

*Pulling into the parking lot with Jason Misty lets out a sigh and stands still for a moment herself. Slipping back into the roll she once was herself. As they walk into the bar and Jason slings his arm around her she leans into him a bit scaning the bar as the walk to the counter. Taking her beer she takes a sip but a very small one. She dident mind the tast she just hated drinking it period. As Razor makes his way over to Jason Misty instintly picks up there was something about this guy Jason dident like. Gathering from the conversation she new why.

As Jason leans into her and tells her about Razor she leans in alittle bit herself adding to the affect.*

"Good to know."

*Returning to her beer and taking a small sip Misty keeps her eye out for Nate herself and glances at Jason out of the courner of her eye. Seeing Jason was a bit tense she knows she better be safe than sorry so he dident blow his cover. Leaning closer to him Misty puts and arm around his shoulder and neck leaning quite close to him and whispering.*

"Calm down there killer."

*As Nate gets out of his car he runs a hand though his hair and tips his head back puting drops in his eyes making them look bloodshot. Giving a stumble as he walks her enters the bar a cheese smile on his face. Making his way to the bar where he see Jason and Misty, he pumps into tables, and people.*

"Oh sorry, excuse me....Hey how you doin?"

*As Nate draws closer to the bar he sits down next to Misty ordering a beer. Though its quite obveus he's probley already had one to many. Giving a side long glance to Misty he smiles.*

"Hey there Hottshtuff."

*Misty turns her head to Nate and rolls her eyes ignorning him.

Geting alittle close to her Nate squints his words a bit slyered.*

"I shaid Hi, *hickup* what are you to gos, to talk to mes?"

*Nate throws his arm around Misty's shoulder.

Misty looks at Nate again lets out a disgusted breath and takes Nate's arm throwing it off her.*

"Maybe I am to good for you, or maybe I just dont deal with scum like yourself."

*Nate gives Misty a drunken gine placing a hand around her and on her side.*

"Maybe you just dont knowsh what a man is because something tellsh me I bet your boyfriendsh is scummer than me."

"Ya you can let go of me NOW."

"Ah come on doll fash I just wanna have alittle bit of fun."

*Nate puts his arm around Misty again, the look behind his eyes only someone who new him could see he was aplogizing over and over again to Misty.*

*As Angelica answers her phone and hears Mike's voice she cant help but smile. Her voice portraying the smile even though no one an see her. Angelica could feel herself shaking though she was happy. Steping outside her box was hard but she new she had to. Forcing herself to speak the words she wanted to. She couldent let happyness pass her by again.*

"Yes Mike, I will. Though on Sunday I go have to go back. I have my stuff I need to get, and I need to do a few things back at my ferm. Than I will be back. Though at times I will need to go back to Cali for cases. But I will be here working at the Elite. If thats ok still. Guess I should look for an appartment too."

*Katie smiles up at Ty as he asks his request from her. She new this was hard for Ty, and she dident want him to feel akwarnd. Giving a nod to the other chair in her cubicle.*

"I can do one better for you Ty. I'm going to help you read it yourself."

*Katie gives a smile to Ty and sits close to him holding the card. Sounding out the words and helping him. Showing him some rules to remember about reading and spelling. Katie does her best and camends Ty forever words she says right and always tells him he is doing well with the ones he dosent get quite right only yo offer more helpful hints, never once making him feel anyless or degraded. At one point Katie stops for a second closing her eyes as she feels Jason's emotions rise and he gets nervoce. Katie whispers.*

"Stay clam Jason stay calm its ok."

*Opening her eyes again she blushes alittle not sure if Scott new what she was doing or not but draws more attachen to his card helping him more till finally he can read it.*

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