
Car Lot

Jason looks up from his desk to simply give a short nod to Katie as she comes and goes. At least he knew she was now going out of the building. He’d have to be extra careful, and not allow anything he did to bring her back before she was ready. He felt bad enough the way it was that she’d have to watch him again tonight.

Scott glances up from his cubicle desk, a grin spreading across his face. “Yo, Kat! You ready?” He grabs his own keys and throws on his jacket. “Lets go get you some wheels! …” His shoelace catches in one of his chair’s casters, tripping him as the chair follows him to the cubicle entrance. “…after I get rid of this set of wheels,” he mutters, hopping on one foot until he can free his shoe. “There. Alright. Yes, lets go.” He leads the way to the exit, holding his head high like he’s big stuff.
Once on the road, Scott taps his steering wheel thoughtfully. “Well, we got Smith’s dealership down on 20th Street, then there’s the Motor Plaza across town, and there’s Pete’s Used Cars…but I like using an acronym for that one, so I think we’ll avoid that.” He grimaces. “Let’s go to the Motor Plaza…they’ve got everything.”
It doesn’t take long for Scott to get them to the dealership, find a salesman and begin to browse. Scott doesn’t let the salesman do much of the talking, already knowing far more than the average customer and telling Katie all about the cars they walk by. Though normally clumsy and nerdy around the office, Scott handles himself like a pro around the salesman, putting him in his place about prices that are too high, or about engines that aren’t really that great.
After they’ve made several turns around the lot and test driven several cars, Scott stops and looks to Katie. “Well, what do you think?”

The salesman interrupts. “Might I suggest…”

“No.” Scott cuts him off, still looking at Katie. “If your baby ain’t here, we can look somewhere else, though there was that one you seemed pretty fond of.”

Jason wipes his face with a towel, finished with his workout on the lower level. At least here he had the resources to keep his body active, distracting his mind for just a little while. Closing his locker though, he realizes that his hands have begun to shakes. Stupid…he’d had no breakfast, and lunchtime had come and gone. Rolling his eyes at himself, he quickly heads back upstairs, his knees starting to grow weak as his body begins to crash. He can feel how his body’s vulnerability affects his mind, as the mental barriers are weakened as well, lending cause to the need of getting sugar fast. His headache he’s had all day intensifies.
He stops at the first desk he comes to, pasting a smile on his face. “Hey, Jamie…” He leans on the cubicle wall. “You don’t happen to have a piece of candy lying around here somewhere, do you?”

Cindy takes Wes’ hand in both of hers, lifting it to rest her cheek against. “I’m not worried about you not waiting for me…I could never be.” She sighs, enjoying the warmth of his hand. “…I’m not sure I should go to Nevada though… I don’t have any place readily available to stay…and I’m not convinced that Jason would really want me around right now. He…he didn’t sound so great when I talked to him last. I mean…I think he’s pretty upset about losing the house, as I am, but…” She lifts her eyes to meet Wes’. “I…I got the feeling he wasn’t so thrilled about us…maybe it’s best if I just give him his space and let him work through things on his own.”

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