

Looking up as the door opens, the three men rise from their chairs to receive the news about Katie. There was relief. But worry still persisted. Brain damage was so unpredictable.

Jason nods at Dr. Fuller. “Thank you.” Taking a deep breath, he leads the way to Katie’s room. It’s stark and quiet, except for the beeping monitors. For a moment, Jason is taken back in time. It felt all too familiar here. He and Katie had spent an awful lot of time in this same hospital after her car accident. How long would it be this time?

Easing down into a chair, Jason rests his chin on his hands, just watching her. His headache persists, but he knew that nothing he could take would ease it. Not while Katie was still asleep like this.

Rick moves close to Katie’s bed and sighs. “Oh, Katie…what happened, hmm?” He pats her hand. “Don’t stay gone for too long. We need you back.” He pauses for a few moments, then turns to leave, looking between Jason and Nate. “I still can’t get a hold of Scott. I’m going to go see if he’s home now. If he’s not, I’m going to assume there was foul play all around.”

Jason barely gives him a nod. He didn’t know what to do. But he was just as glad Rick was volunteering for that job.

Suddenly a thought strikes him. Camryn. He hadn’t called her. He needed to. But he wanted to get his thoughts halfway in order first.

...The television creates a glow in Scott’s living room, no other lights on in the house. A news anchor rattles on about the stock market, the noise droning in the background.

Scott hears his telephone ring again, his swollen eyes forced open by the sound. His answering machine was shut off. He didn’t know who would be calling him at this hour, nor did he care. Usually it would be something from TJY at this time, but he didn’t want to go in to work. He didn’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone.

Curling up a little tighter on the couch, his head sinks further into his wet pillow. Desired sleep was only accomplished with help from aspirin for his headache. If only there was a pill for heartache.

Domino cuddles up next to him, heaving a little sigh. She was confused by her master’s behavior, and it was apparent she was trying to make him feel better as she nuzzles his hand.

Scott strokes her head for a moment, then retreats again, shutting out the world…

The next time his eyes open, it’s to the sound of his doorbell. A bit of fear creeps into his veins. The last time he’d had a late night caller, he’d been attacked. But this could be connected to the phone calls too. He didn’t have much of a choice this time.

Domino jumps off the couch and runs to the door, barking. Scott pulls himself up off the couch. His eyes were still swollen and red, and they hurt as much as his head did. Stumbling through the living room, he knocks over his stack of empty mountain dew cans with a clatter.

Ignoring them, he goes to the door, picking up his handgun on the way. He’d never kept a gun in the house until that last incident, and wasn’t going take any chances. Resting a hand on the doorknob, he calls out, his voice hoarse and scratchy. “Who is it?”

“It’s Rick.”

Scott lifts an eyebrow and cautiously opens the door. Seeing it is indeed Rick, he opens it all the way, lowering his weapon.

Rick holds up his hands. “Whoa, it’s just me.”

Scott leans on the door, closing his eyes for a moment. The last thing he wanted was to go into work. “Rick, what do you want?”

Rick quirks an eyebrow at the sound of Scott’s voice. Studying his friend’s face, he realizes that something isn’t right. “Are you…okay?”

Scott looks at him again, tired and irritated at the intrusion. “No I’m not, but I’m guessing you didn’t come here to ask me that.”

“Actually, that was part of it.” Rick’s concern persists. Had Scott been…crying? “What happened?”

“Nothing, alright?” Scott leaves the door to go put his gun away. “What do you want?”

Rick sighs. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours.”

“Yeah, so you’re the one that’s been waking me up.”

Rick frowns. “Scott…Katie’s in the hospital.”

Scott whirls around, his heart seeming to stop. “What?”

“It was a hit and run. She’s been at the hospital for hours.”

Scott’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping. “Is she…”

“She’s okay. She’s got a broken arm and the doctor said it looks like there’s some brain damage. But she’s alive and resting.”

Scott’s pulse starts to race. “How did you…”

“It was Jason. He found her.”

Scott’s not sure how to react to that one. Of course it had been Jason. Who else? “Alright, give me a minute. I’ll come with you.”

Rick can’t help but notice the strain in Scott’s voice. He’d expected a worse reaction. What was going on? He decides it better not to ask, though, and simply waits.

Within minutes, Scott is following Rick across town towards the hospital…

Scott grits his teeth against his emotions as he enters the small room. Seeing Katie in the bed, still and lifeless makes the tears want to start all over again, but he holds them back. Seeing Jason there just makes his awkwardness worse. But he moves forward anyway.

Jason rises from his chair as he sees him. “Scott…I’m glad Rick found you.”

“Yeah.” Scott gives a little nod, moving closer to the bed.

Jason swallows hard, sensing an odd tension. “I’ll leave you alone.” He starts for the door, but Scott stops him.

“There’s no need, Jason.”

Jason stops and turns, now noticing the look on Scott’s face. Something was wrong. “Why?”

Scott looks down, then away. “She’d probably want you around more than me right now anyway.”

Jason shifts back closer to Scott, forcing him to look at him. “What are you talking about?”

Scott reaches down and runs his fingers along Katie’s hand, the back of his mind repeating a prayer over and over that she would be okay. “She called off our engagement.” Saying the words aloud hurt more than he expected and the tears sting his eyes. “Look, I’ll be out in the hall for a while. Let me know if something changes.” Before Jason can stop him, he steps back out into the hall and aims for the restroom, avoiding Rick and Nate.

Shocked, Jason watches Scott leave the room, and sinks back down into the chair. What on earth had happened?

Laura turns the corner and seeing Nate, comes up to him, giving him a hug. “How is she?”

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