

Jason is grateful that Katie remains quiet about his own position, and only for Wyatt's sake does he interact with a layer designed to keep others from questioning his emotional state.

Once at TJY, he heads to his office without saying much, greeting others with a smile on his way, arousing no suspicion about him at all as he even teases someone good-naturedly. Getting to his office though, the downward spiral starts all over again. Trooper isn't there. Not even bothering to sit down, Jason grabs his phone. "Reese? Where's Trooper?"

"Terry had to come earlier than expected. He went ahead and took him since he was ready."

Jason's heart sinks even lower. "Oh."

"We'll hear from him when he's ready to come back."

"Yeah...thanks..." Jason hangs up. The one last thing he'd had left was no gone. And he hadn't even had a chance to send off Trooper to the other handler. He sinks down into his chair, suddenly feeling very alone. Work lies on his desk...paperwork Reese apparently left for him that morning...but he has no motivation to even look at it. He grabs the Advil instead, downing several pills for his headache. Pausing his racing mind, he thinks for a moment, doing his best to stay on top of things.... Katie was going to look for a car, then meeting Wyatt... Jason had to be okay while she was gone... he couldn't ruin her day again.

Without any warning at all, a long forgotten memory emerges to flash an ugly picture in front of Jason's eyes, sending fear reeling through his mind. He shoots up from his chair, ready to fight the adversary before him


Jason jerks his head towards the door, staring at Susanne, his eyes wide.

Susanne chuckles. "Sorry, Hotshot. Didn't meant to startle you - you must not have heard my knock."

Immediately, Jason blankets himself with the appearance of being relaxed and amused. "No worries. What is it?"

"Just need you to go through these files on a case Reese is on."

"Sure, just leave them here with me." Alone again, Jason lets out a long breath. That had been close.

Wyatt smiles and dares to put his arm around Katie's shoulders to give her squeeze. "You bet. If you survive going to look for a car then you deserve to be taken out for lunch..." He looks up thoughtfully, teasing her. "Of course...I'd want to take you out anyway, but that's beside the point."

Cindy looks up at Wes, giving him a smile. "Morning." She sighs wearily. "I don't know... just trying to sort through my plans I guess. Worried about Jason...I don't know..."

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