
After I clean up

"Nah, it's safe," Ryder assures, giving Thirteen's shoulder a pat. Yes, there were a lot of people, but it wasn't like a mob - the most dangerous thing here was the loose croc, and all it wanted was to get away from the people, not attack them.

"Come on," he prompts. "What fun is an adventure if you know the outcome?"

Continuing to lead, Ryder finally stops at the edge of the crowd. He can see over heads and shoulders to where the crocodile was somewhere in the brush on a muddy bank of a pond that wasn't normally housing animals.

Ryder sees there is no way to get through the barrier of zoo personnel, reporters and gawkers, but he spies an opening around the other side of a building. He gives a quick look to Thirteen. "Stay here, alright? I'll be right back, I promise." He didn't think he needed to explain what he was going to do, so with that, he slips away.

Sidling around behind the crowd, he comes out between two buildings at a perfect angle to see the crocodile hiding in the swampy edge of the pond. A zoo keeper with a rifle stood nearby, trying to get a good shot if need be. Ryder had heard that they had no tranquilizers at this time, and it would be several hours, so they were doing all they could without it. Unfortunately, everyone was just making the situation worse, and the croc had no intention of going into the cage they had prepared.

Ignoring the other people, Ryder heads towards the crocodile.

"Hey! Get out of here!" A uniformed man approaches, angry at the intrusion.

Ryder doesn't let if faze him. "Steady, mate. You want this big boy out of here, give me your belt."

The man frowns, confused. "Look, I don't know who you think you are, but-"

"You want him out without shooting him and having your zoo on prime time for cruelty?"

The man hesitates. "Who are you?"

"I've done this before," Ryder assures. "Just give me your belt and that rag you got in your pocket."

Maybe it was his accent that convinced the guy, or maybe desperation. But something told him that Ryder wasn't just some common man with no brain from the crowd. He takes off his leather belt and hands it to Ryder with the rag. "What are you gonna do?"

"Tell him to hold still so you can get him in his cage." Ryder explains no more, and slowly moves towards the animal. The crocodile isn't happy, and he hisses at the newcomer, showing his mouthful of razor teeth.

Ryder advances anyway. He swings wide, making eye contact with the reptile. "Yeah, you're a feisty one, aren't ya?" The croc lunges and Ryder spins out of the way, not even hearing the nearby gasps. He concentrates on the eyes and unravels the belt, stepping closer again.

His next move is so quick, it seems to all happen at once. It's Ryder's turn to lunge, his legs barely missing the teeth before he's thrown himself on the crocodile's back. The croc writhes and spins, trying to throw Ryder, as mud flies. But Ryder's hands are skilled, and in an instant, the belt is around the beast's snout, clamping the mighty jaw shut. The croc tries to roll, but Ryder muscles his head steady before covering the wild eyes with the rag.

Breathing heavily, he looks over to the zoo keepers. "Well get over here with the duct tape!" He orders. "This leather isn't gonna last all day!"

The others are fast to help, now that Ryder had a handle on the situation. The crocodile's mouth is taped shut, and with a bit of pressured prompting, the animal is finally encouraged into the waiting cage. The crowd cheers and claps, the reporters wanting to get a close-up of this "mysterious stranger" who had "saved the day."

Ryder wants no part of it though, and backs off, his whole right side caked with mud. "Just get him back with the others as quickly as you can," he tells one of the zoo keepers. "And make sure you get that tape off before he's loose."

With the excitement beginning to die a little, zoo personnel tries to break up the crowd, sending them on their way, along with the media. Ryder sets his hands on his hips and sighs, looking in at he growling crocodile, then back up to the people, finally spotting Thirteen. He was half muddy, but maybe she wanted to walk around the zoo now anyway. She might enjoy seeing some of the more cuddly animals.

Leaving the zoo keepers be, he slips away, trying to go unnoticed until he's swung over a short fence and is coming back to Thirteen. He grins. "It was muddier down there than I thought," he admits wryly. "But now that that's over..." He perks up. "We could take a look around if you want... see some cute tiger cubs? Um... after I clean up, that is."

Jade looks up to Dan and can't help a little smile. "I keep thinking if I sit here long enough, maybe when I stand up again, all my problems will go away."

She sighs. Hearing his offer, she lifts her eyebrows. "You wouldn't... mind me tagging along, would you?"

Scott catches the jerky and grins as he opens it. "I couldn't help it... it was just too good to pass up. I don't think I should try it again though... I really don't want to die yet."

Looking at the computer screen, he chews a piece of jerky thoughtfully, listening to the classical music playing. "Mmm - you're further along than I thought you'd be. One of these days I'll stump ya..." He knows he probably won't be able to. The two had been going at it long enough now that both knew that they both were good enough to keep this up forever. But it was fun anyway.

"Oh, I was supposed to ask you if you and Dani wanted to go out to the Mexican restaurant tomorrow night with Hope and me."

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