
Unexspected look out!

*Misty stairs back at Carson a sassy grin making itself present on her face and the brigt light glowing in her eyes. Yes...the present, the future it looked bright. Long and hard but everything would be ok.*

" I think....."

*Misty leans back on her ams again her face going solom for only a moment but her eyes still smiling. Looking at Carson she closes her one eye just alittle blocking the sun.*

"...I'll be able to face tomarrow, and look twords the future as Misty Miller now that I know I wont be facing it alone. Thank you Carson."

*Misty starts to stand in a squating position once again leting the water run over her hand and through her fingers. her face still solom deep in thought.*

" Its going to take me a few days to finish things up here. Need to put my house up for sale, and see about geting transfered back into the school in Nevada. I've been doing good this samester so I dont see a problem. Your more than welcome to stick around Carson so we can go back together. I can show you the sites, the food...why I love it here. Unless in the last two months you have become soft, and forgot how fun my adventurs can be."

*Cuping her hand Misty throws a big spash of water at Carson as a smile finally breaks forth on her face. Her eyes shown, and burned brighter before. Laughter rings through the air drifting back to the small Cafe.*

*Frankie stands leaning on the railing of the cafe watching Sage and the man who had come to see her. A smile cross Frankie's face as he hears her laughter ring through out the beach. Standing he lets out a sigh and tucks his hands in his pockets. His job was done. Sage had someone new to watch over her now. The one who was ment to. Turning Frankie walks out of the cafe and gets into his car. Taking the picture of Sage he tucks it in his wallet. He was confadent she was going to be ok now. Frankie had the good memories and Misty...would always be Sage to him for thats who he new her as.*

*Katie looks up at Scott aproches and smiles.*

"Hey Scott."

*As Scott cuts Katie off she listens to him at first wondering why he was telling her about the his favores. As soon as she see the keys land on her desk she understand what Scott was hinting at. Taking her hand she runs them over the keys for a moment. She new the shape of the key, and the make names writen on them. Looking up at Scott Katie eyes are big and round. A tiny bit of fear. She hadent driven since the accident. She wasent sure if she was scaired or not, she wa sstill in shock by Scott wanting to give her the car.*

"Scott....I dont, I couldent...wow. I couldent take this from you, without giving you something for it. Why dont you drive it? I...mean...thank you..but..."

*Katie looks down at the keys again. Works could not express her feeling, She was happy to have a car again, just like her old one non the less. The car she was over joyed to have her pride and joy. Fear, the what ifs, but would could one live there life in fear. Confustion Scott would give her a car. She dident talk to him much and out of the blue he gave her a car.
A small smile cross Katie's face as she looks up at Scott again and can see the look that said he wouldent say no. Staning Katie takes Scott in a friendly embrass.*

"Thank you."

*Katie draws away and looks at the keys in her hand again. Her first time in the car would be hard Katie. *

"Hey Scott...do ya think maybe...you could drive for me the first time around while I ride, just to warm up to the car."

*Katie wasent sure how to put it without just coming out and saying it. But Scott was smarter than he looked and Katie hoped he would understand what she was geting at. Katie holds the keys out to Scott.*

"Maybe we can grab a bit to eat than I can drive home?"

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