

Giving a chuckle at Scott's comment Dalton falls quiet for a long moment as he works on the program some more the music in the background providing the best mood. Finally though taking a swig of MD and than standing to streach Dalton pases the floor. He needed to stretch his long legs after being cramped up for so long.

"Mmmmm...Mexican, I havnt had that in a while. I dont see a problem in my end but when I see Dani later tonight I'll run it by her just to make sure she had nothing planed and than I will let you know tomorrow morning if thats not to late?"

Things had been going pretty smooth with Dani and Dalton. He still had some wrinkles to iron out but with Dani's pashents and Scott's tips here and there he was learning.

Looking over at his younger friend Dalton's lips turn up in a small smile that was gone as quick as it had come. It was nice having Scott back and they got along so well. Dalton hadn't had that close friendship in so long it felt nice to have someone else there. To see him getting healthy again, and smile it was nice.

Looking down at Jade Dan thinks for a long moment contemplating his options. It couldn't hurt to have her along and it wasn't that far into town.

"Yeah sure you can, just one thing I ask dont be a passenger seat driver."

Giving Jade a small wink and offering his hand to her to help her up Dan gives a small nod to his truck.

"If you wanna run and tell your dad you are going to head into town with me he is inside the barn. I can wait in the truck for you!"

Dan's drawl didnt always come out but in certin times, like when he was trying to be a gentility it shone bright and strong. One of his best trates.

Standing where Ryder told her to stand Thirteen felt nervous and confused as well. So many people were around it was hard to see anything but infront of her almost like a closed box that she was trapped in. Why was Ryder leaving her and going twords that Croc? Why wasn't he letting her come, and making her stand alone in a place she didn't know with people she didnt know. It was almost suffocating.

Continuing to watch Thirteen cant help the beating of her heart that pound faster and faster echoing in her ears. Watching Ryder her eyes grow big as she holds a gasp, tears roll from her eyes as a gear takes hold of her watching the Croc lunge for Ryder and bearly miss him. Gasps keep coming from her mouth, and little shreeks from her as well but the crowd around her drowns her out.

Finally as Ryder gets the Croc tyed up and starts talking to the keeper Thirteen pushes her way through the people and to the back of the crowd. She had to get air, everything was spinning as the tears still fell from her eyes and this fear still had a hold of her.

Looking up and seeing Ryder coming twords her again a muddy mess she dosnt not smile as her eyes are red, and her cheeks streaked with tears. Everything inside of her was screaming and this place that could of been filled with wonder turned into a place that this one person didnt like.

Continuing to look at Ryder Thirteen can feel the tears from even more in her eyes as she thinks of what the possibility that could of happened. Forming her fist into a ball Thirteen cant help her emotions that she didnt know what to do with and reaching out she gives a punch to Ryder's arm her voice giving a weaver.

"Why did you do that? You left me in a place I didnt know, with people I didnt know, and than you made me so scaired because I could of lost you...."

Thirteen looks up at Ryder, she didnt know how to express how she felt, it was a fear differnt from the other times she had felt. This time it was a fear that someone she cared about could of died, she could be left alone for good with the pain of loss.

"...I want to go home please. I dont like it here."

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