
I'm glad

*As Katie steps out of Jason's bunk she looks back. He is sound asleep already. Katie smiles and whispers.*"Rest well." *Making her way off the porch she feels her gun that she had forgoten was in her pocket. Deciding to do some target practice she heads for her bunk to get more bullets. Upon entering she see the flowers on her bed. Before reading the note she knows who they are from. Siting down on the bed Katie picks up the flowers with a smile and a small blush to her face. Reading the note she speaks aloud.* "What would I do without you J." *Standing she puts the flowers into the water, and grabs her bullits. Before leaving she runs her hands over the flower pettles and smiles. Jason made her feel good, he made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. Leaving the bunk she makes her way to the clearing and the makeshift target. Keeping in the back of her mind to thank Jason when he wakes up.*

*Wendy smiles at Clint's name.* "Ya, Clint is a great guy. He's sweet, handsum, smart." *Wendy blushes a bit as she talks about Clint relizing she is geting carryed away. Looking up she can see Mick disapear into the kitchen.* "Hey it looks like you can have your time with your dad not he just disapeared into the kitchen." *Wendy grins at Jade.* "We can talk more later."

*Wes whipes his hands off on a rag.* "See your geting the hang of it. Its not that hard just alot of stuff to remember." *Wes looks at Clint for a moment.* " You looks more and more like Jim everyday. I'm might proude of you Clint. You new you did something wrong and your trying to correct it. Thats alot more than some people try and do. Your doing the right thing." *Wes gives a small grin.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*As Sam turns and looks back at the house a dark figure enters it. Yelling to BJ she says.* "BJ..come on its time to go."

*BJ looks up from the sand box.* "Awww...Sham do I have to?"

*Sam looks to BJ.* "YES...come on let go."

*BJ stands and brushs the sand off himself. Bending down he takes the little shovel he had and hands it to the little girl he was playing with.* "Here you do. You can have." *Smiling at the little girl he runs after Sam.*

*Taking BJ's hand Sam makes her way for the house again. After entering she looks into the livinf room and see Stan siting at the table.*

*BJ makes a funny face at Stan.*

"BJ I want you to run upstairs and play. I will call you down for lunch soon ok." *Sam asks BJ.*

"Otay" *BJ reply. and makes his way up the steps.*

*After BJ is up stairs Sam makes her way into the kitchen and sits down at the table.* "What are you doing here Stan?"

*Stan looks at Sam a very solem look on his face.* " You know your not to take that brat out of the house."

*Sam looks at Stan fire burning in her eyes.* "He has a name you know. And yes I know I am not saposto but he is a little boy. He need space to run around, and play with kids his own age. Just because the Agency made a mistake with him dosent mean he should be kept cages like an animel."

*Stan looks at Sam. He can tell something is differnt. Changed about her.* "And what if someone saw him and reconize who he was?"

"Stan no one is going to be all the way out here who knows him ok." *Sam states.*

*Standing and heading for the door Stan says in a scoffing tone.* "Ya well we will see what the boss has to say about this. He's not going to be to happy Sam. If I were you I'd watch your step."

"Is that a thret Stan?"

"No Sam, that a promise." *With that Stan walk out of the house and gets into his car driving off.*

*For a long moment Sam sits at the table. A new fear running through her. She hoped the boss would understand and not be as upset as Stan was. She had her orders to keep BJ inside but she couldent do that to him. BJ was very smart for his age. He excelled at the school work she did with him at the house. Passing with flying colors. Sam felt sad knowing that BJ would never be a normel kid. So much in his life was not normal. It hurt to think of this poor boy not understanding what was going on around him.*

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