
My Story

*Misty listens to Carson talk about the time between leavin TJY and when he returned. The gap there in time was slowly being filled as Carson talked. When Carson pauses for a moment Misty turns her gaze out to the water the waves making tiny pools in front of her. Memories of how she arrived to england pladed her mind.*

"Your right Carson I dont want to know the details. In the last 2 months we both have done stuff we arnt happy about. Maybe some are worse than other, but mistakes all the same. We made desistions, and payed the price."

*Misty goes silent again as she continues to listen to Carson. As she releaze how he felt about what happend and his pain. Misty dident blame him for being angry. Slowly Misty eases down to the ground running her hand through the clear water for a moment. It felt good running over her skin, though it still braught a sence of fear. Easing away Misty takes off her sandles and sits in the sand sticking her feet out in the water themself. Slowly Misty starts to spreak again after Carson askes his questions. It was his right to know.*

"Its hard facing your own death. You leave one area thinking your gonna start over, and before you know it someone is whispering your about to die, playing out how and why. Than is happens...you life pass before you eyes. So many things you wanted to do before you died, so many people you wished you could hug again. Its so scary. Just think about it strikes fear in my heart."

*Misty stops talking for a moment closing her eyes. Replying everything in her mind. It was a long hard road, one Misty tryed to put behind her and now she had to reply it over for Carson. Leting out a sigh Misty keeps her eyes closed smelling the warm air.*

"I spend a month in a hospetil here recovering from my injarys. I had a few broken bones, got some bad scars on my back from burns, and alot of other injorys. I also lost my memorie from the trama. Even though my memorie was lost there was one thing that braught me comfort. Your face."

*Misty opens her eyes and turns her head to look at Carson.*

"...Your face was in my dreams, and when I closed my eyes it was there. This was the only thing I could go by for your name."

*Misty holds up her arm to reveal her wrist with the braclet.*

"Even in losing my memorie my heart wouldent let me forget you. Anyways....a month later when an officer was talking to me again about the crash everything came back to me. Like a title wave it all hit me. Who I was, TJY, The Agency, Who you were, and the crash."

*Misty takes a deep breath in again remembering like it was yesterday. With memoris comes pain, but with pain comes growing glancing around the beach Misty takes in the peacefulness and though it hurt being able to shair this all with someone was light a weaght being lifted. Misty keeps her eyes out on the harizon.*

"It was the Agenct that took my plane down. I remember it will. The seat next to me was empty till we were up in the air. A guy named Mathus..He was an Agency goons...occupied that seat after we had taken off. He smelled of whisky and smoke so bad it made my gut rench and I can still smell it. I remember at one point he leaned over to me really close and told me he new who I was. He said The Agency new I was involved with you. Out dear friend...."

*Misty rolls her eyes and cringes as she speaks the name.*

"....Ashlyn told them that much. I guess she really does hate me. So The Agency did what they do best as payback to someone. They hit them where it hurts the most. Even the Agency has people willing to be Kamikazes. The screaming on the plane, the tears, the little kids....."

*Misty sucks in a breath as a few tears fall from her eyes.*

"...I blacked out and when I came to I was on the beach spiting up water and people were running twords me. When I started remembering, i started to understand what would happen if the Agency new I was still alive. I though it was just best if I stayed dead. For my safty and so the Angecny would try and do anything to you or my family to draw me out. I dident have much in Nevada anyways, so i changd my name and ehre I am."

*Misty keeps looks out as the tiny boats going by, the small row boat with 2 people in it laughing.*

"..Not a day when by I dident think of my family or you Carson. I missed you all terribaly, but I thought I was doing what was rigt and good foreveryone. I was so lost and confused at that time, I just wanted to be left alone and try to find happyness somewhere though it never came."

*Once again Misty turns her head to Carson trying to open her heart and findint it hard to find the words put pushing on anyways.*

"I'm so sorry for the pain I caused Carson. If there is anyway I can make it up please let me know. I will regret what I have done always."

*Katie splits off from Laura as they enter TJY. Today she was feeling ok so decieded to come into work. Making way to her desk Katie pulls out a can of soda, and starts moving through papers on her desk, and seeing what needs to be done.*

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