

Not even looking up from the computer Dalton lifts his hand up to catch the air born can of pop, flicking the tab up with just one finger to open it. A small smile spread across his face, as he could tell what happend just from the sound of Susanne's shriek down the hall.

"It's coming, slowly but it's coming. How you come up with these programs to try and stump me is far beyond anything I can understand but I'll figure this one out sooner or later like I have with the others. Just might take me a little bit."

Stairing at the screen Dalton takes a long sip of the cold drink typing a few commands into the computer, than writing a few more down on a pad of paper before deleting some things on the computer and writing some more.

Over the last few days they hadnt been to busy and to pass the time they had both been working on trying to stumb the other. They took turns and though the time between became longer and longer nether had been stumped yet.

"You know, this has some good to it besides pass the time. These programs are good, and one day we might be able to put them to use who knows."

Dalton gives a little shrug as he reaches into the draw of his desk still not taking his eyes off the computer screen. Pulling to individually wrapped packs of beef jerky out her puts one on his own desk and throws the other to Scott.

"Got Susanne good again eh?"

Giving another smile Sapphire turns and leans against the counter crossing her arms over her chest and looking at Gage. He'd been doing so good the last few weeks and really pulled himself out of the slump of depression. She had been so proud of him, and happy that he really was trying to put his life back together. There still was much to work on, but it was coming and there was no reason to rush any of it.

"Everyone deserves to have a friend. No matter what they have done, or what they will do friendship is important and everyone should have one."

Turning again and taking the box from the counter Sapphire breaks it down to take out to the trash. Giving a smile to Gage she was happy to help, even if once she was gone he changed everything around again it was nice to help just the same.

"Your welcome, alright we have a full day a head of us, the supermarket, maybe we will stop by Kmart or Walmart and pick up a few things you might need there and we are off again. This is your day Gage so where ever you want to go, and whatever you want to buy you just let me know."

Entering the Zoo Thirteen felt a little nervouse, this place was so big, and there were so many animles that looked back her. Being up close was cool, and see somethings she never would of before was really differnt but still they looked sad in there own way. Though she tryed to remember what Ryder had said there was still a part of her that hurt for the animals.

Continuing to follow Ryder Thirteen says nothing on it knowing that maybe, just maybe it was only her that felt this way because of what she had been though and she didnt truly understand this world with the zoo.

"What are we gonna do? There is alot of people over there I dont think its very safe."

Finishing up his chores Dan takes his gloves off and puts them on top of the shelf that he kept most of his working items. Bushing his hat back just a little he lets out a long sigh before stepping outside the bar.

Seeing the familure figure on the bail of hay Dan cocks his head just a little. Something looked wrong with Jade again and though he didnt want to pry he hated seeing anyone upset.

"Hey there. I am starting to think you live on the bail of hey."

Giving a chuckle of his own stupid humor Dan looks up and across the yard. Maybe Jade would like to get away again, he was going into town and maybe she would like to ride along but than again that alone made him nervous just a little. His last expeance in a car with a woman was not a good one.

"I am heading into town did you need anything you want me to pick up?"

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