

*Misty accepts Carson's hand up and runs her other through her hair to get the sand out. As Carson takes her hands she smiles.*

"Ya well, exspect at one day after we get home to spend it being sick. Jet lag is a pain."

*Misty and Carson make there way up the path. Misty leads the way as they walk a bit away from the first cafe and make there way to another to have some lunch. At lunch Misty informs and teaches Carson about many of the triditions.*

"You have to have some Tea and Scones before you meal. Its just what you do."
*Time...how time pass. We forget about the hours and before we know it they are gone. Time pass when your having fun and time pass when your intisapating something.

Time passes quickly for Carson and Misty the next 2 days were filled with new sights and sounds. Misty even baught some camras to take pictures. New memories. Misty takes Carson to see many sights in 2 days:

*Misty was in aww over seeing the tall clock again. Though she had seen it before it was even better this time with Carson.*

Amusment Park in Blackpool on the waterfront

*Misty hadent been to this amusment park before but everyone in she class said it was one of the best. Having it as a first time experince with Carson was the best of it all. Misty wished the night would have lasted for ever.*

Canterbury Cathedral

*The Cathedral stood so tall, and was build to perfection. Misty and Carson both agreed it was one of the most amazing things they ever saw.*

Newcastle Academy
*Misty even enjoyed showing Carson around her school. It was big with 3 floors. But not your tipicle. You could tell this one was very high class.*

Misty's House
*Finally on the last of the two days Carson and Misty found there way back to Misty's naborhood. She loved her little house and would miss it. She wanted Carson to see it at least once. Walking into the kitchen Misty stands at the stove and starts to make some lunch.*
"Grilled chicken and cheese sandwichs coming up."
*Misty smiles at she cooks at the stove.*
"I hurd sometime twords evening tonight there is a fair going on at the water front in town. I was thinking it might be fun if we went. Unless I have totally pooped you out the last 2 days draging you around."
*The next two days at TJY seem to past fast as well for Katie. After Scott had given her the new set of wheels and showed her around time they seemed to be spending more time together. Hanging out, going to Lunch. Katie never would of know that when Scott wasent bumbaling around, and breaking things he was quite the person to talk to. Katie even had a few things in comman with him. Its funny where and who you can make friends with when your least exspecting it.
As Katie at at the breakroom table across from Scott her mind kept wondering. In a few hours Katie would be heading over to the prison to see Jason again. Its had been more than 2 months since she saw him last. Katie got his letters offten and felt him inside her all the time. They both show a sence of emptyness that slowly eat away at her. Katie could only hope Jason seeing her would restore his hope again. How she missed Jason and wished he would be home sooner than she new he would. As Katie looks to the clock she finishs off her drink and stands throwing it away. Giving alittle strech she gives alittle wave to Scott.*
"Well its time for me to go meet Lockheart. I am guessing I'll only be gone for an hour again though I wish the time was longer than that. Depending on how the viset goes it depending if you will see me again today or not. If you dont I'll give ya a call to let you know. I've got to try and get a hold of Kyle too and see if the bands wants to hang out too. So much to do so little time. But thanks to you Scotty my boy I dont have to depend on everyone alse for rides. Better get going."
*Katie exits the breakroom and heads out of TJY making her way to her car. She was able to drive it now without to much fear. Though she couldent help but always glance in her rerview mirror. Finally the time pass and Katie pulls up aloneside Lockheart's car. Jumping out of the car Katie grabs her cane and smiles at Lockheart.*
"Afternoon Lockheart."
*Lockheart smiles at Katie and gives her a small hug than looks to her car.*
"Wow...nice car. Is that the one you got for your birthday?"
*Katie beams as she runs her hand along the hood of the car.*
"Its sure is. Its the same make as my old one. It wirded me out before but I'm ok with it now. It was really sweet of Scott. He new how much I loved my orginal."
*Lockheart links her arm with Katie's as they make there way to the door of the prison.*
"You have some might good friends Katie. Its not every day someone gets a car like that handed to them."
*Katie cant help but laugh at the thought of what Lockheart was clearly implying.*
"I'm sure Scott would do it for anyone. He's a good guy. Strange when you friend meet him, but once ya get to know him he's a ryat."
*Doing introsuctions at the desk is the normal now and soon they are shown to the same familure room as the one before. Lockheart once again waits outside as Katie heads in. Looking around the room there are a few other inmates with there familys, wifes, girlfriends. Being directed where to sit Katie see Jason is not there yet. Siting down she holds her hands in her laps and waits excited to see Jason.*

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