

* Nate takes Laura into a hug as he see her resting his head on hers. Times like this Nate valued life a little more as he was reminded how fast things can change. Holding her close for a moment he finally draws away.*

"She has a broken arm and the Dr. suspects brain damage but they wont know more till Katie wakes up. Its just one big mess and know one knows what happened. I over hurd Scott saying Katie called off there engagment but we dont know what thats about eather."

*Nate gives a small sigh and leans down giving Laura a kiss and than letting go.*

"Why dont you go in and see Katie. I'm going to check on Scott."

*Stepping way Nate makes his way over to Scott and sits down. For along moment he is silent before speaking.*

"Are you going to be ok Scott? Care to talk about what happend? I mean I know it hurts right now but we all have a hole in what on earth went on here. Though right now I just wanna make sure your ok."

Even when your asleep a mind wonders. When the rest of your body lays dorment the brain still shifts and moves through time. Sometimes as memories, sometimes of things that might come, and sometimes of things we want to happen. But not many people know that. To them we are asleep, almost dead. They don't know that if they talk to us our brain will react and grip for that bit of light that was shining in the darkness. Maybe if people new this they would talk more to there loved ones and they could come out of there Comas sooner. Maybe, Maybe Katie would have to remember that and tell that to someone someday.

As her mind goes through her memories as fast as they come they start to fade. In the darkness Katie stood trying to remember but only coming up blank. What had happened? The Car accident. That's right, memories of the car Crash enter her mind. That's why she was here alone in the dark. Her wonderful car destroyed. That memories finished more come up, and go away. In that darkness of lost memories Katie couldn't help but feel a sadness looming but what it was she dident know.

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