
Help from God

Sitting outside the bar for a long moment Dan let out a sigh. Glancing over at the speeding ticket that layed in the passenger seat. His day had been a nightmare, and no matter what way he turned it got worse. Being pulled over on a road hardly anyone ever went down was just the icing on the cake.

Just to forget for a little while is all Dan wanted now. I bury himself in something that would take away the pain he felt and torched his mind when he closed his eyes, and the reality that it was not just a dream when he opened them again. A rest, a break from it all is all he wanted and this was the one place he new he could do just that. Though the knowlage that he'd promised himself and God never to take a drink again lingered but he didnt know if he was strong enough to resist this time.

Getting out of the truck Dan leans aganst it for a long moment as he continues to just look at the bar. The music, the laughter it was luring to Dan's ears as his feet started to move twords the door. He wouldnt stay long, he wouldnt get to drunk, and he would drive untill he was sober Dan tryed to convince himself though deep down he new it wasnt true.

The shrill sound of his cell phone breaks his concentration stopping him in his tracks the song that played at as the ring tone was one her new well. It was the song Him and Becca first danced to of so long ago. The memories seemed to flood over him as he listened to the song continue to play. Looking up at the bar again Dan shakes his head and takes a step back looking down at the caller id to see is was Rosetta's cell number Dan was confused for a long moment. How one earth had that song become her ring tone. Finally hitting the talk button Dan is cautios for a moment.


"Dan, its Rosetta. Sorry to bother you while you are out an all, I just new you and Mick had a little argument earlyer and I just wanted to make sure you were ok?!"

Feeling a bit taken aback that Rosetta took the time out to call and make sure he was ok felt good and strange at the same time.

"Yeah...I'm ok...Just needed some air is all. Time to clear my head and all."

Looking up at the bar he had stopped in front of once again Dan shakes his head and lets out a sigh turning away and getting back into his truck. He couldnt throw everything away in one night. not when he had come so far. Just Rosetta's simple phone call had made him remember that.

"Yeah, I can understand that. Just Mick has always been rough around the edges but he's been trying so hard. Bear with him ok?"

"I will keep trying...Thanks Rosetta."

Giving a smile though Dan couldnt see her Rosetta didnt know why the young man was thanking her but something told her God had just used her to help stop Dan from making a horrable mistake and that alone felt good.

"Your welcome Dan. Come home soon ok and if you could still pick up that shipping invoice that would be great."

"Yeah sure no problem. I will get it and head back now."

Hanging up the phone Dan plays with it for a moment in his hand. Finally sifting through the names he comes across Rosetta's that he had put in there when he first started working. Opening up the info and scrolling down to where you could change the ringtone Dan is surprised once more to find Rosetta's ringtone was default and not the song he had heard at all.

Thinking for a long moment a smile finally spreads across Dan's face. Gad had been at work here tonight. Raising his eyes to the sky Dan gives a nod whispering..."thank you!"

...Pulling back into the ranch parking lot no more than an hour later Dan gets out and makes his way to the barn. He was a few minutes late for the nightly chores but he would make it up the best he could. Entering Dan went right to work feeding and watering the horses, the invoice tucked safly in his back pocket to be delivered when he was done.

Giving a smile as she leaned over Jeff shoulder Katie gives a small giggle.

"I must get my drawing skills from you huh?"

Planting a kiss on Jeff's cheek Katie slids into the chair next to him giving a smile. Though it felt strange and maybe a part of her was a little upset that she hadnt known, but she now was letting it go and just wanted to have time to get to know Jeff, and listing to his storys.

"Well Jason just left a little bit ago, and though I am gonna miss him you have me all to yourself for the next 2 days. Well almost all to yourself."

Katie taps her temple knowing Jeff would understand what she ment that was followed by a little giggle. Things were going to be ok now. With her dad, with Jason there was a peace, a clam something Katie had longed for and now found.

"Would you like to go for a walk or drive and just talk? I feel like we have so much to catch up on."

Perking up just a little an excitement look forms in Charlotte's face. Talking about the baby made her face glow like never before.

"Hey I have no problem with NASCAR if its a boy. If its a girl than we will have to do...."

Charlotte thinks for a long moment before looking back to Bret.

"...NASCAR...but they wont be able to ride with you till age 5. and if its a girl than we have to pic a girl NASCAR driver...and and...."

Charlotte cross her legs as she faces Bret. It felt so good to have him home, she had missed him so much.

"I think this is going to be rather fun. Planning all this stuff, and I am happy I get to do it with you."

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