
Sugar fix

Gunner manages something close to a laugh, and he nods. "Food here sucks."

Using his palms to wipe his eyes again, he wouldn't want to admit how good Bree's arm around him felt. These were all very strange things he was feeling, but he couldn't deny they were there. He did feel like crying, and he did want comfort.

Drawing in a shaking breath, he nods again. Maybe if he ate something, it would be a good distraction...

...A sub and half a shake later, Gunner was sitting back all the way on the bed, leaning back against the wall, still with Bree. At least his stomach was full... that was an improvement. And it had tasted better than the hospital's food. And they'd been able to talk and even laugh a little. The only problem was that as soon as the distraction of eating was gone, Gunner's mind was right back to where it liked to linger now... the accident... and what was his fault.

Closing his eyes, he tries to stop it this time, but once again, it's useless. "Thanks for the food," he mentions quietly. Without realizing it, he'd put the bed's blanket in a vice-grip as the battle waged all over again. It was almost like being sick and needing to throw up. It didn't matter what he did - eventually, it would all come out, and it was going to take several trips in order to finally be released.

"Am I ever going to feel like a human being again?" he asks, almost in a whimper.

Mick watches Dan walk away and just stands alone for a while. Eventually, he heads back in through the barn to give everything one last look before going to the house.

Going in the back, he can hear Rosetta and BJ just going down the hall getting ready for bed. He would go say goodnight to BJ after he was tucked in. The coast was clear as he entered the kitchen. Reaching up to the top cupboard, out of reach of little ones, he takes down a sucker. Only a few knew why on rare occasions he would give himself a dose of sugar and something to keep his mouth busy. It usually worked to curb a greater want, and after today, he needed to do something before he gave in.

Once he was sucking on the candy, he slipped his boots off by the back door and wandered into the living room to sit on the couch and wait for Rosetta.

Jade opened one eye to the sound of someone on the porch. She waited for the knock, but none came. Her dad? Someone else?

She was still lying on her stomach, her phone still gripped in her hand. Her eyes hurt from crying after hearing that they still had not found her brother. She didn't always get along with Dylan but this was scary and she had no one to talk to about it.

The silence finally got the best of her curiosity, and she got up to go to the door. Opening it, she looks out and sees no one. She almost doesn't look down before shutting the door again. Confused, she picks up the flowers and reads the note. She can't help a small smile.

Going back to sit down again, she smells of the flowers. Dan really was sweet... if anybody needed to apologize, it was her. First she'd made a fool out of herself by being a royal flirt, and then she'd gotten mad at him just for doing what he thought was right. She knew she'd been too much of a flirt just because she was trying not to think about anything else, and she'd just gotten carried away with having too much fun. She wasn't normally like that. And as far as getting upset, that whole thing was just a mess. But... she'd still been at fault. Poor Dan just wanted to be her friend, and she wanted to be his too. She would have to make it right in the morning.


Wild Flowers

Setting the shake down on the dressed and the sub as well Bree gives a little chuckle sinking down next to Gunner. She new he was so confused and crying now was making him more frustrated but it was something he needed to do and Bree new it. Putting her arm around his shoulder she pulls him into a soft hug.

"Hey Hey its ok. If you can show a little emotion in front of a friend than what good is a friend huh?"

Giving another gentile squeeze Bree leans her head aganst Gunners for a long moment before tilting her head a little to look him in the eye.

"I wont take the shake or sub away, you can eat it when your ready too. It HAS to be better than the other food they are serving here huh?"

Following along side Mick Dan is quiet as he just listens to his employer talk. He didn't interrupt and was thankful for the apology.

"Well, thank you for reassuring me I have a job here. So far I like it so I would hate to leave now."

Leaning his back aganst the fence post Dan looks up at the sky as Mick continued to talk. Quirking an eyebrow at Mick on the comment of Jade Dan could hear the I wont be to happy tone one he had heard before. He couldnt help but roll his eyes to himself.

"Thank you for the advise, but letting me make my own mind up on that one..."

Just letting the comment linger for a long moment Dan continues not wanting to give Mick a heart attack.

"As of right this very moment though, I hardly know Jade, and want nothing more than a friendship from her at this moment in time. Later on down the road I dont know I cant see that far, I can only tell you about today."

Pushing off the fence Dan takes a few steps forward before stopping to look over his shoulder at Mick before turning and reaching into his back pocket to pull out the invoice from town.

"I know you said not to worry about it, but I was there already so here you go. Sorry if I was brass earlier myself. I guess I just get up tight myself sometimes. Anyways I'll see you in the little while again I am sure."

Turning once again Dan makes his way away from Mick and across the yard scanning the bunks. Seeing the little light in Jade's bunk on still Dan heads to his truck and pulls out a punch of yellow wild flowers that were nicly wrapped with a ribbon and a little tag that read "Yellow means friendship. I hope you can still consider me a friend."

Taking them to Jade's bunk Dan leaves them on the pourch where Jade could see them when she opened her door. It wasnt much but it was the least he could do for upsetting her before.


Gunner's head shoots up and he jumps, feeling someone's hand on his back. Realizing it's Bree though, he relaxes. Her nickname for him brings a wry grin to his face and he straightens up.

Seeing the food and shake, his eyebrows rise slightly. A strange feeling creeps up on him, that for the moment, he shoves aside.

Making sure Marge has moved on, he stands up, aiming for his room, still quiet. Trudging down the tiled hall, he makes it to his room. Since Bree was there, no one else should drag him back out to "socialize."

Inside, he sits down on the edge of the bed, his head hanging a little as he puts his hands in his lap. He looked like a little kid who'd been sent to the corner. It was a different kind of defeat than before... almost an exhaustion. It wasn't a hate for himself, but a quieter depression.

Looking back up to Bree and seeing the food again, tears spring into his eyes. Feeling stupid, he's on his feet again, this time to stare out the window with his back to Bree. After that morning, it didn't take much for the emotions to rise again. She was being so kind to him... they barely knew each other, but she was there... for him... watching out for him and just being there doing the little things that meant so much.

Sniffing, he swipes his eyes with the back of his hand, and manages a short laugh at himself as his face gains heat. "I'm sorry..."

Biting his lip, he turns around as another tear rolls down his cheek. "I was fine all day." Another laugh comes, trying to cover up the embarrassment. "Now that you're here, I'm a mess again."

He wipes his eyes once more, his walls tumbling before Bree as his lower lip quivers. But as try as he might, her kindness had unlocked the floodgates once again and he just couldn't help it. He was at the point of breaking, and emotionally very unstable.

Try as he might, he just couldn't control his emotions right now. Sinking down on the bed again, he hides his face in his hands. "I really did want the sub," he mumbles.

"Good. Come on." Mick gestures with his head to the back of the barn where the back door was open. Leading the way, he waits until they're outside until speaking. "I wanted to apologize for my rash accusations earlier today."

He walks slowly to a nearby fence to lean on, looking out into one of the pastures. "I don't really approve of how flirty my daughter can get and this morning she was hiding something from me. I drew the wrong conclusion."

He looks at Dan, accepting the responsibility of his actions like a man should. "I also wanted to tell you that as long as you walk a straight line, I have no intention of getting rid of you. You do too good of work around here. You're honest and you're a hard worker - I like seeing that in our ranch hands. So when I asked you to tell the truth earlier, even if it hadn't been what I wanted to hear, at least it would have been the truth, and I wouldn't have fired you for it."

Mick shrugs a little then looks back out to the pasture. "I know I'm rough on you, and I know that you're smart enough to see that sometimes I don't trust you... maybe that's true. But don't quit what you're doing."

He nods decisively. He meant it. He had yet to figure out why he had odd feelings about Dan... maybe it really was that he saw himself somewhere and wanted to make sure that the same bad decisions weren't made.

"As far as Jade is concerned..." His tone shifts slightly. This was a different matter altogether. "She's unsettled right now and doesn't know what she wants. So my advice, as her father, is to not start anything with her." He didn't have a voice of warning really, but there was a hint of it there, telling the he wouldn't be too pleased if anything more than friendship happened between Jade and Dan.

Over with.

Entering the hospital once again about an hour before her shift Bree held a few items under her coat as she scanned the tables looking for the one person she new would be there.

Seeing Gunner sitting a few tables away with his head down Bree smiles and made her way over to him. Placing a hand on his back Bree gives a small chuckle.

"Hey there Vamp you look tired would you let a fellow vampire escort you to your room? I have something for you."

Opening her jacket a little a bag with a sub along with a milk shake is shown closing it again quick as Marge walks by giving her a wave to try and help Gunner up.

"Come on, lets get some food in peace."

Looking up as Mick enters the stall he was working in Dan's eyes meet his boss. He kind of hopped he wouldnt see Mick for the rest of the night but now he had and there was no really stoping it. The might as well talk now and get it over with.

"Ok, yeah let me put this stuff away."

Putting a few of his items away Dan takes his hand from the railing and places it on his head before giving one of the horses a gentile pat on the head.

"Alright, everything is set here."

Need to talk

Mick gives Bolt one last look before patting his neck and leaving him in the stall for the night. Wandering down the barn aisle, he hangs up the halter and stops a moment to talk with Eric, who had just gotten home from being gone all week.

Checking on stall doors as he walks, Mick finally happens on Dan. Stopping, he watches the young man for a moment, studying him... contemplating. Maybe what he didn't trust was that there was something in Dan that reminded him of himself. There was a past behind his eyes, a hurt unshared. There was a want to thrive and get more out of life. Maybe Mick was hard on him because he wanted Dan to be able to make it on his own two feet... perhaps Mick sensed a vulnerable spot that he himself had once been in. Or maybe Rosetta was right... maybe he just hadn't given Dan enough time to trust him yet.

Sighing, Mick finally approaches Dan, stopping his work. "Dan..." Their eyes lock. "I want to talk to you... there's not much left here, the other guys can finish up. Let's take a walk outside." His expression wasn't happy, but it wasn't angry either. He needed to apologize for losing his temper, and he needed to set a few things straight about jobs and about Jade as well.

Gunner sighs and pushes his plate away. He'd had a few bites of the roast beef and mashed potatoes... but the meat was tough and the potatoes were basically tasteless lumps. Resting his elbows on the table, he sets his chin on his hands and stares around the room. He'd chosen the corner again... alone, away from the others. At least he was thinking straight. Whatever Hope had said had done the trick, and he hadn't had another dose of medication all day. He hadn't really wanted to put up a fight anyway... he still felt pretty numb. After his breakdown that morning, everything felt a little fuzzy, like there were a bunch of feelings he wasn't used to having to deal with.

Letting his arms slowly collapse, he puts his head down on them and closes his eyes. If he acted tired enough, they'd let him go back to his room maybe.


Help from God

Sitting outside the bar for a long moment Dan let out a sigh. Glancing over at the speeding ticket that layed in the passenger seat. His day had been a nightmare, and no matter what way he turned it got worse. Being pulled over on a road hardly anyone ever went down was just the icing on the cake.

Just to forget for a little while is all Dan wanted now. I bury himself in something that would take away the pain he felt and torched his mind when he closed his eyes, and the reality that it was not just a dream when he opened them again. A rest, a break from it all is all he wanted and this was the one place he new he could do just that. Though the knowlage that he'd promised himself and God never to take a drink again lingered but he didnt know if he was strong enough to resist this time.

Getting out of the truck Dan leans aganst it for a long moment as he continues to just look at the bar. The music, the laughter it was luring to Dan's ears as his feet started to move twords the door. He wouldnt stay long, he wouldnt get to drunk, and he would drive untill he was sober Dan tryed to convince himself though deep down he new it wasnt true.

The shrill sound of his cell phone breaks his concentration stopping him in his tracks the song that played at as the ring tone was one her new well. It was the song Him and Becca first danced to of so long ago. The memories seemed to flood over him as he listened to the song continue to play. Looking up at the bar again Dan shakes his head and takes a step back looking down at the caller id to see is was Rosetta's cell number Dan was confused for a long moment. How one earth had that song become her ring tone. Finally hitting the talk button Dan is cautios for a moment.


"Dan, its Rosetta. Sorry to bother you while you are out an all, I just new you and Mick had a little argument earlyer and I just wanted to make sure you were ok?!"

Feeling a bit taken aback that Rosetta took the time out to call and make sure he was ok felt good and strange at the same time.

"Yeah...I'm ok...Just needed some air is all. Time to clear my head and all."

Looking up at the bar he had stopped in front of once again Dan shakes his head and lets out a sigh turning away and getting back into his truck. He couldnt throw everything away in one night. not when he had come so far. Just Rosetta's simple phone call had made him remember that.

"Yeah, I can understand that. Just Mick has always been rough around the edges but he's been trying so hard. Bear with him ok?"

"I will keep trying...Thanks Rosetta."

Giving a smile though Dan couldnt see her Rosetta didnt know why the young man was thanking her but something told her God had just used her to help stop Dan from making a horrable mistake and that alone felt good.

"Your welcome Dan. Come home soon ok and if you could still pick up that shipping invoice that would be great."

"Yeah sure no problem. I will get it and head back now."

Hanging up the phone Dan plays with it for a moment in his hand. Finally sifting through the names he comes across Rosetta's that he had put in there when he first started working. Opening up the info and scrolling down to where you could change the ringtone Dan is surprised once more to find Rosetta's ringtone was default and not the song he had heard at all.

Thinking for a long moment a smile finally spreads across Dan's face. Gad had been at work here tonight. Raising his eyes to the sky Dan gives a nod whispering..."thank you!"

...Pulling back into the ranch parking lot no more than an hour later Dan gets out and makes his way to the barn. He was a few minutes late for the nightly chores but he would make it up the best he could. Entering Dan went right to work feeding and watering the horses, the invoice tucked safly in his back pocket to be delivered when he was done.

Giving a smile as she leaned over Jeff shoulder Katie gives a small giggle.

"I must get my drawing skills from you huh?"

Planting a kiss on Jeff's cheek Katie slids into the chair next to him giving a smile. Though it felt strange and maybe a part of her was a little upset that she hadnt known, but she now was letting it go and just wanted to have time to get to know Jeff, and listing to his storys.

"Well Jason just left a little bit ago, and though I am gonna miss him you have me all to yourself for the next 2 days. Well almost all to yourself."

Katie taps her temple knowing Jeff would understand what she ment that was followed by a little giggle. Things were going to be ok now. With her dad, with Jason there was a peace, a clam something Katie had longed for and now found.

"Would you like to go for a walk or drive and just talk? I feel like we have so much to catch up on."

Perking up just a little an excitement look forms in Charlotte's face. Talking about the baby made her face glow like never before.

"Hey I have no problem with NASCAR if its a boy. If its a girl than we will have to do...."

Charlotte thinks for a long moment before looking back to Bret.

"...NASCAR...but they wont be able to ride with you till age 5. and if its a girl than we have to pic a girl NASCAR driver...and and...."

Charlotte cross her legs as she faces Bret. It felt so good to have him home, she had missed him so much.

"I think this is going to be rather fun. Planning all this stuff, and I am happy I get to do it with you."

Wasn't an artist

"I missed you too." Bret turns his head to give Charlotte's forehead a kiss. "Feels like I've been gone forever. I can't wait to get back to the track." His eyes go a little wide. "I gotta get back there so we can get some money to make up the baby room."

A teasing smile spreads on his face. "What do you think about a NASCAR theme?"

Jason leans his head on the truck window, lost in his own world as he received Katie's feelings. For a moment, it feels different... almost like their communication was smoother... like waves within the flow were gone. He shrugs it off. As far as he knew, it still worked the same way as it always had. If he didn't give Katie an overabundance of emotions, she couldn't give back because she couldn't manipulate her own, and if she wasn't there to receive them, Jason would be up a creek too. They were interlocked... for life. For one of the first times though, Jason couldn't say he minded too much. He knew it made Katie happy, and that made it worth any trials along the way. He knew now what his role was... and that was to support her, not try and make it easier, which in turn, usually just made things harder for her.

"...arrive tonight?"

"Huh?" Jason turns quickly to Sparky. "What?"

Sparky grins. "You were in your own little world there, weren't you? I was just asking what time you were going to get back home tonight."

Jeff doodles on a napkin, not really sure what to do next. He couldn't help in the barn. He was tired of sleeping, even though he was tired. He felt just a little useless, wondering if he'd be able to do anything again. Rick had told him recovery would be long, and Jeff was aware that his body would forever be weak so he'd have to be careful whenever he got sick. But it was all pretty wearisome. At least he had family here. And some things of the past had been resolved as a result, so that was good.

Looking down at his napkin, he looks at the stupid looking horse. Well, he wasn't an artist, that was for sure.



About to make a comment about Mick's age but getting cut off Rosetta closes her mouth again as her eyes twinkle with humor of what she was thinking. Though it had been some time now since they have been married, and even longer that they had known one another Rosetta never tired of picking on Mick when she could. It was what helped her feel young still.

"Me say something smart to you? I would NEVER do that now would I?"

Giving a nod and a smile to Mick Rosetta was so proud of him with how far he had come. She new he was trying as hard as he was doing a great job.

"If I see Jade, I will see if she talks to me. Just keep an eye on her Mick when she is ready she will come to you."

Giving a wave as Jason drove away Katie couldnt help but feel a little sad even tough he was still so close to her.

I can talk to you anytime I was and I still feel like crying as I see you drive away. I cant wait to be home again and smother you with kiss J.

Turning as the car is out of sigh Katie felt so worm on the inside its felt good to know she was loved. Looking to the dinning hall and seeing the curtin move she smiles again, to be loved by more than one person no matter how the past seemed twisted. Now she new the truth that maybe deep down she new all along.

Heading that way Katie moved excited to see some alone time with the man she would now call dad, the man that she was always close with and now would become closer. It was a feeling Katie couldnt describe but it was there, and it just felt right.

Smiling back at Bret Charlotte's eyes twinkled and danced with his own happy to have her husband back with her. The house had been so quiet, and it felt so lonly even though she hadn't been there much.

"Maybe if a few days you can chanse me and I will let you catch me."

Giving a grin and opening the door Charlotte steps into the house helping Bret in after her. She new he had to be sore and watched to do all she could to help. She even had the meal for tonight planned out.

After setting the keys down on the table Charlotte followed Bret to the couch and sank down next to him leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I am so happy your home Bret. I missed you so much."

Finally home

Mick manages a tired smile, his nerves starting to quiet. Rosetta had always been able to calm him down. Kissing her back lightly, he wraps his arms around her and gives her a warm hug.

"Thank you for putting up with me." He chuckles as he withdraws. "Can you imagine me as a crotchety old man?" He realizes he's left himself wide open for a teasing remark about his age now, so he holds up a finger. "No comments from you."

Sighing, he lets her go and looks to the door. "Guess I better get back out there. If you see Jade before I do... Oh, I don't know. Maybe if it's a woman thing, she'd talk to you." He shrugs. "I won't bother her anymore."

Mick straightens his hat, and after going to compliment BJ on his coloring, he heads back outside, picking up where he'd left off.

Jeff enters the quiet dining room, finding a chair and easing down slowly. He was alive. He had recovered. But he still felt tired and weak. It just wasn't going away. Would he always feel like this? He wondered.

Hearing a vehicle, he looks outside to see a truck leave, and he knew someone was taking Jason to the airport. He felt a little bad for Katie, but he also knew that she and Jason were connected no matter how far apart they were. In a way, it was a comfort to Jeff, knowing that she had someone like that who would care for her.

Bret takes the walkway slowly, though a smile was on his face. Using a cane, he walks gingerly to the porch already sore just from the ride to the hospital, but he was home. He was finally home.

Stopping at the door, he looks to Charlotte, his eyes twinkling. "I'd chase you around the house, but... I don't think I'd do too well yet."

Though hurting, he was in good spirits, just knowing he was able to be home now. The doctor had even given him permission to drive if he was extra careful, so there was hope for his future too.

Making it inside, the couch is his first destination, and he gives a sigh of relief, once he's sitting down. "Ahh, this feels good. No more hospital bed."


Just watching Mick go over to BJ Rosetta felt as though Mick was talking in circles and she didnt understand any of it. Standing and giving a smile to BJ Rosetta follows Mick crossing her arms over her chest as she listened.

"Us girls we can be, funny. I am sure if it was something to major Jade would tell you. She had never been one to keep anything that was really important to herself."

Rosetta thinks for a moment before speaking again.

"She older now Mick, if she needs space than she needs space and maybe she is just not ready to talk about whats wrong. Pushing her to tell you when she just dosnt want to is really only going to make metters worse."

Letting out a small sigh Rosetta goes over to her husband and puts her arms around him poking his hat so it moves back on his head a little and lets her look into his eyes.

"As for Dan, he's new to the ranch and one would expect you to trust him right away. Cut him some slack though. So far he is doing a great job here and he hasn't done anything to lose our trust. Just give it time to get use to him. I dont think your radar is off, I just think you barking twords the wrong person."

Leaning up Rosetta gives her husband a soft kiss on the lips before retreating.


Mick lifts his face, unable to help a little grin. Rosetta could make him feel good, no matter what kind of mood he was in. He felt even sorrier though, when she told him BJ had witnessed the argument.

"No... everything's not okay, but don't ask me what's wrong because I don't know."

Sighing, Mick gets to his feet and wanders up behind BJ to look over his shoulder at the colors. "Hey, kiddo." He ruffles BJ's hair. "I'm sorry I was yelling outside. You did the right thing by coming back to Mom."

Leaving the child to his art, Mick wanders into the adjoining room so Rosetta would follow him out of earshot of BJ this time. "Jade's hiding something. I thought it was Dan, but it wasn't, now he's upset with me and so is she, but she still won't talk." He shrugs lamely. "Maybe I misread the whole thing, but I've always been able to trust my gut. This time though I just made a mess. I just can't seem to communicate with Dan. One day we're fine and kidding around and the next, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him."

He sighs deeply, leaning back against the wall. "Maybe my radar is off, I don't know."


Hot Mad

Looking up from her work Rosetta lifted an eyebrow at Mick's tone and comment to her. He new where the request off was posted, and where Rosetta always keep the time sheet even if most of the hands worked the same shift each week.

"Well, the request sheet is over there along with the time sheet like normal so I would think each day you would look at it to see who was where so i don't have to remember to tell you everyday?"

Rosetta gives a small chuckle to show she wasnt to upset with Mick. He was always hot to start with, but Rosetta couldnt help but think he looked even better when he was a little upset. but she had though It was just easyer to write it all down for him to look. Between caring for BJ, work, and normal motherly dutys now

"I dont think you have stupid written all over your face today, only "Hi I am Mick, and Rosetta thinks I am hot when I am mad." How ever standing there and yelling at me, does make you looks stupid when I have no idea what on earth your talking about unless it has something to do with the fight you just had with Dan."

Rosetta looks to BJ who was coloring quietly in the corner before looking back to Mick again.

"BJ went to find you, but when he saw you arguing with Jade and Dan he came running back. Is everything ok?"


Jason returns the squeeze to Katie's hand. It was an odd feeling... but a good one. He couldn't feel her good emotions like she could his, but yet he knew they were there, intertwined within the unspoken language. It was a sharing of hearts... his emotions flowed to her, giving her more so she could give back again. Back and forth, seamlessly the emotions thrived, broken only when negative emotions were introduced to the flow. He wondered if they would ever be able to conquer it entirely, or if it would always be an untamed beast to be wrestled with.

His eyes meet hers and he realizes that he'd just shared all of that with her. The corner of his mouth crooks a little as he sits up and pulls her closer to him, kissing her forehead.

You don't have to thank me for anything. I'm glad I came... and I'd stay if I could. I'm looking forward to you being back home again too.

Mick grits his teeth against any more words that wanted to come. He felt like they were going in circles without anyone understanding what the other meant, just making the whole thing worse. He hadn't meant to talk down to Dan, and all he wanted to do later was make sure they straightened this whole mess out and get Dan to realize he was a respected ranch hand, while at the same time, a little reminder that Mick had the right to use whatever tone he wanted as boss couldn't hurt. But maybe things had been messed up too much for that now. How on earth had this started again?

Stepping back, he watches as Dan pulls away before groaning and tipping his hat back on his head. Looking up to the sky, he squints at the clouds. "It's days like these, I feel too old for this," he grumbles. So he'd been wrong... it hadn't been what he thought, then on top of it, Dan even had the rest of the day off without him having realized it, making him look even stupider.

Leaving the buckets where they were, Mick aims for the office. Getting inside, he's quick to find Rosetta at the desk. "Why didn't I know Dan had the rest of the day off?" He takes his hat off and slaps it down on the table with frustration. "Do I have stupid written all over my face today or what?"

As soon as he'd said it, he felt sorry. It was rare that he snapped at Rosetta, even rarer when it wasn't even her fault. Sinking down in a chair, he puts his elbows on the table to bury his face in his hands. "I'm sorry," he mumbles, his words muffled in his palms. He knew his wife would be totally clueless as to what had been going on outside. "When did things get so hard?"


"Than maybe you should watch your own tone when your talking to someone Mick. I never did anything wrong, and I dont know how you came to the conclusion you did but you could of come to be in a differnt way, with a different tone."

Dan hated how small he felt when he had done nothing wrong. Weather Mick was trying to find out what was going on with his daughter or not. Giving a shake of his head again Dan lets out a long sigh. What had he done to deserve this? He hadnt even done anything wrong.

"Thank you for giving me the rest of the day off, seeing as Rosetta had given it off to me already I planed on it anyways. As far as gaving a talk when I get back fine by me but I still didnt do anything wrong so I dont have anything to talk about."

Looking to Jade Dan's eyes held a look of hurt in them. He'd just tryed to do what was right and ended up some how getting in more trouble anyways. Putting the car into gear Dan start forward before anything else could be said. He was angry, he was frustrated and he was hurt He just had to get out of here for now.

Sitting down on the bed next to Jason Katie took his hand in her. It sucked they were parting again but Reese would only allow Jason so much time away but the good think about parting this time is they had there connection that made them feel close still.

"Tell him by the weeks end I will be back to work. I just want some more time to spend with my dad."

Giving Jason's hand a squeeze Katie gives him a big smile as she let her good emotions flow out to him.

Thank you for come J, and for everything else. I cant wait to be home and work side by side you again.

Wrong conclusion

Mick recoils slightly at Dan's tone and words. It takes him a moment to respond, his voice straining against his red-headed temper.

"Well, thank you for your answer, but first off, don't assume you know what I'd do if you'd been in trouble. Second, I have no idea why you think I'm treating you like a child or even disrespecting you. If I wanted to disrespect you, I wouldn't have called you on this. I've been accused of a lot of things, but rarely has it been for a lack of respect. I don't care if you're young enough to be my son - when you work here, I'll treat you like a man, whether I'm asking you to muck out a stall, or asking you to be honest about your relationship with my daughter."

Jade couldn't feel lower. She was mortified. She wanted the ground to swallow her up right then and there.

Mick is still looking Dan in the eye. "Now if you need fresh air, by all means, go get some. But when you come back, I think we need to have a little come to Jesus meeting, you and I."

"He didn't-"

Mick shoots a look in Jade's direction, warning her. "And if what he says is true, then you still need to tell me what's going on because I know dang well you're keeping something from me, and I'll be hanged if I'm going to be the brunt of secrecy."

Jade's eyes well up with tears, her anger not even tough enough to battle against the hurt. Spinning around, she starts quickly for the house.

Mick's eyes return to Dan. It was the righteous look of a father that shone in his stare. It wasn't an anger towards Dan, or even accusation. All he was trying to do was figure out what was bothering his daughter, help her, and keep her safe. He had drawn the wrong conclusion, apparently, and now didn't know what to think. Dan had just gotten in the way at the wrong time. "Don't worry about picking up the bill from the feedshop," he mentions. "You're taking the day off."

Jason zips up his duffel bag and sighs, looking around the bunkhouse. "Well... I think I got everything."

Flopping down on his back, on the bed, he looks over to Katie. "Reese will be happy to have me back by the morning... but he's gonna ask about you too. What do I tell him?"


Letting out a long sigh Dan continues back to the ranch. He didnt exspect Jade to understand, but maybe if she was mad at him this was the best way to make Mick not mad anymore. He could tell he was not happy to have him hanging around Jade and maybe he had good reason.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Jade, and this isnt about being on your side or not...its just..this is all I got right now, I need this, I am sorry."

Driving the rest of the way back Dan is quiet. He felt bad that Jade was mad at him, and he hated knowing that a friend he had just made now might be lost but if hadnt have braught her back than everything he said he learned and changed would of been a lie.

Letting Jade get out Dan was ready to pull off again once again making his way back into town but stops as Mick comes up once again. Listing to the two go back and forth Dan cringes. He hated seeing people fight and he couldnt help but feel a little responsible for this one weather it was or not.

Looking up as Mick comes over Dan cant help the color that comes to his face at the question. Now he did feel embarassed, and he felt a little aggravated himself now being accused of such a thing.

"If I was you would fire me anyways so I dont know what the point of telling me if I will lie you are going to fire me. Next I think its a little crazy you talk to me as if I am a child when I am not. I am your employee. I have dont nothing wrong I think a little respect on my part would be nice, frustrated or not."

Shaking his head Dan lets out another sigh. He wasnt a child, he had been through so much and he hated being talk to as if he was one but he had to remember he was talking with his boss and he needs to show some respect as well. Giving a shake of his head Dan lets out another sigh looking up at Mick again.

"Mick, I havent done anything with your daughter other than try to be her friend. She looked like something was bothering her today and needed some fresh air so I offered her a ride into town. Now we are back here again. If thats all you needed to do I'd like to go into town myself because I need some fresh air of my own."

Is there?

Jade looks quickly to Dan, not having thought he would take her back. Her jaw tightens as an irritation builds, heat rising to her face. "I guess nobody's on my side anymore. Maybe Grandma was right... I don't belong here."

Folding her arms, she takes up staring out the window again until the ranch comes into view once more. Why had she even come?

Taken back to the line of bunkhouses, Jade barely waits for the truck to stop before unbuckling and sliding out to the ground. She knew she wasn't treating Dan very well, but he'd been her one chance to get away, and now she didn't even have that. She keeps herself from throwing him a glare though - that might be too much.

Mick is carrying a couple buckets to the barn and stops, looking curiously at the truck just a few feet away. "Jade?"

She doesn't take time to shut the door before she turns to toss him an angry look. "I see you train your ranch hands well."

Mick lifts his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Neither one of you want me to go with him now. Apparently there's something wrong with me."

"There's not, but I'm glad Dan had the brains to bring you back," Mick retorts. "I think you and I need to have a talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is! You just deliberately disobeyed me, while still refusing to explain to me what's been going on."

"Nothing has been going on!"

"Then what's the problem?!"


Mick had had enough. If Jade wouldn't talk to him, he'd go to the source of his conclusions and this time be more blunt. Setting his buckets down, he takes several strides to the open truck. His expression was one of sheer irritation and frustration. "Dan, I want a straight answer and I want it now. You lie and you're out." He looks the younger man square in the eye. "Is there anything inappropriate going on between you and my daughter?"

I like that

Letting out a long sigh Dan stops the truck by the side of the road. They wernt farm from the ranch by now only 10 or 15 minutes out. Looking over are her Dan gives a small smile and reachs over to give her a pat on the hand.

"Last night, trust me I wasn't embarrassed. As for getting carried away, you were fine. I've been around worse, and I have handled worse. Don't worry about it ok?"

Letting out another sigh Dan starts the truck forward again but turns it around slowly. It would of been nice to have someone in town with him. Someone to talk to but not this way.

"We have to go back Jade. I'm sorry but If you dad said you couldnt come than I have to take you back. I can't risk my job. Its all I have. I am sure you dad has a good reason for you not coming with me, and I dont blame him. I'm sorry Jade."

Just waiting on the couch Thirteen picks at a hole in her pants as she waits for Ryder to come back. Finally as he returns she looks up at him her eyes holding a tired stair. Scooting closer Thirteen puts hear in his lap and closes her eyes. Ryder's words seemed to warm her and bring a small smile to her lips.

"You'll protect me...I...like that. I like being your girl. I dont want you to go away eather."

Feeling comfortable and relaxed Thirteen soon falls into a light sleep her body tired from everything that had happend in the day. Some sleep would help and when she woke maybe everything would be ok again.


Ryder's shoulders drop, the humor leaving the atmosphere. Looking at Thirteen, he saw the fear behind her eyes and it hurt. Today had been a lousy day and most of it had been his own fault. They were one step away from being right back at square one.

"I..." He stops, looking down at himself. He was still a mess. "Hang on... just... wait for me."

Heading upstairs two steps at a time, it takes him five minutes to be cleaned up and having clean clothes on, his muddy ones waiting to be washed.

Coming back into the living room, he pads across the carpet in his bare feet, coming around to sit on the couch with Thirteen. Reaching to the small end table, he deletes Reese's message. Sitting quietly for a moment, he the reaches over to tuck Thirteen's hair behind her ear. "I don't know about you, but I'm beat," he mentions softly. "Come here."

Scooting down until he was lying with the armrest as his pillow, he pulls Thirteen down to curl up with him, wrapping his strong arms around her. He would deal with Reese in his own time. "You're not going back to that room," he whispers. "And nobody is gonna send you away. Nobody takes my girl away from me."

Jade leans her head against the window, her tears finally stopped. It takes her several long moments to answer Dan though. There were so many things running through her mind. What was her dad supposed to think? She was hiding something from him. He'd just come to the wrong conclusion. "No... no he wasn't." She sighs deeply. "I've made a mess of everything."

Staring at the passing scenery, her stomach churns. Her dad's words echo in her mind. "Dan... I'm sorry if I got carried away last night." She wasn't normally like that, was she? She'd just wanted so bad to forget everything else, that maybe she'd been too bold. "If I embarrassed you, I'm sorry."


Send me Back

Sinking down on the couch Thirteen leans her head back closing her eyes. Her head was throbbing, and she felt so tired yet it was still the middle of the day. It was such a strange feeling.

Hearing Reese's voice boom through the living room Thirteen cant help but jump not expecting it, and not hearing him upset like that in a long time. She was already on edge today and now this seemed to just add now.

Looking at the TV and than to Ryder Thirteen's eyes hold many questions as what happend at the Zoo slowly slips away and for the time being she forget her worry of that.

"Does this mean we dont have to hide anymore? Why did Reese sound so upset? Will he try and make me stay in that room again? He's not going to send me away again is he?"

Trying not to pay to much mind to what was going on with Jade and Mick he cant help but keep his eye on the mirror and watch what was going on. Neather of them looked happy and Dan wasn't sure why.

Once Jade is in the truck and buckled up Dan gives her a side long glance. Feeling a little strange it felt like something was really wrong. Putting the car into drive Dan moves forward slowly He didnt want to pry but he didnt like this feeling eather.

"Jade...is everything ok? Was your dad ok with you coming along?"

Just drive

"Forget it!"

"Jade, don't you-"

"I'll be back later."

"Jade, get back here this instant!"

Jade continues her stomp towards Dan's truck, ignoring her father's tone of warning. Getting to the truck, she yanks open the door and slips inside, shutting the door just a little hard. Grabbing the seatbelt, she leans forward, trying to hide her tears. "Just drive," she mumbles.

Mick slams a fist into the doorframe of the barn. "Gah!" Knowing some of his brothers were around, he bites his lip and tries to return to work without making any more of a scene.

"Yeah, okay." Though a bit of disappointment shows in Ryder's eyes, he manages a smile. "I'm sorry." He squeezes her hand. "Let's go home. I better get myself cleaned up anyway." He stuffs the business card in his back pocket and leads the way back to the car.

It's a quiet ride, but once they get back to the house, the answering machine has caught a call, and Reese's voice is echoing through the living room. "...er you better have a good explanation, 'cause I do not like what I just saw on the television. I want you in my office because we need to talk." Click.

Ryder's eyes are wide and he goes right for the remote. Plastered on the screen is a news reporter with pictures from the earlier fiasco at the zoo. However, it wasn't the crocodile that was being broadcast at the moment. Rather, it was a humorous angle to a girlfriend getting scared by her boyfriend's stupid stunts.

"Well..." Ryder clears his throat as he sees a picture of him and Thirteen hugging. "I guess the jig's up." He turns to look at Thirteen. He had no idea if he'd be an Elite agent an hour from now.

Maybe Tomorrow

Getting into his truck Dan leans over and turns the radio on trying to find a good channel that would come in on the radio. The truck was old and could use a new sound system so it took a little playing around with.

Glancing out the back window and not seeing Jade return yet Dan continues to play with the radio. I was going to feel strange driving with a woman in the car again but he had learned so much in the time that had past. Now it was time to rebuild, and it was time to start again taking what he learned and living up to it.

Looking up again He can see Jade exiting the barn still talking with Mick though they looked like maybe they were yelling Dan cringed just a little. He hope he hasnt caused the fight saying it was ok for Jade to come with him. Just waiting he new one way or the other Jade would come and let him know if she could go or not.

Listing to Ryder and the manage of the Zoo talk Thirteen is quiet as she keeps her eyes to the ground only looking up a few times. Ryder could work here? Would he always be in danger with the animles? Thirteen new with TJY he was in danger as well but this seemed differnt. Everything would change and where....did she fall into it all?

Finally as they are done talking Thirteen slips her hand into his and looks up at him. Her head hurt, she had, had enough excitement for one day.

"I dont feel good, I think I just want to go home. Maybe tomorrow we can come back?"

You sure?

Ryder's shoulders drop just a little bit. They'd had a setback today and it was his own fault. He'd been careless, and now Thirteen would be scared of him in danger any other time. He swallows his pride though, and nods. "Okay." He wanted to keep her there a little longer... try to walk her around and show her the zoo wasn't a bad place. There were many happy animals here. He wanted to explain that if they released them, most wouldn't know how to survive. He wanted to show her the tiger cubs he'd seen the sign for on their way in. Personally, he wanted to walk around himself and check out the rest of the zoo. But it was his own fault she wasn't ready for that today.

"Come on." Putting an arm around her shoulder, he aims for the path that led back to the entrance. Halfway there, a man steps in their way, stopping them abruptly.

"Excuse me."

Ryder pulls Thirteen to a halt with him. "Yes?"

"You're the man that helped with the crocodile?"

Ryder quirks an eyebrow. He was half caked in mud - what else would he have been doing? "Yeah."

"Here." The man offers him a business card. "I'm the head manager here. I just fired our chief reptile caretaker. You want the job, it's yours."

Ryder's eyes widen as he look at the card, then back at the man. "Well, I-"

"Call me sometime this week. If I don't hear from you by Saturday, I'll find someone else. But we could really use someone like you. The pay's not bad either." The man nods at them both before turning to head back to the office building.

Ryder moves forward slowly, one arm still around Thirteen, his other hand holding the car. "That was... interesting." A lump rose in his throat. He was an Elite agent. How could he give that up to work at a zoo? At the same time though, what good had he been doing at TJY since he'd come to the States?

He stops near the exit gates. "You sure you don't wanna look around?"

“Hey, Dad…”

Mick wanders down the aisle, taking off his leather gloves. “Hey, Babe. What’s up?”

Jade musters up another smile. “Just wanted to let you know that I was gonna hitch a ride with Dan to town. Be back in a while.”

“Wai…uh…” Mick holds up his hand. “He… needs help?”


“You need something in town?”

“Not really.” Jade shrugs. “Just… want to get out.”

“I got a couple horses that could use the exercise.”

“Not that kind of “out,” Dad. I’ll be back later, okay?”

“Um… no.” Mick shakes his head. “I’d rather you didn’t go with him.”

Jade stops from going back outside. “What?”

“I said I’d rather you didn’t hitch a ride with Dan.”

“Why not?”

“Because I said so.” Mick plays the father card. “Look, just trust me, alright? You need to go somewhere, you can take a horse, or I’ll even let you borrow the car. Just say so.”

“Dad!” Jade throws up her arms. “What is your problem?”

“I don’t need to explain myself.” Mick eyes his daughter as he aims for the open barn door, not realizing that Dan is anywhere close. “I have my reasons and that’s all you need to know.”

Jade grits her teeth, crossing her arms. “What, is this about last night or something? You don’t like it that we had a good time? Jealous? Over-protective? What is it?”

“I heard you did have a good time,” Mick retorts. “Which is more than I got out of you.”

Jade frowns. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Look, your behavior could have been a little more conservative last night, that’s all. I don’t think you should be flaunting yourself at Dan at every opportunity.”

“Flaunting?!” Jade’s eyes widen. “What were you doing? Spying? Who did you send to check up on us?!”

“No.” Mick sighs with frustration as he stops right at the barn entrance, trying not to become too agitated. “I just don’t understand, Jade. Did something happen last night that you don’t want to talk about? Is there some reason you want to get all cozy with Dan all of a sudden?”

Jade’s face turns at least three shades of red. Her voice comes out in a low hiss. “I cannot believe what you are insinuating. I was perfectly behaved last night, and if you think that anything other than some friendly conversation went on last night, you should be ashamed of yourself because you obviously don’t trust me, or the others who were there too.”

“All I heard is that you were the biggest flirt at the alley,” Mick retorts in exasperation.

Jade’s jaw drops. “Wha… who… who told you that?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes it does!” Jade’s eyes flicker with anger as he recalls some of the scenes from last night. “It was Jason, wasn’t it? You purposely had him keep an eye on me, didn’t you? Like a little snitch, you had him watch me, then report to Daddy when we got home, is that it?”

Mick’s temper is nearing its limit and his jaw muscles work back and forth. “Apparently you needed to be watched.” He hadn’t been happy to hear that she’d been a royal flirt, and he swings the conversation back around. “As for today, the answer is still no. You need to go to town, go. But not with Dan.”

“I’m eighteen years old!” Jade raises her voice. “I’m not a little girl anymore and you can’t just order me around!”

“You’re here? At this ranch? It’s my word that goes,” Mick reminds sternly. “Now if there’s anything else you’d like to tell me that you’ve been hiding, now would be a good time.”

“Else? Else?!” Jade doesn’t realize she’s almost standing outside now. “First you accuse me of doing who knows what, now you think there’s more?”

“I know when you’re keeping something from me, Jade! I’m your father. If you’re not going to tell me, I’ll find out the hard way, but I don’t think you want that.”

Jade can feel the lump rising in her throat. “It’s none of your concern.”

“It is, if it has to do with you and an employee of mine, it does.”

“Are you out of your mind?!”

“Then tell me what’s going on!”

“So I flirted! So what?!” A tear rolls down Jade’s face. “Who are you to judge, huh? You don’t know half of what my life is like, so don’t stand there and pretend you know all the ins and outs of what your little girl needs. You’ve got some freakish idea that I’m going behind your back with your ranch hand and I don’t even know why.”

“Do you deny it?!”



Looking up at Ryder she saw he was ok, but it didnt stop the fear she had inside. Being pulled into Ryder's hug Thirteen feels a little bit of comfort in his arms but her heart still raced and she still felt a little shaky.

"I'm not mad at you. I am just upset in general with this whole thing."

It was true, she was upset with the zoo, she was upset with herself for not being stronger, she was upset with Ryder but not mad. Everything had just been piled into one and that made it worse.

"Next time?? Does there have to be a next time, I..."

Thirteen cuts her words off before she says them. It wasnt always about her and with this situation it wasnt eather. If she said what she wanted than she would sound selfish and she didn't want that.

"Can we go now please?"

Next time

Ryder's eyes widen as he gets hit in the arm, and his initial reaction is to recoil in irritation. But then he sees Thirteen's tears. Hearing her wavering voice, he suddenly realizes what he'd just done. And he feels terrible. "Aw, Thirteen."

He hangs his head, closing his eyes for a moment before looking back up at her. He hadn't been thinking. He thought she'd be okay at the back of the crowd, and to him, fooling with the crocodile wasn't anything to get excited over. But he often forgot that to other people, it was scary.

Reaching out, he pulls her into a hug instead of chiding her. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I wasn't thinking." Pulling back, he ducks to see her eyes, wiping away some of her tears with his thumb. "I'm okay, see? It's nothing to be scared of... remember all those stories I told you about me and crocodiles? This is just another one of those." He tries to get her to smile. "C'mon, ay? Don't be mad at me. Next time I won't leave you with a mob, k?"


Giving a chuckle at Scott's comment Dalton falls quiet for a long moment as he works on the program some more the music in the background providing the best mood. Finally though taking a swig of MD and than standing to streach Dalton pases the floor. He needed to stretch his long legs after being cramped up for so long.

"Mmmmm...Mexican, I havnt had that in a while. I dont see a problem in my end but when I see Dani later tonight I'll run it by her just to make sure she had nothing planed and than I will let you know tomorrow morning if thats not to late?"

Things had been going pretty smooth with Dani and Dalton. He still had some wrinkles to iron out but with Dani's pashents and Scott's tips here and there he was learning.

Looking over at his younger friend Dalton's lips turn up in a small smile that was gone as quick as it had come. It was nice having Scott back and they got along so well. Dalton hadn't had that close friendship in so long it felt nice to have someone else there. To see him getting healthy again, and smile it was nice.

Looking down at Jade Dan thinks for a long moment contemplating his options. It couldn't hurt to have her along and it wasn't that far into town.

"Yeah sure you can, just one thing I ask dont be a passenger seat driver."

Giving Jade a small wink and offering his hand to her to help her up Dan gives a small nod to his truck.

"If you wanna run and tell your dad you are going to head into town with me he is inside the barn. I can wait in the truck for you!"

Dan's drawl didnt always come out but in certin times, like when he was trying to be a gentility it shone bright and strong. One of his best trates.

Standing where Ryder told her to stand Thirteen felt nervous and confused as well. So many people were around it was hard to see anything but infront of her almost like a closed box that she was trapped in. Why was Ryder leaving her and going twords that Croc? Why wasn't he letting her come, and making her stand alone in a place she didn't know with people she didnt know. It was almost suffocating.

Continuing to watch Thirteen cant help the beating of her heart that pound faster and faster echoing in her ears. Watching Ryder her eyes grow big as she holds a gasp, tears roll from her eyes as a gear takes hold of her watching the Croc lunge for Ryder and bearly miss him. Gasps keep coming from her mouth, and little shreeks from her as well but the crowd around her drowns her out.

Finally as Ryder gets the Croc tyed up and starts talking to the keeper Thirteen pushes her way through the people and to the back of the crowd. She had to get air, everything was spinning as the tears still fell from her eyes and this fear still had a hold of her.

Looking up and seeing Ryder coming twords her again a muddy mess she dosnt not smile as her eyes are red, and her cheeks streaked with tears. Everything inside of her was screaming and this place that could of been filled with wonder turned into a place that this one person didnt like.

Continuing to look at Ryder Thirteen can feel the tears from even more in her eyes as she thinks of what the possibility that could of happened. Forming her fist into a ball Thirteen cant help her emotions that she didnt know what to do with and reaching out she gives a punch to Ryder's arm her voice giving a weaver.

"Why did you do that? You left me in a place I didnt know, with people I didnt know, and than you made me so scaired because I could of lost you...."

Thirteen looks up at Ryder, she didnt know how to express how she felt, it was a fear differnt from the other times she had felt. This time it was a fear that someone she cared about could of died, she could be left alone for good with the pain of loss.

"...I want to go home please. I dont like it here."


After I clean up

"Nah, it's safe," Ryder assures, giving Thirteen's shoulder a pat. Yes, there were a lot of people, but it wasn't like a mob - the most dangerous thing here was the loose croc, and all it wanted was to get away from the people, not attack them.

"Come on," he prompts. "What fun is an adventure if you know the outcome?"

Continuing to lead, Ryder finally stops at the edge of the crowd. He can see over heads and shoulders to where the crocodile was somewhere in the brush on a muddy bank of a pond that wasn't normally housing animals.

Ryder sees there is no way to get through the barrier of zoo personnel, reporters and gawkers, but he spies an opening around the other side of a building. He gives a quick look to Thirteen. "Stay here, alright? I'll be right back, I promise." He didn't think he needed to explain what he was going to do, so with that, he slips away.

Sidling around behind the crowd, he comes out between two buildings at a perfect angle to see the crocodile hiding in the swampy edge of the pond. A zoo keeper with a rifle stood nearby, trying to get a good shot if need be. Ryder had heard that they had no tranquilizers at this time, and it would be several hours, so they were doing all they could without it. Unfortunately, everyone was just making the situation worse, and the croc had no intention of going into the cage they had prepared.

Ignoring the other people, Ryder heads towards the crocodile.

"Hey! Get out of here!" A uniformed man approaches, angry at the intrusion.

Ryder doesn't let if faze him. "Steady, mate. You want this big boy out of here, give me your belt."

The man frowns, confused. "Look, I don't know who you think you are, but-"

"You want him out without shooting him and having your zoo on prime time for cruelty?"

The man hesitates. "Who are you?"

"I've done this before," Ryder assures. "Just give me your belt and that rag you got in your pocket."

Maybe it was his accent that convinced the guy, or maybe desperation. But something told him that Ryder wasn't just some common man with no brain from the crowd. He takes off his leather belt and hands it to Ryder with the rag. "What are you gonna do?"

"Tell him to hold still so you can get him in his cage." Ryder explains no more, and slowly moves towards the animal. The crocodile isn't happy, and he hisses at the newcomer, showing his mouthful of razor teeth.

Ryder advances anyway. He swings wide, making eye contact with the reptile. "Yeah, you're a feisty one, aren't ya?" The croc lunges and Ryder spins out of the way, not even hearing the nearby gasps. He concentrates on the eyes and unravels the belt, stepping closer again.

His next move is so quick, it seems to all happen at once. It's Ryder's turn to lunge, his legs barely missing the teeth before he's thrown himself on the crocodile's back. The croc writhes and spins, trying to throw Ryder, as mud flies. But Ryder's hands are skilled, and in an instant, the belt is around the beast's snout, clamping the mighty jaw shut. The croc tries to roll, but Ryder muscles his head steady before covering the wild eyes with the rag.

Breathing heavily, he looks over to the zoo keepers. "Well get over here with the duct tape!" He orders. "This leather isn't gonna last all day!"

The others are fast to help, now that Ryder had a handle on the situation. The crocodile's mouth is taped shut, and with a bit of pressured prompting, the animal is finally encouraged into the waiting cage. The crowd cheers and claps, the reporters wanting to get a close-up of this "mysterious stranger" who had "saved the day."

Ryder wants no part of it though, and backs off, his whole right side caked with mud. "Just get him back with the others as quickly as you can," he tells one of the zoo keepers. "And make sure you get that tape off before he's loose."

With the excitement beginning to die a little, zoo personnel tries to break up the crowd, sending them on their way, along with the media. Ryder sets his hands on his hips and sighs, looking in at he growling crocodile, then back up to the people, finally spotting Thirteen. He was half muddy, but maybe she wanted to walk around the zoo now anyway. She might enjoy seeing some of the more cuddly animals.

Leaving the zoo keepers be, he slips away, trying to go unnoticed until he's swung over a short fence and is coming back to Thirteen. He grins. "It was muddier down there than I thought," he admits wryly. "But now that that's over..." He perks up. "We could take a look around if you want... see some cute tiger cubs? Um... after I clean up, that is."

Jade looks up to Dan and can't help a little smile. "I keep thinking if I sit here long enough, maybe when I stand up again, all my problems will go away."

She sighs. Hearing his offer, she lifts her eyebrows. "You wouldn't... mind me tagging along, would you?"

Scott catches the jerky and grins as he opens it. "I couldn't help it... it was just too good to pass up. I don't think I should try it again though... I really don't want to die yet."

Looking at the computer screen, he chews a piece of jerky thoughtfully, listening to the classical music playing. "Mmm - you're further along than I thought you'd be. One of these days I'll stump ya..." He knows he probably won't be able to. The two had been going at it long enough now that both knew that they both were good enough to keep this up forever. But it was fun anyway.

"Oh, I was supposed to ask you if you and Dani wanted to go out to the Mexican restaurant tomorrow night with Hope and me."


Not even looking up from the computer Dalton lifts his hand up to catch the air born can of pop, flicking the tab up with just one finger to open it. A small smile spread across his face, as he could tell what happend just from the sound of Susanne's shriek down the hall.

"It's coming, slowly but it's coming. How you come up with these programs to try and stump me is far beyond anything I can understand but I'll figure this one out sooner or later like I have with the others. Just might take me a little bit."

Stairing at the screen Dalton takes a long sip of the cold drink typing a few commands into the computer, than writing a few more down on a pad of paper before deleting some things on the computer and writing some more.

Over the last few days they hadnt been to busy and to pass the time they had both been working on trying to stumb the other. They took turns and though the time between became longer and longer nether had been stumped yet.

"You know, this has some good to it besides pass the time. These programs are good, and one day we might be able to put them to use who knows."

Dalton gives a little shrug as he reaches into the draw of his desk still not taking his eyes off the computer screen. Pulling to individually wrapped packs of beef jerky out her puts one on his own desk and throws the other to Scott.

"Got Susanne good again eh?"

Giving another smile Sapphire turns and leans against the counter crossing her arms over her chest and looking at Gage. He'd been doing so good the last few weeks and really pulled himself out of the slump of depression. She had been so proud of him, and happy that he really was trying to put his life back together. There still was much to work on, but it was coming and there was no reason to rush any of it.

"Everyone deserves to have a friend. No matter what they have done, or what they will do friendship is important and everyone should have one."

Turning again and taking the box from the counter Sapphire breaks it down to take out to the trash. Giving a smile to Gage she was happy to help, even if once she was gone he changed everything around again it was nice to help just the same.

"Your welcome, alright we have a full day a head of us, the supermarket, maybe we will stop by Kmart or Walmart and pick up a few things you might need there and we are off again. This is your day Gage so where ever you want to go, and whatever you want to buy you just let me know."

Entering the Zoo Thirteen felt a little nervouse, this place was so big, and there were so many animles that looked back her. Being up close was cool, and see somethings she never would of before was really differnt but still they looked sad in there own way. Though she tryed to remember what Ryder had said there was still a part of her that hurt for the animals.

Continuing to follow Ryder Thirteen says nothing on it knowing that maybe, just maybe it was only her that felt this way because of what she had been though and she didnt truly understand this world with the zoo.

"What are we gonna do? There is alot of people over there I dont think its very safe."

Finishing up his chores Dan takes his gloves off and puts them on top of the shelf that he kept most of his working items. Bushing his hat back just a little he lets out a long sigh before stepping outside the bar.

Seeing the familure figure on the bail of hay Dan cocks his head just a little. Something looked wrong with Jade again and though he didnt want to pry he hated seeing anyone upset.

"Hey there. I am starting to think you live on the bail of hey."

Giving a chuckle of his own stupid humor Dan looks up and across the yard. Maybe Jade would like to get away again, he was going into town and maybe she would like to ride along but than again that alone made him nervous just a little. His last expeance in a car with a woman was not a good one.

"I am heading into town did you need anything you want me to pick up?"


Scary Eye

"Yeah... okay..." Mick watches Dan go his own way, then gives a little sigh. The man seemed innocent enough... maybe Mick was barking up the wrong tree. Trying to shrug it off, he goes about continuing the chores.

Jade wanders down the driveway, having been walking for the last twenty minutes. It was a little chilly today, and she was glad she'd chosen to put on a jacket. Her mood though, matched the gray sky. Last night, she'd been able to forget and and get away from her worries for a while. Then after her mother's call this morning, it all got flushed down the toilet. But now it was even worse. She and her brother didn't get along all that great, but knowing he was missing... it was scary nonetheless, and she did worry about him. Worse yet, she couldn't even talk to anyone about it, lest her father find out, which was exactly what her mother didn't want.

Her head hurt. She was going in circles and just needed a break. Finding the familiar straw bale outside the barn, she flops down, having dubbed it her thinking spot several days ago. She could hear some of the others moving around inside the barn, but she opted not to approach anyone yet. She just needed to think.

Ryder was only half-listening to Thirteen, but as she joins him, her solemn expression surprises him a little. He question catches him off guard and he has to think for a moment. Eventually he shrugs. "Animals are a lot different than people, Thirteen. I'm not saying I agree with every time an animal is caged up, but most zoos and stuff keep pretty good care of the animals."

He takes another bite of his cereal, only part of his concentration still on the television. "Now I don't put up with abuse, but... you could say it's mean of Laura to have a cat too... or Jamie - she's got a big snake. I don't think it's mean as long as the animal is kept happy and healthy."

He looks a little gentler at Thirteen. "You weren't just caged up." He taps her chin with a bent finger. "They stole life from you. And that's unacceptable."

"The crocodile has apparently made it to the outskirts of the zoo. Zoo keepers are directing people away from this area of the zoo as they continue to try and bring the animal back to..."

Ryder rolls his eyes as he looks back to the tv. "Then you have these idiots who just confuse the animals more by not knowing what they're doing. You'd think if they keep crocs, they'd have brains enough to handle them."

Sighing, he shakes his head before going to put his bowl down in the sink. "I can't watch that anymore." It would only take ten minutes to get to the zoo if he took the back road. He grabs his keys and aims for the door. "Somebody's gonna get hurt, and I don't want them shooting that poor animal."

Stopping at the door though, he turns to look at Thirteen again. His smile was softer than his tone had been. She had come a long way, but there was still a long way yet to go. Getting her out among people and new places without incident made it a good day. "Come on... Let's go have a new adventure, ay?"

Waiting for her only takes a few minutes, and soon, they're heading down the back streets, Ryder behind the wheel of the used car he'd picked up a couple weeks prior. He gives Thirteen a sidelong glance, grinning. "And I thought it was going to be a boring day."

In fifteen minutes, they were parking in the zoo lot. Though open, it was a quiet day this time of the year, and there were few people to be seen - most were at the other end, gawking at what was happening with the crocodile, or being pushed back by zoo personnel. Ryder goes ahead and pays entrance for him and Thirteen, then wanders in the direction of the commotion. There were trees throughout the zoo and long buildings with signs that indicated what was inside. Arrows pointed to elephants, tigers and seals. They had to pass by the tall fences where beyond, giraffes looked at them curiously as they chewed their leaves and grass.

Ryder leads the way, not thinking a whole lot about the animals - he'd been to zoos before. Not this one, but it wasn't anything that was exciting enough to break his concentration as he headed for where the crocodile was.

Gage joins Sapphire in the tiny kitchen, not really sure why he was so awkward. He'd done so much... but it was the everyday tasks he just wasn't familiar with.

"Um... I should be okay for breakfast." He looks at her a little sheepishly. During the last couple weeks, he'd pulled out of his depression, but he was still very quiet, almost timid. Here was as man who had tortured... killed... did so many bad things to people and assisted in the unthinkable. Yet now, he felt as if he were a child. This was a whole new way of life. Though he had the common sense to make it through, and though he had enough logic to survive in society, it was still new... still strange.

Sapphire's offer to help him shop makes him lift his eyebrows. Even while living at TJY, everything had been provided. He'd ridden along with other guys as they'd run errands and bought supplies. But he'd never shopped for himself before. He was used to being in public, but not for that reason... not living.

"Yeah... yeah that would be nice. Um... thanks." A wry grin surfaced. Smiles were still rare, but slowly, they were becoming more frequent. Sapphire was helping him find the things in life that made it worth it.

He looks around the apartment again. It felt a little bit like where he used to live, but it had never been on his own. He had thought he was experiencing so much back with the Agency, but it wasn't even scratching the surface.

He can't help the words again. "Thank you... not just for shopping but... well, for everything. I know I don't deserve friends so... I like it that you've stuck with me."

Susanne goes about her paperwork, busily trying to prepare files for Reese. She had been deep in concentration for a while now, enveloped in her work.

Swiveling in her chair, she reads another line of the pages she was holding before rising slowly, and finally looking to the doorway where she was headed.

Half a face and one gray, lifeless eye stared back at her, the figure hidden around the corner.

Susanne shrieks and her papers go flying in every direction, scattering across the floor. Stumbling backward into her desk, her heart just about pounds from her chest. The freaky eye had disappeared, but now she could hear Scott's muffled laughter.

"Scott Johnson!" Susanne stalks from her office and around the corner to find Scott red in the face from laughing. "You... you... you.....!" She whacks him on the arm several times before being able to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Scott gasps for breath. "I couldn't help it..." Pausing to breathe, he looks at her, trying not to laugh any more. "I wish I could have seen the look on your face though."

Realizing that he couldn't even see her when she jumps, Susanne starts to chuckle. "And it's just as well, you turkey. Now I have to clean up this mess."

"I'll help."

"Don't bother. But you do that again, I'm gonna sock your other eye and you won't be able to see at all for a week."

Still grinning, Scott makes it back to his own office with the can of Mountain Dew he'd originally been after before deciding to tease Susanne with his "scary eye" as she called it. Flopping down in his chair, he looks over to Dalton, tossing him a second can of pop. "How's the system coming?"