

Looking up at Ryder she saw he was ok, but it didnt stop the fear she had inside. Being pulled into Ryder's hug Thirteen feels a little bit of comfort in his arms but her heart still raced and she still felt a little shaky.

"I'm not mad at you. I am just upset in general with this whole thing."

It was true, she was upset with the zoo, she was upset with herself for not being stronger, she was upset with Ryder but not mad. Everything had just been piled into one and that made it worse.

"Next time?? Does there have to be a next time, I..."

Thirteen cuts her words off before she says them. It wasnt always about her and with this situation it wasnt eather. If she said what she wanted than she would sound selfish and she didn't want that.

"Can we go now please?"

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