

Scott grins. “She’s a beauty, I’ll give you that.” He looks back and forth between Katie and the car. “I think you two were made for each other.” He leans over and squints at the price. “But…I don’t know…” He gives the salesman a sidelong glance. “I’m pretty sure that you could get a better deal on this model on the other side of town.”

The salesman throws his arms up in the air. “Alright! I give up! You two come inside and I’ll give you a deal you can’t refuse.”

“Really?” Scott throws a wink in Katie’s direction. “I guess this gentleman wants to sell you a car. You better go find out about this incredible offer.”

Jason nods to Jamie, taking the candy gratefully. Starting to feel dizzy, he accepts the chair offered, sitting down shakily. “Thanks.” He bites into the taffy, and takes a deep breath, trying to settle his body down, while attempting to continue his controlled body language. “I didn’t used to have this kind of trouble, but lately my sugar level keeps bottoming out on me.”

“Laura, you’ve got a call.”

Laura picks up her phone. “Hello?” A smile creases her lips. “Hey, bro. To what do I owe this pleasure?” She laughs. “Okay….yeah, I got time… what’s up? ….Uh-huh….I’m not sure, quite honestly… no, he seems alright, but I’m not convinced…. Yeah….it’ll be okay…. Hmm?” Her eyes light up at Con’s idea. “Oh, that would be great! He’d be so surprised…what a good idea. …well how….hmmm…yeah…I’ll have to get Katie or Wyatt in on it so they can find out the details…. Yeah…oh, yes, I definitely think it’s a good idea…”

Cindy looks at Wes gratefully. “Maybe you’re right…I should probably call him tonight and just talk with him about this… Though…” She catches his eye. “No matter what…I haven’t changed my mind about you.”

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