
New Day

*Katie cant help but laugh at Wyatt. She had come to love his humor, and his friendlyness. It was somethin she new Jason lacked, and hoped onday he would find it.* "Its ok Wy. No harm done." *Shaking her head alittle as Jason puts up yet another mask and lies about how he really is Katie say nothing. She new from his look he wasent going to hide from her anymore. but was that enough to conker this? Katie trys to smile and grabs her stuff ready to go. Before exiting she takes a servalence of the room to know where every detail is so when she gets back she can tell if someone was in the room or not. They had alread informed housekeeping they only wanted the room cleaned once a week on friedays.*

*The ride to TJY is a bit quiet as Katie glances at Jason in the back seat every once in a while. Katie keeps up conversation with Wyatt about kind of car she's going to be looking at and asks Jason now and then for his imput though he dosent look much like talking. Once they are at TJY Katie lets Jason go off on his own knowing inside TJY he is safe. Turning back to Wyatt she gives him a hug.* "We still going to do lunch after I get back from the car dealership?" *Katie smiles up at Wyatt a small hint of tiredness in them.*

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