
Night visitor

Jason nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, I still gotta get you that lighter rifle I promised you ages ago. Remind me in a few days again and we'll go get it." He sighs deely and looks a the clock. "Well, I think I'm gonna take a shower then head to the mess hall so everyone at least knows I'm alive." He swings his legs over the side of the bed, biting back a wince. "I'll catch ya in a bit."

Clint stands a little straighter, feeling good that he's shared with Rosetta. He's on the right track with his past mistakes, he's doing well with Wes, and he's making the right choices now. Maybe things really were looking up.
His face reddens slightly at the mention of the winter social. "Um...I haven't asked her yet," he admits. "I'm planning to though." He gives her a sheepish grin, then turns to leave. "Thanks, Rosetta. I better get back out to helping Wes."

Before everyone knows, it evening is upon the ranch once again. The gang gathers in the mess hall for supper, the mood fairly light. Clint is able to muster up the guts to join Rosetta in telling the others about his and Wendy’s finding, and it’s decided to sleep on it before taking any action.

Jason joins in for the evening meal, though avoids Con and his grandfather, purposely sitting at another table. Con won’t meet his gaze, and he makes a point of tossing Austin a look that could kill. Jason doesn’t allow the tension to affect anything else though, and tries to enjoy the company around him.

The next few days seem to go quickly, despite the mundane routines assumed around the ranch. Jade snatches up any free opportunities to be with Jason, while he continues to be sociable, but withdrawing to the privacy of his bunk often, not letting on about any plans.

It’s three o’clock in the morning. Everything is set. Jason throws on a pair of jeans, laces up his boots and dons his black leather jacket. He feels for Pete’s keys in his pocket to ensure they’re there, and he grabs his wallet to stuff in his back pocket. He takes one last look at himself in his mirror, standing tall. He’s dressed to kill and he knows it. If he’s going to make an impression, it’s going to be a good one…it was his only chance.

Slowly he heads out of his bunk, letting his door shut quietly behind him, and he hobbles down the steps with his crutches. He’s supposed to go to therapy tomorrow…but it will just have to wait.
He makes his way down the driveway, but something in his gut stops him, and he pauses. He knows that he’s making a decision some will thing is rash. He knows that he will be in big trouble with Austin, despite the note he left on his door. He’s going through with it anyway, as a last ditch effort.
But…for once…he weighs the choices of going alone, or with company. And for once…he feels the want of a friend. He’s usually a loner…but the thought of company is strangely appealing, and if there’s anyone he’d want along, it was her.

Turning around, he aims for Katie’s bunk. Finally making it up the short steps, he raps his knuckles on the door, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one is watching. “Katie?” he calls quietly.

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