
Two days

Misty’s hand on Carson’s face sends warmth throughout, a feeling that had been left void for too long. The tear wiped away, so does dread flee. Sorrow would remain…the dull ache of yesterday’s mistakes and wrong doings would continue to be a solid reminder for the future. But for now…in this moment…they were overcome by the sheer relief of Misty’s forgiveness and acceptance.

Carson lets Misty take his hand, and he stands up with her, allowing her to lead him through the growing crowd, and down the narrow path to the beach. The sun shone warm, a contrast to the cool air blowing in off the water that crashed onto the sandy shore.

Carson’s grip tightens around Misty’s hand, not knowing all that had happened to her, but sensing this wasn’t easy. He stops and turns just to look out on the water, the wind to their faces. He wanted answers…he wanted explanations…he wanted to know why what had happened had happened like it had… But he also wanted Misty to know the truth about himself before she laid everything out.

“Misty…” His words are once again wrought with a new tone that demonstrated a mixture of hurt, shame, sorrow and timidity. A tone that was not common to Carson until recently. “I…in case anyone says anything, I just…I want you to know that when I left for Australia, I didn’t live a lifestyle that was good. When I heard your plane went down I just lost it completely and went down every wrong path just trying to find something to erase the pain because I knew it had all been my fault. I was still the bad guy and…I did things I’m not proud of…I don’t think you want to know the details.”

He pauses, still looking at the water. “I finally picked myself back up, and then about a week and a half ago I went back to TJY. Then we got a newspaper about that poison breakout over here, and we knew it was you on the front page. That’s how I found you…”

Carson drops his gaze a little bit to the side, searching Misty’s face without turning his head. “I won’t lie to you…I was a bit mad…I couldn’t believe that you were actually alive, but what was more, I couldn’t believe you hadn’t let anyone know. I didn’t expect you to try and let me know, but at least your family…”

He allows another pause, now waiting to receive what Misty had to say. “Why, Misty? Why the new name? Why the hiding?”

Got wind that in a couple days we got that window. I usually don’t know when visitors can come, so it’s nice having a heads up this time. You should get this letter the day after I send it, so by the time you’re reading this, I can say “see you tomorrow.” I imagine Lockheart knows of it. Looking forward to it, Katie.
I haven’t seen that rainbow yet, but I’m still keeping my eye out.
Heard JetStream on the radio again the other day – sounds like they’re doing well. Kyle’s a great lead.
See you soon.

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