
Break out of Jail

*Katie cant help but smile as the moonlight shines in the hospetil window reflecting off Jason's face. Oh how it lit it up reflecting off his endless eyes. The yes that had never betrayed Katie. The ones she could get lost in for hours. Taking Jason's hand she draws him close to her. In a soft voice she whispers.*

" If your not going to spend the night with me tonight at least give me a goodbye kiss?"

*Katie smiles up at Jason as she lifts her head off the pillow the light now lighting up her own face.*

*Misty cant help but smerk as she enters the police station and asks about Carson.*

"Don't worry I wont break him out again. I promise."

*Misty follows after one of the cops that escorts her. Drawing closer to the cell with Carson Misty her a sassy smile on her lips as she trys to cheer Carson up.*

"Shesh these guy watch me like a hawk. One would think I broke someone out of jail once or something."

*Misty smiles again as she leans again the cell bars and her look becomes more searouce.*

"Herb told me what happend Carson, are you ok?"


Carson keeps his eyes lowered as Herb speaks. He wished he were right...he wished that soon people would look at him for who he was now. He was still making some stupid mistakes and making some bad decisions, but he really was trying... But was it enough? Was him finally turning around now really enough for people to look at him differently? Would he ever really shed his old reputation? At least he had a small group of people that accepted him as he was now.

At Herb's comment about work, his head jerks up and he only sees Herb walking away. His eyes are widened slightly. After all that...after his stupid move and the fight, and him getting arrested...he still had a job? He'd known Herb was on his side, but to let him keep his job...

Carson swallows hard and finally goes to sink down on the hard cot. It felt kind of strange...either had had enemies, or he had people who stuck with him no matter what. He wasn't used to that, even now.

Closing his eyes, he leans back against the wall again, his tongue running over the cut in his lip. Misty might come tonight...he wouldn't be surprised. Herb would tell her the true story and she wouldn't hold it against him. In a way, Carson hung on to that knowledge. With all the stupid things he'd done, Misty hadn't given up on him.

Jason swallows hard as he hears Katie humming his song…he knew good and well when she’d heard it, and it wasn’t a good memory. He’d been in prison.

Seeing her tears again, he wants to comfort her, but doesn’t know how. Why did this have to be so hard?

As she thanks him and runs her thumb over his hand, a tingle shoots up Jason’s arm. He can feel the heat rising to his face again. His response would have been, “I think I’m the lucky one.” His response would have been his own affectionate squeeze to her hand. His response would have been to lean down and give her a kiss. But he could do none of those…not now…

He slowly withdraws his hand to pat hers, and takes a deep breath, letting it out gradually. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m plum tuckered out. I guess I’ll…” He stops short. Had he still been dating Katie, he would have stayed in the spare bed in the hospital room. But that bed was made up nice and neat, showing that he had not slept in it, nor was he intending to. “…be calling it a night,” he ends lamely. “You be alright? Can I get you anything before I take off?”


*Herb cant help the small grin the plays on his lips but he trys his best to hide it before Carson can see.*

"Yeah I will let Misty know for you. As for the new life, your doing a pretty good job so far. Just at the moment your still paying for you past. Stay on the right road Carson and soon people will forget the old Carson Banks and see the new one. I've already got a glimpse of the new Carson. God works in mysteries ways."

*Herb turns to start to walk away but than stop turning his head slightly to talk over his shoulder.*

"Once you get out of here I expect you at work bright and early to make up for lost time yesterday and tomorrow. Leave me to deciding who works at my restaurant and who doesn't ok."

*Katie cant help a little laugh that escapes her lips.*

"Kyle will never change I think, but that is a good thing. He wouldn't be the same any other way. Some people just are not ment to change I think while other are."

*Katie smiles at her looks into Jason's eyes. Than her excitment grows as she hears about Mike and Jen.*

"Oh wow Mike and Jen. I am so happy for them. Your guys songs on the raido is amazing as well. Thats so cool."

*Katie leans her head back for a moment as she fishes thorough the fog. As if a tiny bit of fog lifts a tone enters Katie's mind as a soft hum comes from her lips and form words.*

"Now I’m broken, See the trouble I’m in.
I got down far, Alone I can’t win.
Bein’ here’s tough, And I know that you’re hurtin’,
Didn’t mean no harm, I love you for certain.

Baby don’t leave me,

Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side..."

*As if a lightbulb goes off in Katie's mind her eyes opens and she sits up. Closing them once again she trys to fish through the fog more. A memorie, that song...it was there peeking through the fog but she couldent seem to grasp the rest.*

"That song, you sang it..but I dont remember when I hurd you sing it...I...."

*Katie continues to search, for the becon, for the light. Pushing the fog away only to find more. Her head started to hurt as she clenched her eyes closed tighter to try and remember. But all she came up was with nothing. A few tears roll from her eye.*

"...I...cant remember anything alse...my head it hurts to much."

*Katie keeps her eyes closed for a long moment till she opens them and looks to Jason. A small smile plays on her lips.*

"Thank you for being here with me again."

*Katie runs her thumb over his hand.*

"Your to good to me. I'm so lucky."


Jason feels Katie's hand on his, and resists withdrawing it. She needed this comfort. She needed him right now. Con was right.

"It'll be alright, Katie, I promise." He shifts his hand to give hers a squeeze.

Chuckling, he nods. "Kyle is Kyle." A grin spreads. "Mike and Jen are dating now. That's something fairly recent." He gives another nod. "The band is good." He thinks for a moment, trying to recall when things had happened, though makes sure that he blocks the majority of emotion-filled memories. "Got a couple songs they're playing on the radio. Kyle gets hyped every time he hears one."

Pausing, he studies Katie's eyes. Where had her memories gone...where was the woman he knew? What had this changed...what did these events mean?

Camryn wanders down the hospital hall, and spots the others. Seeing Jason not with them, she assumes he's in Katie's room, but Con stops her. "Hey, Camryn...hold off a minute or two."

Camryn stops, and quirks an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"Katie's awake, but, um..."

Camryn is filled with relief. "Oh that's wonderful." She searches Con's face. "But...what?"

"She doesn't remember a lot about recent events." Con swallows hard. "When she woke up, she thought she was still here from an accident she had a while back."

"Oh..." Camryn's brow furrows. "So...what does that mean?"

"Well, she's a little confused at the moment. She doesn't realize how much has happened lately or anything. So we all have to take it pretty easy and slow with her so she doesn't get a shock about some things."

"Some things?"

Con glances at Nate and his sister for help, then back to Camryn. "Well, she still thinks that..."

Camryn doesn't need Con to finish. Her eyes show she suddenly understands. "She still thinks she's together with Jason, doesn't she?"


Camryn takes a moment to think, not sure what to say. She looks down at the ring on her finger. "Well...I guess...I guess I better not be all over him when she's around yet then huh?"

Con can't help his chuckle. "For the moment, that might be wise. We're hoping Katie will remember everything on her own soon, but if not, there will be things we will simply have to tell her. Just be patient with that man of yours, okay? Katie's a good friend, and he's in a pretty awkward position."

Carson glances up as Herb approaches the cell, but then lowers his gaze again, his hat brim hiding his eyes. "Yeah, I need a new life. But they seem to be in short supply at the moment."

He folds his arms across his chest and sighs, grinding his teeth as he thinks. "Someone needs to let Misty know I'm here...I was supposed to pick her up tonight for a date. And.." He shrugs. "Just go ahead and tell her I lost my job while you're at it. Mom and Pop's can't have someone like me working there."

...still a ham?

*Katie turns her head as she hears Jason come into the room and gives a smile. Her head hurt a little, and she still felt confused but she was happy to see a face she new again.*

"Hey! Going home will be nice. I hate hospetils, not to mention if I go home maybe it will help me remember what I cant."

*Katie gives a little sigh. She really was frustrated that she couldent remember anything. The feeling of something bad loomed in the darkness but she couldent put her finger on it.*

"Oh, I'm doing ok. I just feel tired and hate that I cant remember anything from the last year. Great things probley happend and I cant even remember them. Its frustrating."

*Katie's hand finds Jason's for a moment just resting on top of it. In a sence she was kind of scaired.*

"So how is the band doing? Is Kyle still a ham?"

*Herb is escorted to the back to where Carson is. Giving a heavy sigh he looks through the bars at his new employe. *

"Well your going to be held over night, but I told them your side of the story at least. It dident help you resisted much but whats done is done."

*Herb leans aganst the bars for a moment.*

"Do you need anything Carson? Other than to get out of here?"


Jason gives Dr. Fuller a grateful nod in response.

Laura reaches over to take Nate’s hand, not exactly sure what to do.

Con looks to Jason, gesturing to the door. “You might want to be the first one back in there, Jase.”

Jason swallows hard. “But Con, I…”

“I know it’s awkward. But you know it’s best. It’s you she wants to see, and for right now, the awkwardness on your part is worth it.”

“She’ll have to know sometime…”

“Yes, but not today.” Con almost can’t stand the thought of how much Katie would hurt to find out right now that she and Jason had broken up. “Just be her friend…she needs that.”

“I don’t know how long I can keep this up…. Letting her think we haven’t changed, not to mention not letting her know what I’m thinking. It’s hard enough now the way it is, I’m driving myself crazy trying to block all these things.”

Con looks Jason in the eye. “You have the ability and you know it. Be yourself and just quit worrying. It’ll all work out.”

Jason glances down at the table. “Yeah…I know…” Finally he rises. “Alright…I’ll be back.”

Slowly he makes his way back to Katie’s room….he’s so unsure about so many things. It was just something else he has to block. He had to do this…for Katie. Whether they were dating or not, she was still his friend, and he still cared about her.

Knocking softly, he enters her room, a smile coming to his lips. He approaches casually and eases down in the chair again, looking her in the eye. “So…I guess you’re gonna live, huh?” The humor dances in his voice. “That would be a good thing. Doc said you could go home in a day or two…I think Laura will be pretty happy about that.” He pauses a moment, cocking his head and knowing that his small talk chatter wasn't doing anyone any good. He finally gives in to a little more seriousness. "How you holding up, Hero?"

The officer at the counter sports a badge with the name Springer on it. He quirks an eyebrow at Herb, and lazily flips through some papers. “Ah, yes…brought in a while ago. Assault charges, I believe. The other three were released, and Mr. Banks was kept for additional questioning. Detective Houghens is unable to see him right now though, so the sheriff has informed us that Mr. Banks will be held overnight.” He shrugs and thumbs to the back. “Want to see him though, be my guess. Officer Thomlinson will escort you.”

Carson paces the small cell, his anger boiling. How could this have happened? It was ridiculous! It was unfair and stupid! He’d been attacked, and just because the other guys had a better story, they were the ones to go free, and he was kept. A ‘troublemaker’ they said. Maybe losing his temper hadn’t helped things much, but he was tired of the bad guy label! No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, he was still a bad guy. Would it follow him the rest of his life? Even with a pardoned record, after the stunt he’d pulled with the fight ring and escaping jail, all the dirt was back again.

Leaning back against the wall, his baseball cap is pulled low over his eyes and he stares at he floor. He might lose his job over this one. He’d been given the chance to make a phone call, but the only person he’d call would be Misty, and he hadn’t had the nerve to call her and tell her where he was. Even if it wasn’t his fault, he just didn’t want to have to tell her one more time that he’d messed up. He was tired of being the screw-up.



*Dr. Fuller looks at Jason for a moment and than gives a nod.*

" I hope she can go home in a day or two. Just someone has to keep a close eye on her. Since she is confused she might try to do something she thins she cant when she really cant. She does I told her that much because Con has said that alot of time had passed. She was pretty shocked but she took it well. Right now she just needs her friends and family. We can only hope in time she will remember."

*Dr. Fuller gives a nod and stands.*

"She is resting now if you want to go in to see her you can."

*Herb watches as the officers take Carson out. He wanted to protest to what happend because he has seen some of what went on but that could make it just harder on Carson after he put up a fight. Letting them go Herb takes his place behind the grill.

As the hours pass Herb becomes impashent and hates to think he'd left Carson there this long. Exiting the kitchen he lets Mable know she is in charge of the grill and he will be back. Leaving the restront Herb jumps into his car and makes his way acorss town.

Finally geting to the police station he enters and goes over to the counter.*

"Excuse me, I saw what happend with Carson Banks and the other men at my restront. I'd like to clear Carson's name please and pay his bail if I have to."


Jason looks down a the table as Dr. Fuller speaks, hearing her words, processing them, and trying to keep his emotions at bay at the same time.

Finally he looks up at her in time to catch her eye as she concludes, and he grits his teeth, swallowing hard. As much as he wanted to explain everything to Katie, he knew he couldn’t. As much as he wanted her to remember everything right now, she wasn’t, and he couldn’t push her, no matter how awkward the present was.

“So…when will she be able to go home? Does she know what the date is yet?”

The three thugs pause their attack on Carson as Herb steps between them, and Waylon glares at him for a moment. “Hey, he’s the one who started throwing that mop of his around.”

“Yeah,” Reagan nods his agreement. “You got a dangerous man working for you, ya know that?”

Before anyone can say anything more, suddenly the sound of sirens can be heard.

Waylon and his two goons turn quickly to see the door open, and tense, ready to run, but they have no where to go.

Two policemen hurry to the scene, hands on weapons, but remaining calm. “What’s going on here?”

“This guy started attacking us!” Waylon points to Carson.

Carson is finally picking himself up off the floor and wipes a bloody lip, eyeing the officers. “Look, it wasn’t me, alright? I was just working and these goons walked in and…”

“Hey, we didn’t do nothing!” Cash defends.

“…and they started harassing me,” Carson continues, throwing them a glare.

“We did not.” Waylon gestures to the policemen. “We were just minding our own business, and this guy here has a chip on his shoulder about the past, so he started in on us.”

“I did not!” Carson’s voice raises, his face growing red.

“He did!”

“Look, I don’t know what…”

An officer steps in between them, holding up his hands. “I think all you fellows better just come down to the station with us where we can straighten this out.”

“I don’t need to go to the station!” Carson argues. “It’s them, not me!”

The second officer squints at Carson. “Hey…aren’t you Carson Banks?”

“What of it?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of you. You better just cooperate if you know what’s good for you.”

“But I didn’t do anything!”

“I don’t care who did what, you’re involved in this, and you’re coming with us.” The officer takes Carson’s arm.

Carson jerks away, still glaring at them. “Get off. How’d you two end up in law enforcement anyway? You can’t even tell a good guy from a pile of dirt. What did you do? Buy your way into the department?”

“Alright, that’s it.” The first officer grabs Carson’s shoulder, shoving him around, and twisting an arm behind his back to cuff him. The cuffs click shut before Carson can even react. “Now you’re coming with us whether you like it or not!”

Waylon gets a smirk on his face. “Yeah, you better keep those cuffs on. He’s a mean one when he’s riled.”

“You guys are coming too,” the officer orders.”

“By all means!” Waylon gestures for his friends to follow. “We don’t have no problem with that, do we boys?”

Reagan and Cash shake their heads.

Carson resists being pushed towards the door, his face showing his anger at the situation. “I didn’t start this dang thing!” He protests.


He’s shoved forward and stumbles, almost falling before slamming into the door, his hands still cuffed behind his back. “Push me one more time and you’ll pay.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Take it how you like.”

The officers both corral all four men outside towards the two waiting cruisers, ready to take them downtown.


*The minutes pass as the door to Katie's room stay closed. Time almost seeming endless like a minute lasted an hour.

Finally the door opens and Dr. Fuller steps out closing Katie's door behind her. A grim look on her face. It was so hard to look at these people in front of her that obviously loved Katie very much and tell them she might not even be the same again.

Giving a soft sigh Dr. Fuller motions them to a small room across the hall that has a table and asks them to sit, siting down herself at the front. Silence rules for a moment as she looks down at her papers but finally looks up.*

"It's always hard to find a place to start when dealing with a case like this. There are so many questions unanswered and some there just is not an answer to give. I think that's the hard part sometimes for many people."

*Dr. Fuller is silent again for a moment collecting her thoughts and finding a place to start herself.*

"Katie is a very strong person. Having her in my care I had to look at her past medical records for varies reasons. She's been though a lot and made it out of it all to tell the tail. Not many people can do that. But I have to ask myself how much can one person take before they just shut down. We move in and out of life, day by day. On the outside we are happy and we are doing fine but inside what is wondering around in our minds and in our hearts. We feel one thing but does the other organ such as the heart and brain comply. Do they agree on that the other has decided or are the both going there own way believe one thing, and the other there own. Till finally something happens and that's the final straw and they work together to whip away the pain."

*Nate looks to Laura and than Con till his eyes find Dr. Fuller again. His own confustion was great and he did not understand a word she was saying.*

"Not to be rude or anything Dr. Fuller but non of us here know to much about this medicle stuff and I for one know your causing me to go in circles. It would help a great deal if you talked englash."

*Dr. Fuller can't help but smile and give alittle laugh and than nod.*

"Sorry. What I was trying to say was Katie has been through alot in the past few years. Her body and mind has delt with it fine but somewhere tucked in the back things wernt fine and the pain was growing. She herself might not have even known it was there. For some people it end up going away geting lost in the dark but I believe Katie's dident. Before she was hit I think something alse happend that caused her great pain as well and being hit by the car was a great way for her mind to decied it was going to whipe the pain away taking her back to a time when she was happy."

*Dr. Fuller stops for a moment and lets out a small sigh scaning the faces looking back at her.*

"I'm not trying to saw she was unhappy, in fact she probley was VERY happy, but her mind and body probly just said enough was enough. So that brings us to her condition. There is no telling when she will get her memorie back or if she will at all. Its going to be hard on her, a year has gone but if not more and she cant remember any of it. I think its best if slowly you remind her, or tell her about things she dosent remember. It might trigger something help her remember it might not but like I said before you have to be very carfel not to feed her to much information to fast..."

*Dr. Fuller glances at Jason and than away again before scaning the room.*

"...or her mind will just shut down again and it could be permanint."

*By this time Herb had hurd the panic from Aerith and Mable, and the fight that persisted out in the dinning hall. Making his way from the back and to the group where Carson layed on the ground the other men around him. Not even thinking twice and because of his own big frame He steps in front of Carson eyes the three men.*

"I would sujest you three men lean now before you are arrested."

*Herb's voice is strong not the normal soft tone showing he means business.*



Jason’s stomach tightens just a little at Dr. Fuller’s words. It was hard to comprehend what was happening.

Con holds his smile with Katie, the corner of his eye catching the Dr. coming in. “Yes, it’s been quite a while, but not to worry…things will be just fine.” He gives her arm a gentle pat. “I’ll be back, alright? Don’t go anywhere.”

Turning, he gives a slight nod to Dr. Fuller before going back out into the hall. Joining Nate and Jason, his worry he now lets show on his face. How on earth were they going to deal with this?

As Jason paces, suddenly a thought strikes him and he looks up quickly between Con and Nate. “She doesn’t know how strong our connection is,” he almost whispers.

Con lifts an eyebrow. “I didn’t think about that…how does…”

“I don’t know,” Jason cuts him off. “I don’t know how it affects anything.”

“You better cool your jets as much as you can,” Con warns. “Otherwise you’ll giver her an overload she’s not expecting.”

The minutes tick by as they wait for Dr. Fuller.

“Well I’ll be, if it ain’t Renegade Carson.”

Carson looks up quickly from where he’s mopping the floor around the counter. It had been a quiet day until people had started coming in for supper, and after someone had spilled their pop all over the place, he was up to clean. The noise of the evening had begun, and now they only had a few tables left. Mabel was busy at the register, Aerith was taking orders, and Herb was in the kitchen, content at that end of the world.

Carson’s eyes narrow as he spies Waylon and his two buddies, Cash and Reagan. He recognized them alright…They’d had their fingers in the Agency several times during the last few years, their only goal to cause trouble and gain money.

“You here to eat or cause problems?” he asks evenly.

Waylon’s large black frame leans against the counter casually, a sly grin coming out. “Seeing you mopping the floor, I think I’m just here to watch,” he taunts. “Never thought I’d see you in this line of work.”

Carson sloshes the mop back down into the bucket before wringing it out and continuing to clean the sticky mess. He tries to ignore the three that had already gotten under his skin multiple times before.

A cigarette butt is flicked in his direction, landing where he’d just mopped. Looking up with a glare, he sees the smirk on Reagan’s face. “This is a non-smoking facility. I suggest next time you take a smoke outdoors and dispose of the leftovers properly.”

Reagan’s eyes widen and he laughs. “My, my, my, you’ve quite the vocabulary, Carson! Wow…they said you’d changed, but I didn’t believe them. You really have gone wussy.” He slaps Cash’s arm. “Hey, get a load of that - a wussy, Aussie!”

The three goons bust out laughing, Waylon pointing at Carson. “I think you missed a spot.”

Carson can feel his face growing red as his irritation intensifies. Aerith had her back turned from the other end of the room, Mable was still busy, and Herb was too far away with too much noise to know what was going on.

He grips his mop more firmly, his knuckles growing white. “Either sit down and order food, or get out,” he orders sternly.

“Ooh, he does still have a big shot attitude.” Waylon grins. “I thought that still existed somewhere.”

Reagan takes a step forward. “Grady wants you back, Carson.”

Carson bristles. He’d taken orders from Grady for several years. The fellow assassin had always liked Carson’s style. “Tell him he can’t have me. I’m not playing that game again.”

“Well we say you are.” Waylon moves towards him. “It wasn’t an option for you. You are coming with us. You can do it the easy way or the hard way. But you know the consequences of the hard way. You know Grady don’t take no for an answer.”

As the three move closer to Carson, his mind reels. How had they found him? Why did Grady want him back? The Agency didn’t need him. These guys couldn’t just walk in here and bully him. “Sorry boys. I’m not coming.”

“Oh yes you are.” Waylon reaches out to take Carson’s arm, but he’s suddenly thrown backward as a mop handle connects with his jaw. Staggering backward, Waylon knocks over a stool, cursing under his breath.

The other two move in, and suddenly there’s an all out brawl, three against one. Carson holds his own, wielding the mop as a weapon, jabbing Reagan’s stomach, knocking Cash’s feet out from under him, and swinging for a second round at Waylon.

Moving too quickly though, Carson’s foot hits the fresh water on the floor, and his own feet slip. Losing his balance, his feet go right out from under him, his head and shoulders slamming back onto the floor. Almost dazed, he looks up just in time to see Waylon on top of him. Thinking fast, he brings the mop handle up, hitting Waylon where it counts.

With a cry of pain, Waylon doubles over, falling to his knees. By now, Cash is on his feet and gives a kick to Carson’s ribs. Carson winces and rolls away in pain, getting to his hands and knees, but is knocked from behind.

As the fight ensues, several customers look wide-eyed at the scene. One man in a panic grabs his cell phone and dials 911.

Perminent Coma

*Katie cant help but grin up at Con. Her eyes sparkled though they showed alittle confustion.*

"Yeah I guess I can get out of the habbit. Or try anyways."

*Katie thinks for a moment about what Con said about her being here last. Had it really been that long? It felt like just yesterday to her.*

"Has it really been that long Con? It seems like just yerterday to me. Has alot changed since than? Now I feel so lost because I cant remember such a big time spand. I try to remember and all I see is fog."

*Dr. Fuller approches the group with Nate close behind. She scans each face in turn as she plays over things in her own mind.*

"I cant say for certin from what Nate has told me if Katie will ever get her memorie back or not, but once I check her over and do some quick tests I will be able to let you guys know."

*Dr. Fuller lets out a low sigh. This was hard she had delt with cases like this before and 9 out of 10 times people never recovered and if they did they still wernt the same.*

"The best think you can do right now for Katie is make her comfortable and try not to feel her tomuch old information that she dosent remember. If her brain is trying to block out some painful avent or situation that happend and you end up reminding her to fast her brain could shut down again and throw her back into a coma that she very well might not come out of because her mind is trying to protect her."

*Dr. Fuller waits a few moment for any questions and than slips past the group and into the room giving a nod to Con that asked he step out of the room.*

"Hi Katie. I'm Dr. Fuller. How are you fe...."

*Dr.Fuller's voice becomes muffled as she closes the door beind Con as he leaves. Now once again it was a game of waiting.*


Con chuckles, doing a good job at acting as though everything was normal. "You know how moody that man is. He just got the living tar scared out of him like the rest of us did." He gives Katie a wink. "Get out of that habit, will you? I'm going to get gray hair hanging out with you."

Casually introducing the subject, he feels her out a little bit even though they haven't spoken to Dr. Fuller yet. "Jase said you couldn't remember some things. Don't worry though, I'm sure it'll all come back to you." He retains his smile. "It's been quite a while though since you were here last, and I've gotten a whole lot more ornery, so you'll have to watch out."

Jason paces the hallway, unsure what to do or how to act. This was just all....hard. It was just plain hard. He knew they would have to slowly tell Katie about what had been happening...but it had been so long. She didn't know about him going to prison. She didn't know about how he'd shut her out and how they'd lost their relationship. She didn't know he'd found a new love. She didn't know Con was no longer at TJY. She probably didn't know that Carson was on the right side of the tracks even. There was so much...how were they to tell her? Would she just accept it and move on? Would it hurt her?

He looks up as he sees Nate with Dr. Fuller, the questions playing in his eyes. He wanted to know what to do. He wanted to know when Katie could go home, and if this partial amnesia was permanent.

Road Block

*Katie nods as Scott turns to leave.*

"It was great seeing you again too Scott. I look forward to seeing you at work."

*Katie's eyes follow him as he leaves the room a strange melancholy settling over her. For a moment she had a feeling of sadness and maybe almost a panic as Scott left the room. Like she wanted to yell for him to come back, maybe even beg for him to stay but why would she do that when she hardly new Scott. As fast as the feeling comes up its gone again and Katie is left alone with the fog and cloudiness. Leaning her head back Katie closes her eyes. All she wanted to do right now was sleep some more. Everything was so confusing and being told much time had passed since her first accident was tiring. Trying to remember but running into a road block was even harder.*

*Nate gives a nod.*

"Yeah I can go find her. I think I saw Dr. Fuller at the front desk when Laura and I came in. I'll be back."

*Nate breaks away from the group and heads back to the front of the hospital to find Dr. Fuller and fill her in on Katie.*

*Katie opens her eyes again as someone enters the room. A smile spreads across her face as she see who it is. Even if it was dark in the room the large frame could give it away in a heartbeat.*

"Hey Big Brother."

*Katie gives a little laugh as Con comes over and mess up her hair.*

"Sorry, I did'ent mean to scair you again. I guess I have a habbit of doing that huh?"

*Katie reaches up to give Con a hug.*

"Hey is everything ok? For some reason I got a strange vibe from Jason like something was wrong?"

Not nice

It takes all Scott has, not to let his face show the agony he was feeling as he receives Katie’s words. It was true. She didn’t remember anything. All the time they’d spent together…everything they had gone through…everything they had shared…their future plans… It was all…gone.

Swallowing hard, Scott musters up the best smile he can, though what he really wants to do is curl up somewhere and cry.

“Thanks. I, um…guess I was just trying something new for someone who liked it.” He pauses, not really knowing how to respond. “I’m doing alright,” he finally replies casually, even though it feels like a lie. “Everyone’s been pretty worried about you. They’ll be thrilled to know you’re awake.”

An awkward pause follows. All Scott wants to do is go to her. All he wants to do is take her in his arms, hug her, kiss her, tell he how much he’s missed her, even though it’s only been a couple days. And he can’t.

Shifting his weight, he finally turns back to the door. “Good to see you, Katie. I’ll catch you back at work once you’re up and at ‘em again.”

Back out in the hall, he takes a deep breath as if gaining oxygen for the first time. His eyes tell all as he glances between the others waiting in the hall. Looking down, he starts for the end of the hall. “I’m going home,” he says quietly. “Unless something changes, I, um…I’ll see you guys back at work.” He doesn’t wait for a response, but aims for the exit, unable to stand it here any longer.

Jason watches him go, and lets out a long sigh. “Ya know…he and I don’t get along all that great, but right about now, I feel pretty badly for him.” He shakes his head. “And I still don’t know why Katie broke up with him. I guess it doesn’t matter much now.”

Con purses his lips in thought, not liking how this felt either. “Well…how about someone going and telling Dr. Fuller Katie is awake? Nate, would you mind? She might also have some advice as to how the rest of us need to deal with this. Whether we need to tell Katie all, or break things to her slowly.”

Not wanting Katie to be alone for too long, he takes his turn. Poking his head around the doorway, he breaks into a smile before entering. “Well, Kat, you’re awake!” He comes up to her bed and ruffles her hair. “Don’t you know it’s not nice to scare a big guy like me?”

You look Spiffy

*Katie watches as Jason leaves the room a smile on her face. Left alone in the silence Katie moves her legs slightly. She could really move them. She was going to be able to walk again after all.

Hearing someone come in the door Katie looks up. Cocking her head to the side for a moment she studys the face that looked looked back at her. Trying to consintrate her smile finally grows. How he looked differt.*

"Scott, look at you. Your all spiffy looking I dident reconise you at first. I love the new look though Scott. Its fits you well."

*Katie smiles up at Scott.*

"How are you?"

*Nate listens to what Jason says as he hold Laura. Katie not remembering was going to be hard.*

"Wow, do you think she ever will remember and if she does....wow."

*Nate looks down at Laura and than back up to Jason and Con.*

"There is so much that has happend since that time. You mom and Wes, the baby, Con and Jamie, Laura and I, Her aunt and Mick. There are so many good memories she is miss too. I feel bad for her. You cant miss what you dont remember but still...just its hard thing to think about and its probley gonna be alittle painful."

*Nate just shakes his head. He dident even know where to start with this. Most of the time he had works that would be helpful but now he was at a loss.*



Jason can't help a grin at Katie's excitement over her legs. At least that had made her happy.

He's about to say more when suddenly he's taken completely off guard by Katie's kiss and hug. It takes all the restraint he has not to jerk away, the heat rising to his face. He allows her to kiss him, but only returns it slightly, not wanting to evoke passion, but not wanting to shock her either.

As she hugs him, he puts his arms around her lightly, still trying to recover. He knew his face was red, and he tries to suppress his rampant emotions.

Forcing a chuckle, he nods. "Yeah, you get to go home soon." He bites his lip as she makes reference to Con. A whole lifetime had passed and she didn't have a clue.

Sliding off the bed and standing up, he gives her hand a squeeze. "You just sit tight here a minute while I go tell someone you're awake, alright?" He winks at her then turns and exits the room.

Scott, Con, Laura and Nate are all in the hall, and stand up as they see Jason, Con questioning the look on Jason's face. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"She's awake."

Sighs of relief come. "Thank God." Con nods. "How is she feeling?"


Scott aims for the door, but Jason stops him. "Scott..." He looks between Scott and the others for a moment. "She seems to think she's still here from her car accident."

Scott's eyes widen. "What?"

"Yeah...she...she doesn't remember anything since then."

Laura raises her eyebrows and glances at Nate, then back to Jason.

Scott isn't sure how to react. What did that mean? The impact hits him hard and he feels his stomach tighten. "You mean she..." He swallows hard. "Us..."

Jason feels extremely bad for Scott, knowing how hard this must be. "No...I don't think she remembers."

Now Scott hesitates, not knowing if he should go see her or not. How was he supposed to act now? He didn't know what to say, what to do... Part of him figured maybe it was better, if that were true. If Katie didn't remember, they wouldn't have to talk about it. But not only was that not a very nice thought, it evoked a new, deeper pain to think that she didn't remember all that they had shared.

He looks to Nate a moment, his hurt and confusion reflecting in his eyes. Finally though he walks forward on pure instinct, going ahead and entering the room. He wanted to see for himself...he wanted to make sure Katie was physically fine, whether this was difficult for him or not. He still loved her and wanted to assure himself she was okay.

Slipping into the room, he approaches Katie's bed cautiously, searching her face, her eyes, for any signs of recognition. When she'd been in the hospital the last time, they'd simply been coworkers. "Hey, Katie...how ya feeling?"

Jason leans back against the wall, and closes his eyes for a moment, trying to regroup.

Con looks at him with concern. "You okay?"

"No, I'm not okay." Jason looks at him with annoyance, keeping his voice quiet. "Do you realize what I said? Katie thinks we're still dating."

Con's eyes widen. "Ohhh. That has to be...awkward."

Jason can feel the heat in his face again. "Tell me about it."

Con has a hard time not laughing as he reads his friend's face. "She kissed you, didn't she?"

Jason smirks at him, not appreciating the conversation, let alone in front of Laura and Nate too. "It's not funny."

"Just a little?"

"Con!" Jason's voice is a hoarse whisper. "I'm an engaged man! No, it's not funny!"

"Alright, alright." Con controls himself. "I'm sorry. Keep your shirt on. I know this can't be easy...surely she'll come around and start to remember. Just give her time."

"Yeah, well now that's what I'm afraid of. How would you like to wake up and think all then, then remember everything has all been turned upside down?" Jason sighs. "She thinks you're still at TJY too."

Con's face drops a little. "Really..."

Lost at work

*Katie leans into Jason for a moment. Soaking up his comfort the comfort that always made her feel better. Jason's comfort was nice but Katie still felt lost and it still was foggy.

As Jason mentions her legs she pulls the blankets back and wiggles her toes a little. A smile cross her face as she looks back at Jason. Than she moves her leg more.*

"I can move my legs. That means...I can walk again. I can really walk J."

*Katie turns to Jason and throws her arms around him and gives him a kiss before wrapping her arms around Jason for a hug.*

"I'm not sure what happend or why I cant remember this hit and run but....my legs work now. They really work. So do I get to go home soon? Since I've recovered from the car crash? Other than this broken arm that is. I bet Laura will be exstatic to see me home again and Con. Poor Con I bet he's been lost at work without me huh?"

It's true

Jason’s eyes grow wide as Katie speaks, the reality of what was happening, hitting him hard. She didn’t remember. She truly thought that she was still in the hospital from her car accident.

Her reference to spending the night together and their kiss brings a strange sensation to his heart. It couldn’t be… had her mind lost so much? Had her mind really pinpointed an exact date to start over, or was it remembering a span of time that confused events?

Either way, the tone in her voice said that she was telling the truth about what she remembered.

Jason is stunned and not sure how to react, but as he sees her tears, he can’t help but offer comfort.

Sliding from his chair to her bed, he sits beside her and puts and arm around her. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, take it easy, hmm?” He reaches over and tucks her hair behind her ear. “Just relax.”

He holds her for a moment, feeling at a total loss. Perhaps is he talked her through it a little, she would start to remember. Perhaps it was the effects of the drugs just lingering.

“What I said was true…it’s been quite a while since you were here.” He moves her a little so he can tilt his head and see her face. Giving her a smile, he wipes her tears with his hand. “You went through therapy and you got out of the hospital, and you can walk fine now.” He gives a little nod to her legs. “Check it out.”

What Happend

*Katie cocks her head and looks at Jason confustion still in her eyes. What was he saying? A hit and run. Maybe he thought it was a hit and run when he new it wasent. Katie thinks for a long moment closing her eyes and trying to think back. Something was there she was sure of it but it was lost in a fog. Katie shakes her head a bit but stops as a pain serges through it.*

"No, I remember..."

*Katie still holds her head she tryed to look through the fog but it only make her head hurt more.*

"...Yesterday I had therpy its going really good too. Hit and run...no thats not what it was...I was forced off the road and than someone pulled me to the side of the road. I...I wasent hit there, I think it was an angel though because she looked like my mom....I...."

*Katie head starts to throp as the thick fog grows. A few tears roll down her face it hurt it hurt alot. She had been asleep for a few days Jason had said, in a coma how was that possable. Kaite can feel herself rock alittle bit as she holds her head.*

"J...whats happend...I..what you said cant be true. I remember we spend the night together watching movies and...the kiss we shaired. I remember it was yesterday."

Do you remember?

Jason is ready to get up and go tell the others that Katie is finally awake, but suddenly he gets the strange feeling that he should talk just a little bit more first.

He furrows his brow slightly. Therapy? What was Katie talking about? Was it just the painkillers that were confusing her? Was she even lucid?

He forces another smile. "You're welcome." Feeling her hand on his arm sends another red flag up in the back of his mind. Why, he wasn't sure. But her touch felt different... Something warned him to proceed with caution.

"Um...Katie... you...haven't had therapy in...quite a while." He leans forward a little, not wanting it to startle her if she really was lucid and not remembering what she should. "You've been in a coma the last couple days from a hit and run. Do you remember?"

Means alot

*Katie looks down at her arm again for a moment. She was a bit confused she couldn't remember breaking her arm but obviously she had. Looking back up at Jason and reaches her good hand out and rests it on Jason's arm.*

"I feel like I have been sleeping for days but it can't be that long I remember going to therapy yesterday when you went to band practice. Whatever those painkillers are they have me on sure are clouding my mind a bit."

*Katie leans her head back on the pillow and lets out a sigh.*

"Thanks for staying with me J. Its means a lot."


Jason is startled from his drowsy state as he hears Katie's voice, and a wave of relief sweeps over him. "Katie..."

Sitting up straighter, he leans forward, resting an elbow on her bed. He doesn't even know how to express his relief. They all had been scared. But seeing her awake now was what they had all wanted, hoped for, others had prayed for.

He offers her a crooked grin as reassurance to her question. "Seems you got a nasty break in a couple places, but the doctor said you'd be okay in no time."

He pauses, searching Katie's eyes. "How are you feeling?"


And so the next to days I made my way through the darkness. Letting the light and the voices of friend lead the way. Till finally that light was with in reach and the voices more clear. Than feeling the warmth on my face I step out into the light.

*Slowly Katie opens her eyes. Where was she? She could not remember. Squinting She trys to let her eyes adjust to the dimly lit room. Finally seeing the masheans and the smell of the room she remembered. It felt like she had been in a never ending dream but surly she was only been sleeping a day because she remembered going to therpy yesterday.

Slowly turning her head she see Jason and smiles. That was the face she never tired of, the one she always wanted to see.

Slowly Katie goes to reach her arm out but feels pain course threw it. Sucking in a deep painful breath. Looking down she see her arm is in a sling and becomes confused. What one earth? When had her arm been broken. Slowly she finally speaks.*

"J? What...what happend to my arm?"


Something close to a short, dry chuckle comes out at Nate's last statement, though Scott doesn't really find a whole lot of humor in it.

He shakes his head, his gaze dropping back to the floor. "I know she loves me...that's what makes it harder. If she would have told me that she didn't love me anymore, at least I could deal with that rejection...there would be a logical reason for us to part. But knowing she still loves me...and I still lover her...and knowing that we can't be together...it's pure torture. I saw that look in her eye, Nate.... Even though she still loves me, there's nothing I could do to bring her back. She made up her mind, and when Katie makes up her mind, that's that."

Scott fidgets with a loose thread on his jeans. "No...she didn't leave me for Jason per say...but he's the reason." He swallows hard, tears of frustration filling his eyes. "I should have known better. I knew that they were inseparable. I shouldn't have stolen her like I did...I should have just let things be." He takes an angry swipe at his eyes before the tears can fall, but the motion just makes his eyes redder. "And I should have taken that job in Arizona."

Standing abruptly, he heads down the hall. "I'm going back home for a while. Call my cell if something changes."

Jason remains with Katie, leaving only to talk to others or get something to drink and stay awake. Camryn comes to offer a shoulder, and though feeling a little bit awkward, she plays her part the best she can, leaving when she has to go to work.

Con arrives later in the morning and stays for a while, talking with Jason, and talking to Katie for a few minutes too. Seeing no changes and knowing she's stable, he opts to go to work later in the day, asking for updates if anything does change.

As the hours pass, the worry sets in of when Katie will awake. No one knew...no one could tell. Scott comes and goes, not speaking much to any of the others, and avoiding any talk of what everyone seemed to know by now. The news of the breakup had spread like wildfire.

The band comes in during the evening to say hi and see Katie, cracking jokes and making Jason smile even when he didn't feel like it. It was strange...it felt so odd to be here again with everyone...it felt as if they were back to when Katie was here before. Only things were so different now.

The next two days go by slowly. Jason leaves only to take care of Trooper, returning again to sit by Katie's bed, if only to hope that his presence would somehow speed up her recovery. Camryn continues to come see him, bringing him meals and giving him some company, though she leaves again for work and for sleep. Others from TJY come, bringing flowers and talking with others, all worried and praying.

Jason's eyes are closed as a light sleep has taken over. He can hear voices in the hall. He thinks it's Con...Nate...maybe Scott, but Scott had been avoiding interaction the last couple days. Maybe he heard Laura too. HIs mind was weary, his body exhausted, even though he had hardly done anything but remain here. He didn't know if it was his own doing or if Katie's condition was simply draining his energy slowly.

Leaning back in the chair, he doesn't let himself sleep too deeply, his ears hearing the ever constant beeping of machines, alert to any movement Katie might make. It's late evening. Hard to believe another day has passed.

Hero Lost in Time

*Nate looks at Scott. He'd been where he was. He'd been hurt before and lost the one he loved the most. It never felt good.*

"Well first off your not a geek and a nerd if Katie hurd you say that weather you two were together or not she would slap you."

*Nate stops for a moment and continues.*

"Next, if she left you I dont think it was for Jason. She loved you Scott Johnson more than anything. If I know Katie at all she probley thought he was hurting you and thats why she let go. I would never second guess her love for you or think she left for someone alse. That dosent sound like the Katie that always talked so highly of you. I think she did it in a way for you."

*Nate lets out another sigh. This whole thing was a mess and though he dident know what was on Katie's mind he had seen the smile on her face and the laughter in her voice when she was around Scott. How could anyone say she dident love him.*

"I know your not ok Scott, and I dont blame you. Hang in there buddy, and though it hurts know that God has his plans. Your a good guy Scott with a big heart. In time it will heal. Trust me I know. I remember when I lost my fiance. It hurt real bad for a long time even though it was my fault. I cryed so much it wasent funny."

*Nate gives Scott a side long glance.*

"You tell anyone that I'll kill you."

*A small smile forms on Nate's lips.*

And through the darkness a voice was hurd and so I followed the sound.
I closer I got the more light I saw but it felt so far away.
I walked on and on as the memories slowly passed by, but they seemed to do so in reverse.
As though the most recent were whiped away like something horrable had happend my mind was trying to block out and so the timeline was set back.
As if I had hit the reset button.
My feet still moving twords the sound,
I new I had to move on.
What would the world be like with out its Hero's?
Even if the hero was lost in time.


Scott is resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the floor as Nate sits down next to him. He doesn’t bother to look up, unsure whether he appreciates his presence or not.

“If I say yes, I’m lying. If I say no, everyone will just want to help and they can’t. So what should I say?”

He swallows hard and finally straightens to lean his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. The whole evening was just playing itself over and over again in his mind, making him relive the pain in every moment.

Though he knows the statement may not be totally true, it comes out anyway. “My fiancé left me for a man who doesn’t even love her. How am I supposed to be after that?” He grits his teeth, wishing that he would quit feeling like crying. He felt like a baby.

“I guess guys like me are doomed to always live for dreams that will never be realized. It’s the curse of geeks and nerds.”

Scott’s tired, his eyes hurt, and he just wants to run away from everything, but he can’t. “And now this happens and I can’t even respond the way I want to. ‘Cause when she wakes up, nothing will have changed, and me being here will just make things worse.”

He finally turns his head to look at Nate with his reddened eyes. “Now, you tell me if I’m okay or not.”

Laura enters the room quietly and comes up beside the bed, looking down on Katie with a bit of sadness, and a prayer on her mind. She looks to Jason and lays a hand on his shoulder. She knew that he and Katie were only friends, but they were close friends, and it was obvious that this was hard on him.

“Hey, Hotshot, you alright?”

Jason nods. “Yeah…I’m okay. Just isn’t too fun.”

Laura offers a small smile. “I know. She’ll be okay though. She’s too strong not to pull through this.” She cocks her head. “Anything I can do?”

“Actually…” Jason quirks an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t mind calling Camryn, would you?”

Laura is a little surprised, then realizes why he’s asking. “Don’t want to tell her about this yourself, huh?”

“I’m just not sure she understands.”

“I bet she understands more than you think, but yes, I’ll call her for you.” Laura returns to Katie one more time to give her hand a pat. “Come back to us, Katie…” Sighing, she turns and goes back out into the hall to make the phone call.

Jason sits quietly, enveloped by the silence in the room. The others were content to leave Katie be…why wasn’t he? Despite knowing that his relationship with Katie was now built strictly on friendship, he couldn’t deny that their connection made it impossible to ignore each other. He simply couldn’t leave her. He was her life source and she his, whether they liked it or not. And being close to each other strengthened them both, mentally and physically, even if it couldn’t be explained.

His mind drifts to Scott. What had all that been about? Why had Katie broken their engagement? Jason could think of only one reason, and he dreaded finding it out. If it was because of him, he wasn’t sure he would deal with that too well. His connection with Katie could disrupt things sometimes, but surely it could be worked around…couldn’t it? Jason didn’t even want to think about him and Camryn right now. He could only hope that this would not affect things.

As the time passes, soon a mellow voice drifts into the hall, the sweet tone soothing…comforting.

"Don’t fear the night, baby.
Dream now, to my lullaby.
Settle that deep soul of yours,
You’re safe here tonight.

Hush now, sleep now,
Don’t be afraid.
You’re safe now, You’re here now,
Let your dreams take flight.

Don’t let those shadows scare you,
I’m here by your side.
Happiness awaits you,
Close your eyes.

Hush now, sleep now,
Don’t be afraid.
You’re safe now, You’re here now,
Let your dreams take flight.

Hush now, sleep now,
Don’t be afraid.
You’re safe now, You’re here now,
Let your dreams take flight.

Mmm…hush now…
Oh sleep now…



* Nate takes Laura into a hug as he see her resting his head on hers. Times like this Nate valued life a little more as he was reminded how fast things can change. Holding her close for a moment he finally draws away.*

"She has a broken arm and the Dr. suspects brain damage but they wont know more till Katie wakes up. Its just one big mess and know one knows what happened. I over hurd Scott saying Katie called off there engagment but we dont know what thats about eather."

*Nate gives a small sigh and leans down giving Laura a kiss and than letting go.*

"Why dont you go in and see Katie. I'm going to check on Scott."

*Stepping way Nate makes his way over to Scott and sits down. For along moment he is silent before speaking.*

"Are you going to be ok Scott? Care to talk about what happend? I mean I know it hurts right now but we all have a hole in what on earth went on here. Though right now I just wanna make sure your ok."

Even when your asleep a mind wonders. When the rest of your body lays dorment the brain still shifts and moves through time. Sometimes as memories, sometimes of things that might come, and sometimes of things we want to happen. But not many people know that. To them we are asleep, almost dead. They don't know that if they talk to us our brain will react and grip for that bit of light that was shining in the darkness. Maybe if people new this they would talk more to there loved ones and they could come out of there Comas sooner. Maybe, Maybe Katie would have to remember that and tell that to someone someday.

As her mind goes through her memories as fast as they come they start to fade. In the darkness Katie stood trying to remember but only coming up blank. What had happened? The Car accident. That's right, memories of the car Crash enter her mind. That's why she was here alone in the dark. Her wonderful car destroyed. That memories finished more come up, and go away. In that darkness of lost memories Katie couldn't help but feel a sadness looming but what it was she dident know.


Looking up as the door opens, the three men rise from their chairs to receive the news about Katie. There was relief. But worry still persisted. Brain damage was so unpredictable.

Jason nods at Dr. Fuller. “Thank you.” Taking a deep breath, he leads the way to Katie’s room. It’s stark and quiet, except for the beeping monitors. For a moment, Jason is taken back in time. It felt all too familiar here. He and Katie had spent an awful lot of time in this same hospital after her car accident. How long would it be this time?

Easing down into a chair, Jason rests his chin on his hands, just watching her. His headache persists, but he knew that nothing he could take would ease it. Not while Katie was still asleep like this.

Rick moves close to Katie’s bed and sighs. “Oh, Katie…what happened, hmm?” He pats her hand. “Don’t stay gone for too long. We need you back.” He pauses for a few moments, then turns to leave, looking between Jason and Nate. “I still can’t get a hold of Scott. I’m going to go see if he’s home now. If he’s not, I’m going to assume there was foul play all around.”

Jason barely gives him a nod. He didn’t know what to do. But he was just as glad Rick was volunteering for that job.

Suddenly a thought strikes him. Camryn. He hadn’t called her. He needed to. But he wanted to get his thoughts halfway in order first.

...The television creates a glow in Scott’s living room, no other lights on in the house. A news anchor rattles on about the stock market, the noise droning in the background.

Scott hears his telephone ring again, his swollen eyes forced open by the sound. His answering machine was shut off. He didn’t know who would be calling him at this hour, nor did he care. Usually it would be something from TJY at this time, but he didn’t want to go in to work. He didn’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone.

Curling up a little tighter on the couch, his head sinks further into his wet pillow. Desired sleep was only accomplished with help from aspirin for his headache. If only there was a pill for heartache.

Domino cuddles up next to him, heaving a little sigh. She was confused by her master’s behavior, and it was apparent she was trying to make him feel better as she nuzzles his hand.

Scott strokes her head for a moment, then retreats again, shutting out the world…

The next time his eyes open, it’s to the sound of his doorbell. A bit of fear creeps into his veins. The last time he’d had a late night caller, he’d been attacked. But this could be connected to the phone calls too. He didn’t have much of a choice this time.

Domino jumps off the couch and runs to the door, barking. Scott pulls himself up off the couch. His eyes were still swollen and red, and they hurt as much as his head did. Stumbling through the living room, he knocks over his stack of empty mountain dew cans with a clatter.

Ignoring them, he goes to the door, picking up his handgun on the way. He’d never kept a gun in the house until that last incident, and wasn’t going take any chances. Resting a hand on the doorknob, he calls out, his voice hoarse and scratchy. “Who is it?”

“It’s Rick.”

Scott lifts an eyebrow and cautiously opens the door. Seeing it is indeed Rick, he opens it all the way, lowering his weapon.

Rick holds up his hands. “Whoa, it’s just me.”

Scott leans on the door, closing his eyes for a moment. The last thing he wanted was to go into work. “Rick, what do you want?”

Rick quirks an eyebrow at the sound of Scott’s voice. Studying his friend’s face, he realizes that something isn’t right. “Are you…okay?”

Scott looks at him again, tired and irritated at the intrusion. “No I’m not, but I’m guessing you didn’t come here to ask me that.”

“Actually, that was part of it.” Rick’s concern persists. Had Scott been…crying? “What happened?”

“Nothing, alright?” Scott leaves the door to go put his gun away. “What do you want?”

Rick sighs. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours.”

“Yeah, so you’re the one that’s been waking me up.”

Rick frowns. “Scott…Katie’s in the hospital.”

Scott whirls around, his heart seeming to stop. “What?”

“It was a hit and run. She’s been at the hospital for hours.”

Scott’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping. “Is she…”

“She’s okay. She’s got a broken arm and the doctor said it looks like there’s some brain damage. But she’s alive and resting.”

Scott’s pulse starts to race. “How did you…”

“It was Jason. He found her.”

Scott’s not sure how to react to that one. Of course it had been Jason. Who else? “Alright, give me a minute. I’ll come with you.”

Rick can’t help but notice the strain in Scott’s voice. He’d expected a worse reaction. What was going on? He decides it better not to ask, though, and simply waits.

Within minutes, Scott is following Rick across town towards the hospital…

Scott grits his teeth against his emotions as he enters the small room. Seeing Katie in the bed, still and lifeless makes the tears want to start all over again, but he holds them back. Seeing Jason there just makes his awkwardness worse. But he moves forward anyway.

Jason rises from his chair as he sees him. “Scott…I’m glad Rick found you.”

“Yeah.” Scott gives a little nod, moving closer to the bed.

Jason swallows hard, sensing an odd tension. “I’ll leave you alone.” He starts for the door, but Scott stops him.

“There’s no need, Jason.”

Jason stops and turns, now noticing the look on Scott’s face. Something was wrong. “Why?”

Scott looks down, then away. “She’d probably want you around more than me right now anyway.”

Jason shifts back closer to Scott, forcing him to look at him. “What are you talking about?”

Scott reaches down and runs his fingers along Katie’s hand, the back of his mind repeating a prayer over and over that she would be okay. “She called off our engagement.” Saying the words aloud hurt more than he expected and the tears sting his eyes. “Look, I’ll be out in the hall for a while. Let me know if something changes.” Before Jason can stop him, he steps back out into the hall and aims for the restroom, avoiding Rick and Nate.

Shocked, Jason watches Scott leave the room, and sinks back down into the chair. What on earth had happened?

Laura turns the corner and seeing Nate, comes up to him, giving him a hug. “How is she?”


So the ambulince came and did what they could. To the hospetil they moved, and now the waiting game that was played so many times before starts.

How unfair life can be to watch the ones we hold close dieing in our arms. Time seems to drag and no one can work fast enough, not an ambulince, not the trip to the hospetil. It seems the doctures and nurses arnt working to get the one we love inside fast enough. Sometimes we wait for absalution that we will never come and the time slowly continues.

*Nate makes his way to the hospetil after being called on what happen. He and Katie wernt close but he though it right to be there anyways.*

The hours slowly pass and the tention grows as no word comes. High stung and worryed about what was to happ make everything uncomfortable. Till finally the doors open and the Dr. steps out.

*Dr.Fuller exits the operating room and walks over to the waiting party. A bit saprised to see Nate again she just gives a nod. The look on her face held a look that did not offer hope. It held an unsurnis for the future.*

"Katie is....alive for the most part right now. Her arm was broken in 3 places, but no other bones broken witch is saprising to say the least. However, Katie has suffered a bit of brain damage. I'm not certin the exspent at the moment, but it's never usally a good thing. With any luck and alot of praying we can only hope it wont be anything major. She's resting now and I am not sure when she will wake up. But she can hear you and your more than welcome to go in and see her."



Scott stares out at the lake, the wind forming small whitecaps on the water. The cool wind mimicked the coldness he felt had washed over his heart. He’d faced disappointments in life. He’d faced trials. He’d faced hard circumstances. But nothing compared to this feeling. It was despair. It was hurt. It was sorrow in its purist form.

Looking up to the sky, Scott glares at the gray clouds that threatened to rain into the dark evening. No one was around to hear him except the One he was talking to. “Why?!” he shouts. “Why? Did I do something wrong? Did I make such a big mistake that I deserved this punishment? I thought it’s what You wanted! Can I not be allowed this small happiness? Is it so bad to love someone?!”

His hand finds its way into his pocket and he draws out the diamond ring. Gritting his teeth, he looks at the sparkling stone with a knowledge that it would never rest on Katie’s finger again. He had seen that look in her eye, and he knew beyond a doubt that he could spend eternity begging, and she would not come back. This ring was only a sore reminder of that fact.

With a cry of anguish, Scott hurls the ring into oblivion where it’s swallowed by a wave. As it sinks to the bottom of the lake, so too does Scott’s heart.

Standing only a few minutes longer, he turns and trudges back to his car. It was going to be a long drive home. Getting into his car he sees he's missed a call on his phone, but he ignores it. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

“…so the guys figured if we did it that way, we might get a better response.” Jason takes another bite of his steak, forcing himself to keep his mind occupied with small talk and chatter with Camryn.

She smiles and takes a sip of her water. “Sounds good. You guys are getting better all the time, you know that?”

Jason shrugs and chuckles. “Yeah, when I can keep my head in the game.”

Camryn laughs. “You do a good job, Jase. Don’t kid yourself. Half the audience is there to see you.”

“Yeah, well they should be there to see the entire band.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being the star.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Whatever.” His fork is halfway to his mouth, when suddenly an instant of panic hits his system with force. Though lasting only as long as a flash of lightning, it’s enough to jolt him from his thoughts, his fork clattering back down on his plate.

Camryn looks at him with surprise. “You alright?”

Jason stares at the table. What had that been? He puts a hand to his forehead, a slight headache all of a sudden present.

“Hello…” Camryn waves at him.

He barely even hears her as his mind tries to figure out what was happening. As much as he has tried to ignore these feelings, he can’t. He doesn’t even realize that he’s whispering aloud. “No…”

Camryn tilts her head to try and see his eyes. “Jason…what’s wrong?”

He finally jerks his head to look up at her, his eyes pleading for her to understand. This couldn’t be happening now…it couldn’t…but it was. “I…I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.”

Rising from the table, he leaves his napkin behind and heads to the foyer to pull out his cell phone. He’d never been the one to the rescue before, but lately he’d sensed disturbances, proving his connection with Katie had grown stronger. Unlike her though, he had no clue as to what it might be.

Dialing Katie’s phone, he waits until he reaches her voice mail. Sighing, he hangs up. Next, he tries Scott. No answer there either. He rubs his forehead again. “Think, Jason, think.” Was it really something that wrong? Was he misinterpreting this feeling? The more he thought about it, the worse he felt. He couldn’t deny it…something was definitely wrong.

Heading back to the table, he doesn’t sit back down. “Camryn…I’m sorry. I have to go.”

“Why? What’s wrong? What happened?”

“It’s…” Jason doesn’t want to tell her. For the first time, he now realized how Katie must have felt all those times she’d come running to him, even when she’d been with others. “It’s nothing, don’t worry, alright? I just have to get to work.”

Camryn assumes he’s forgotten something at TJY or perhaps his phone had been on vibrate and he’d received a call, not made one. She understood his responsibilities and nods. “Okay. Call me later?”

“Yeah.” Jason leans down to give her a kiss, then makes his way quickly out of the restaurant. Getting to his truck, he takes a moment to think. Now what? He wasn’t Katie. He didn’t know where she was like she always knew where he was. He just felt…a disturbance. He couldn’t explain it any other way.

It takes him just ten minutes to make it to TJY, and he half runs, half limps inside, hoping Rick was still there. He’s in luck. Finding the light on in the infirmary, he burst inside.

Rick looks up from his paperwork in surprise. “Jason! What’s wrong?”

“I need to find Katie.”

“Well she’s not here…”

“I know…I…it’s…”

“Slow down.” Rick gets up from his desk and moves closer. “What happened?”

“I don’t know.” Jason throws up his arms in frustration. “Something’s wrong. That’s all I know. Katie’s hurt.”



“And you don’t know where she is?”

“No. I think she and Scott were going out tonight. I called both of them and got no answers.”

“And you came here because…”

Jason sighs. “I don’t know. You’re the first person I thought of. I need your help.”

“Well do you want to go look for her?”

Jason nods. He couldn’t think of anything else. He felt ridiculous, but what else was he supposed to do?

“…Okay, so she’s not at home.” Rick hangs up his own cell phone as he rides with Jason across town. “And we drove by Scott’s, and no one is there. So…where would they have gone out?”

“I have no idea.” Jason’s eyes rove the surroundings as he drives aimlessly.

“So you can’t actually feel her.”


“And you can’t find her like she…”

“No!” Jason slams as hand on the steering wheel. “I’ve told you it doesn’t work that way. She can tell you where I am at almost any given time, but it’s a one way street!”

“Alright, alright, calm down.” Rick frowns as several raindrops splatter on the windshield. “Try to concentrate…you apparently knew something was wrong. Try to draw on that. What does it tell you?”

Jason tries to concentrate while he drives. He recalls the feeling, tries to pinpoint it. “It was drawing out emotions like always. But not just in a general sense. It like…pinpointed panic and drew that out specifically.”

As he speaks, the feeling of the emotional pull seems to shift slightly, getting almost fainter. He slams on the brakes, almost sending Rick through the windshield.

Rick braces his hands on the dashboard and looks to Jason with surprise. “What is it?”

“I’m going the wrong way.” The realization hits Jason hard and he spins the truck around, doing a u-turn in the middle of the street. Gunning it, he squeals back the other direction. “Help me out here…what restaurants are down here?”

“Um…” Rick tries to think “Pizza Box…that bar and grill…LaTife’s Steakhouse…”

Jason turns on the windshield wipers as his mind works overtime. Going several blocks, he feels the shift again, and again, the pull growing ever-so-slightly fainter. Again, he slams on the breaks and spins around.

“Would you make up your mind?” Rick asks in annoyance, finally having sense enough to put on his seatbelt.

“I’m trying, okay?! I need to make a left or right turn.”

“Well if you go left, you’re heading out of town. If Scott and Katie stayed in town, you better go right.”

Jason takes his advice and after just a couple blocks, he takes a right turn. The pull grew slightly stronger. “Okay…we’re going the right way. Keep naming restaurants.”

It takes another fifteen minutes, several stops, turns, u-turns, backtracks and five more minutes before Jason is heading down a back street behind a family diner.

“There!” Rick points. “Katie’s car!”

Relief hits Jason. But his feeling that something is wrong persists. Stopping the truck in the middle of the road, he glances around. Suddenly he spots a form on the side of the street and his heart leaps into his throat. “Oh, no.” Barely taking the time to throw the truck in park, he’s out into the rain, sprinting for the lifeless body.

“Jason!” Rick is right behind him, worried, but taking more caution.

Jason skids to a stop, sliding down next to Katie. “Katie…” He pushes her hair out of her face, feeling sick as he sees the blood on the ground. Putting his fingers to her neck he finds a weak pulse. “Katie, can you hear me?”

“Jason, don’t move her.” Rick already has his phone out and is dialing 911. “Yes, we have an emergency. I need an ambulance right away at the corner of…” he squints at he street signs. “Seventh and Pearson. Behind Daisy’s Diner.”

Jason’s emotions want to explode, and he can feel his chest tighten as he tries to keep them back.

Rick’s off the phone in a matter of seconds, and knees down by Katie, starting to check her over. “Get her head off the ground,” he directs, but move her carefully. There may be spine damage.”

Jason does as he’s told, situating himself so Katie’s head is in his lap. “What happened?”

“It looks like she got hit by a car.” Rick tries to maintain his composure, while his insides were screaming at him in terror at seeing Katie like this. All they could do now was wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Jason strokes Katie's head, desperate to stay calm. "Come on, Hero," he whispers. "Hang in there...you can't leave me, you know that."