

*Nate sighs and stands straght. His own confustion corsing though him. Looking at Carson he can see his own confustion. Nate trys to rashinlize in his mind Why this would happen. He himself was so upset, yet very happy at the same time.*

"I cant even start to think why she did this Carson. If she was trying to get back at you or not. Many why's play in this that can only be answered for one person. But the best thing I can say is. You cant change the past though Carson, but you can write what happens next in your story, and change the future. It looks as though your world might brighten again. Misty dosent know your back, she dosent know your reaction. Maybe she still thinks you dont care."

*Nate takes a few steps to the side and gives Carson a strong pat to the shoulder.*

"Don't let your second change slip though your fingers. Don't let her slip through your finger. Maybe this all happend for a reson, so you would find your way back here. I am sure she has a good explanation. If you still care for the woman who fliped your world upside down than dont give up and show her you do. and if you need help I'll be with you every step of the way."

*Nate starts to walk twords Reese office.*

"I need to let Reese know. I cant keep this from him.*

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