few words, blending in with the crowed and ignoring the rowdiness.

“Ace? Is that you?!”

Jason bristles slightly and turns to see a large rough looking man with his own beer. “Well if it isn’t Razor.”

The man gives a cocky grin. “I see you haven’t lost your memory.”

“Nor my distaste for scum.”

Razor laughs and gives Jason a slap to the shoulder, only to receive an annoyed glance. “Where you been since you got out?”

“Around.” Jason isn’t so sure he likes running into someone he new from prison, but he had to play this out now. Hopefully Misty would put two and two together. “What did you get out on? Good behavior?”

“Ha!” Razor takes a swig of beer. “Let’s just say it pays to know the right people. I…”

“Razor, get over here!”

He turns to see a group in the corner yelling at him to come back. “The mob summons.”

“Whatever you do, don’t get yourself caught again.”

“Now that is something I don’t intend to do.” Razor salutes Jason with his beer bottle before turning and heading back to his noisy friends.

Jason turns his attention back to the bar, giving Misty a sidelong glance to convey he wasn’t happy about that. Leaning over, to viewers it would appear he was kissing her, but instead he was whispering to her. “Whatever you do, don’t get caught by him.”

Straightening, it’s back to his beer and keeping a close eye out, now looking for Nate. His emotions start to flux as he’s bombarded with sudden memories of prison that Razor’s appearance brought on, but he tries to push them aside and concentrate on his mission.

Reese prepares to leave for the night, stuffing the rest of his papers in his folder, shutting his desk drawer, going through his phone messages again, and quitting his computer programs. Just as he’s ready to shut down the computer all together, he decides to check his email one more time.

1 Unread Message

Setting back in, he opens his inbox to see an email from Angelica. Quirking an eyebrow, he reads. Her message catches him just a little bit by surprise. Was she saying she wanted to stay? Obviously she’d gotten his note.

Thinking for a few moments, Reese picks up the phone before he can talk himself out of it. Waiting for Angelica to answer the other end, he takes a deep breath. Without even identifying himself first, he speaks. “The Elite needs you here, and dadgum, I want you here. I may not have a third swing in me, so if I’m gonna strike out, tell me now, but I’m asking. Angelica Lockheart, will you stay on in Nevada?”

Ty steps onto the floor and glances around, seeing that most everyone is gone for the night. But Katie’s light is still on.

He was here early tonight, but he’d hoped to catch her still here. Making his way to her desk, he hesitates, then knocks. “Hey, Katie…” He clears his throat awkwardly. “Um…I was wondering if you had a minute.”

He pulls his birthday card, still in the envelope out of his back pocket again. “I, um…got this in the mail…and…I think it’s from Jim, or, my dad…and mom. But…” His face starts to redden. Most of the people here knew he couldn’t read, and Katie had offered to help him at one time, but after letting it drop for so long, the embarrassment had returned.

“…I can’t read it.” He swallows hard. “Would you…would you read it for me?”

The card: Happy 21st Birthday! Inside: Don't forget to spend a little time for you on your day!
Hand written: Hoping you have a wonderful birthday. We think of you often and can’t wait to see you again. Clint has been dying to take a motorcycle road trip – he might wind up in Nevada, so keep your eye out.
Love you bunches. Happy birthday, Ty.
Mom, Dad, Clint, Rosalynn

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