

*Katie nods and smiles. She hasent felt this good like she has accoplished something in a long time. Linking arms with Scott in a friendly way Katie heads after the sales man a bounce in her step.*

*Jamie continues to write on some paper.* " You should stop skipping lunch that would help a bit." *Jamie gives Jason a side long glance enough so he knows she has noticed his change in eating.* " ANother good thing is keep hard candy in your pocket so if you need it you have it." *Jamie smiles.*

*Wes smiles and nods* " Good, I dont deal well with regection." *As Wes stands he puts his cup in the sink and walks back over to Cindy planting a small tender kiss on the lips and looks into her eyes. His own eyes dancing.* "I'm so happy I got to meet you Cindy and I can call you mine. You truly are a gift from heaven." *Standing again Wes streches and looks at the time.* " Well I better get to work. If you need anything sweet heart you know where to find me." *As Wes exits he looks back one last time to see Cindy and smiles.*

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