

So the ambulince came and did what they could. To the hospetil they moved, and now the waiting game that was played so many times before starts.

How unfair life can be to watch the ones we hold close dieing in our arms. Time seems to drag and no one can work fast enough, not an ambulince, not the trip to the hospetil. It seems the doctures and nurses arnt working to get the one we love inside fast enough. Sometimes we wait for absalution that we will never come and the time slowly continues.

*Nate makes his way to the hospetil after being called on what happen. He and Katie wernt close but he though it right to be there anyways.*

The hours slowly pass and the tention grows as no word comes. High stung and worryed about what was to happ make everything uncomfortable. Till finally the doors open and the Dr. steps out.

*Dr.Fuller exits the operating room and walks over to the waiting party. A bit saprised to see Nate again she just gives a nod. The look on her face held a look that did not offer hope. It held an unsurnis for the future.*

"Katie is....alive for the most part right now. Her arm was broken in 3 places, but no other bones broken witch is saprising to say the least. However, Katie has suffered a bit of brain damage. I'm not certin the exspent at the moment, but it's never usally a good thing. With any luck and alot of praying we can only hope it wont be anything major. She's resting now and I am not sure when she will wake up. But she can hear you and your more than welcome to go in and see her."

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