

Clint concentrates on the job he's doing, but takes to heart what his uncle is saying. "Thanks, Wes...I appreciate all your help." He mulls over what was said about him looking like Jim, and he pauses, wrench in hand, for just a moment. "Jim and I had a good talk the other day...I guess maybe we're mending the bridge that almost got burned." He shrugs. "Maybe one of these days he and I will have a better relationship."
Not comfortable with talking about it further right now, he turns back to the motor. "Now...let's get this sucker running..."

Jade gives Wendy a knowing grin as they talk about Clint, but she doesn't tease. Looking to the kitchen, she nods. "Oh yeah, thanks. I'll see you a bit later." She goes to the kitchen, and a few minutes later, she and Mick head outside for a walk.

Morning becomes afternoon, and the day progresses slowly.

Taking a break, Clint heads to Rosetta's office and knocks on the door. "Rosetta?"

A tennis ball flies through the air, ricochets off the wall and back into Jason's hand. He tosses it again, aiming at nothing, and catching it, just to throw it back. He's been awake for an hour, sitting up on his bed, his mind reeling. His mind has wandered back to TJY, Austin, an his suspension. Con's words come back to him, "Don't fight it. Let it go." But how could he let it go? How could he just sit back and take it? Yes, he'd made mistakes, and yes, the charges were all true. But he'd had his reasons...there were explanations. Did he not have a right to defend himself?
He throws the ball with force, and it stings his palm as it bounces back to him. He'd tried calling Reese a while ago, and had been given the runaround by another secretary. It was obvious that Reese was not going to take his calls, avoiding the whole issue, which just made Jason all the madder.
As the tennis ball's banging noise against the wall drones on, a hard determination forms in Jason's mind. He may have made some mistakes, but this treatment was unfair. But if Reese wasn't going to talk to him, there was only one option left.
He catches the ball one last time, his gaze fixed on the blank wall. Maybe it wasn't the wisest decision, and it was certainly wasn't something he could tell anyone else about. But it was his only chance.
His mind begins to formulate a plan, calculating all the variables, and all the scenarios that might occur. The end result would either be very good or very bad. But either way, he couldn't just sit here and do nothing.
Jason throws the ball one last time, his mind made up. Now all he needed was a couple opportune times to get things in place so he would not be hindered.

A knock at the door startles him, and he stops throwing the ball again. "Yeah, come on in."

Jade timidly opens the door and steps inside. "Hey...I wasn't sure if you were awake or not. No one saw you at lunch, so we assumed you were still sleeping."

Jason grins, shoving his plans to the back of his mind. "Yeah, I just woke up a while ago."

"I brought you something to eat if you wanted it..." Jade holds out a paper plate with a sandwich and some fruit. "Your mom said you get low blood sugar if you don't eat."

Jason chuckles. "She was right, and I am a bit hungry."

"Good." Jade comes and sits on the edge of the bed, handing Jason the food. "How are you feeling?"

Jason takes as bit of the sandwich and nods. "Alright until the pain meds wear off. But I feel better than everyone's treating me." He throws her a wry grin. "Not that I mind the attention."

Jade blushes slightly.

"Nah, really I feel pretty good." Jason shrugs. "I know everyone who saw me at death's door might expect me to be in worse shape, but I think sleeping for three weeks did me good."

Jade looks at his face with sympathy. "Does that hurt?"

"What, this?" Jason gestures to his fresh scar. "Not much. The doctor said I could see a plastic surgeon if I wanted, but I figure it's just part of me now...it's a good reminder of my mortality every time I look in the mirror."

Jade cocks her head. "I think it gives you character."

A grin makes its way across Jason's face again as he takes another bite of his sandwich. "Let's just hope none of my ventures give me any more character, okay?"

Jade laughs. "Alright." She pauses, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, I wanted to tell you...I've gotten out a bit lately, and I saw that there's a winter social event in town in about two weeks. Sparky said that the church is involved too, so it's a good clean event. They have food, games, dancing... that sort of thing..." She looks at him with question.

Jason lifts an eyebrow, pausing his chewing. "And..."

"Well..." Jade's face reddens slightly. "I thought maybe you'd like to go. I know everyone's worried about security and everything, but Sparky and Mel are going...I don't know about any of the others yet, but it's not like it's out in the boonies where something can go wrong."

Jason swallows and thinks for just a moment, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And do I look like someone who could join in the festivities?"

Jade rolls her eyes. "It's a social event. Who cares if you can't get up and dance? I certainly wouldn't. Besides, it would be fun to get out and meet some other people... get our minds off everything that's been going on, if only for a couple hours." She grins at him. "So...what do you say?"

Jason wonders if the decision he'd made just a short while ago would affect these plans. But if everything went his way, it wouldn't. And Jade's invitation did have a certain appeal. Her enthusiasm to do something like that with him made him feel good in a way that was new to him. He concentrates on his food again, slyly allowing the silence to create tension.

Jade looks at him expectantly, the heat rising to her cheeks. "If you don't want to that's okay, I..." Jason's teasing glance makes her face grow even redder. "You turkey."

Jason laughs. "And I thought you cared. Now you're calling me names."

"Well I wouldn't if you'd just give me an answer!" Jade slaps his arm teasingly.

Jason shakes his head, still laughing. "Alright, I won't torture you. Yes, I'll go."

"Yay!" Jade smiles broadly. "Good. Now, I'm going to leave you in peace. If you need anything, call up at the mess hall."

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