
Let me guess...

Susanne is busy typing at her computer, and barely hears someone enter. Finishing off the line she finally looks up and does a double-take at the large man before her. “Uh…y.. I mean, yes…” She blinks, then finds her smile. “I’m sorry. You must be Dalton. Yes, Mike is here, but I think he’s back down the other hallway in the office you’ll be in. It’s just right back there, across the main floor and down. If you run into trouble…”

She stops and lifts her eyebrows. “Well…I think you can probably handle it.”

Reese ambles absentmindedly down the hall, pausing in the breakroom door. Sometimes it felt like TJY was falling apart, with the men he was losing… the moods around the place… They were handling cases okay… but it just felt… He wasn’t sure what it felt like. Almost as if the life had been sucked out of the department. But they had to concentrate whether they wanted to or not. Another robbery had happened that morning, and this time someone had been killed. Though used to undercover cases, this one had to he handled and handled quickly.

Jason takes in Katie’s kiss, returning his own, as his fingers gently lie along her face. Good morning, Katie.

The emotions he’d kept in for so long… that he’d denied… to let them out was a feeling that couldn’t be described. He had loved Katie for so long… and though never forgetting how it felt, being able to once again express it, made it seem like it was new all over again.

His eyes closed, he just enjoys the moment, forgetting where he is.

At the sound of Wes’ voice though, he’s immediately back to attention, and jerks from Katie, rolling back so he’s sitting up. “It was Katie.” Hearing the first thing that came to mind come out of his mouth, he can’t believe he said that.

Looking at Katie, he gives a shrug of apology, and then cocks his head to look up at Wes, trying to keep his embarrassment at bay. “Let me guess…. The next time we get a curfew?”

Good Morning

*The elevator opens on the main floor to TJY as a very tall 6'8 foot man enters. He was slim for being so tall but he was muscle. His hair was short and black with a small goatee. His shades shield his eyes.

Starting to make his was across the floor he scans the area looking for Reese. Seeing a few offices he knocks on the one door and enters give a nod to Susanne. Stanind tall Dalton look down at her.*

" I'm Dalton the new tech guy. Is Mike Reese around?"

*Katie looks up at Jason her own face turning a little red but a smile spreads acorss her lips anyways.

I'm not to sure myself, but whatever it is you do it too.

Katie can't help but bring her own hand to Jason's face as she smiles up at him. The light and love dancing in her eyes.

If you find out though, let me know.

Lifting her head Katie brings her lips to Jason's as she send another message.

Good Morning.*

*Hearing the comotion in the other room Wes stands throwing Cindy a look. Leaving the kitchen and heading into the livingroom Wes takes a glance and see Katie and Jason. For a moment he is a bit shocked at the sight before him. Though knowing who Jason and Katie both are he knows it was something innocent and not as bad as it looked. Not wanted to shock eather of the to much Wes loudly clears his throut before looking at the ice on the carpet.*

"HEY.....how got the floor wet?"

How do you?

Jason’s eyes widen as Katie returns and he spots the ice. He puts his hands up in defense, but she’s too quick.

Cringing, Jason gives a jump. “Oooh, no, no, not ice, not ice!”

Squirming to get the ice cubes out of his shirt, he sits up fast, accidentally dumping Katie onto the floor again. But as he stands up to shed the ice, his feet get tangled on Katie, and before he knows it, he’s down too.

For a moment, it’s a tangle of legs and arms and flying ice cubes.

Cindy looks up from the stove and turns toward the living room. “What on earth…” She throws her husband a questioning glance. “What are those two up to?”

Panting, Jason finally gains some leverage on his elbows, keeping himself from being face down on the floor. Only it takes him a moment to realize that the tables have turned, and this time, he’s holding Katie down.

Looking down at her, a grin spreads on his face. Way to go. That’ll teach you to put ice down my shirt.

He knows better than to stay in this position, and his face reddens slightly, but looking into Katie’s eyes, it’s hard to move. Instead, he shifts a hand to tuck some hair behind her ear. One minute life is the way it is, and the very next, you’ve turned my world completely upside down all over again. How do you do it so quickly?

“Gah!” Reese groans in frustration, finally just shutting down the whole computer. “Scott, why did you have to leave?”

For a moment, grief overtakes him until he can shake it off again. Heaving a sigh, he stands up from Scott’s old desk. Hal had cleaned last night…it was ready for Dalton to come today.

Reese stops and sees that Scott’s nameplate is still on the door. Just staring at it for a moment, he finally reaches up to slide it out of the holder.


*Wes returns the kiss to Cindy and than goes to take a sip of his coffee. He had seen Katie and Jason this morning and it braught a smile and warm feeling to his heart. He new it was innocent, and he new they both had been having a hard time. To see them together, at peace with smiles on there face it was nice.*

"I hope they do too. The both need this, eachother, he happyness. Not to mention they look cute together. I think this time around, they will be ok."

*Wes gves a smile*

*Katie's eyes fly open as she goes flying off the couch with a loud thump. Just laying on the ground for a long moment Katie strairs up dazed from being half asleep. Remember where she was and who just pushed herout of bed Katie looks over to Jason sitting up and shakes her head.

Not saying anything Katie stands and heads to the kitchen smiling. Giving a small wave to Cindy and Wes she goes to the fridge and open it up pulling a few ice cubes out. Heading back out of the kitchen and to the coutch once again Katie can't help the grin the cross her face. Jumping on Jason while he is on his back Katie holds him down and quickly sticks the ice cubes down his shirt before laughing....

Payback, Thats for pushing me out of bed when I am half awake.

Katie's emotions are laced with laughs, and happyness as she cant help but chuckle.*


Con shakes his head, lost in thought. "I don't know... I just don't know. Reese said they've got Bret driving the getaway car on film...he said there's no doubt that it's Bret and Bret's car."

He's quiet for several moments before looking down. "Bret did seem a little uptight the last time I saw him, and he mentioned some old buddies..." He stops and looks up to Jamie. "I didn't tell Reese that. I should have but... I don't know...I should probably call him back tomorrow."

Con wanders to a kitchen chair to sit down, still solemn. "Bret does have a record...he got in trouble with this one before. Not many people know about it... he was able to keep it relatively quiet... quiet enough that I'm not even sure Titan Inc. knew about it when they hired him. But would he do it again?" He shrugs lamely. "I don't know...I wouldn't have guessed so, but... people do crazy things sometimes."

Jason gives a grunt as Katie lands on his stomach. As if you didn't enjoy it.

"Come here." Grabbing Katie's arms, he pulls her down so she's resting on his chest, within reach to give her a kiss. As the movie starts though, he turns onto his side, bringing Katie in front of him to the edge of the couch, where he can wrap an arm around her and just see over her head to the television. "Now hush so we can enjoy the show."

...Two o'clock. Cindy pads down the hallway, curious at the feeling no one was in the guestroom or Jason's room. Glancing into the living room, a smile spreads on her face. The television was still on, though the movie was long over. Jason and Katie were sound asleep on the couch, Jason with his arm still around her. Quietly, Cindy moves to take the light blanket off the chair, then spreads it over the two on the couch.

It's just enough movement for Jason to wake, and he gives a start, realizing where he is, and that his mother was standing there, and perhaps wasn't pleased about the scene. She lays a hand on his shoulder though, shaking her head and putting a finger to her lips. She thought nothing about this, her eyes telling her son that he was fine. Ensuring they stayed, Cindy retreats, going back to bed.

Jason settles his head back into the throw pillow, warm and comfortable. Within seconds, he's asleep again...

Cindy leans over Wes' shoulder at the kitchen table to hand him a cup of coffee, along with giving him a kiss. "Morning." She smiles before returning to the stove where she was preparing breakfast. "Did you notice who was asleep on the couch?" Her tone is kept quiet, a slight smile on her lips as she turns to see her husband. "I hope they make it this time."

The subtle noises in the house finally reach Jason's ears and he manages to get his eyes open, needing just a moment to remember where he was. Feeling Katie in his arms, everything comes back to him quickly. What time was it? Late enough for the sun to be shining in the windows...late enough that he could hear his mom's muffled voice in the kitchen as the smell of breakfast just started to waft through the house.

Though wishing he could just sleep in, Jason knew he couldn't. First, his mom and Wes were up, and second, he at least needed to get back to Texas. He wan't sure if Katie would leave with him today or not, but Reese would already be on the warpath once he realized Jason was gone for today.

Mischief entering his mind, Jason gives Katie a light shake. "Hey, hero of mine...time to get up." Not even giving her enough time to respond, he sighs. "Okay...if you're not going to wake up..."

Giving a slight shove, he sends Katie sliding off the couch and onto the floor. Rolling onto his back, he simply stretches and yawns, trying to wake up his brain.


*Wes hangs his head for a moment as Cindy yells at him through a grin was still on his lips. Looking up just a little he whispers jokingly.*

"You can beat him up for me for this Katie."

*Katie gives a little wave to Wes as she hangs upside down on Jason's back.*

*Giving a small giggle to his wife he stands and takes her in an embrace as she takes his arm.*

"Yes dear I will leave the kids alone. Night Guys."

*Was gives a little wave as he disapears down the hall.*

*Katie can't help but laugh as Jason plops he on the coutch. Stairing at the movies for a long moment Katie scans.*

"How about Iron Man."

*Standing back up Katie puts it into the DVD played and starts the movie before walking back over to the coutch to sit down. Moving up just a little bit Katie sits and ends up landing lightly on Jason's stomach. Smiling down at him she chides.*

"Thats for swinning me over your shoulder,"

*Giving a small laugh Katie pretends she is snuaggling in*

*Jamie looks up at Con and he leans aganst the counter a sad look on her face. Bret involved in a bank robbery.*

"Con are they sure its Bret? I mean...would he do that? He seemed like he was doing so well with Charlotte and really happy."

*Jamie lets out a sigh as she continues to wash the dinner dishes as Con talks. It was just so hard to believe Bret would do this. He really had seemed like he was doing good.*



“Ahh!” Though yelping, Jason can’t help but laugh as Wes drags him around, then puts him down on the floor. He groans a little, looking up at his stepfather panting. “Alright, alright, you’re not old!”

He accepts Wes’ hand up, just in time to throw a look at Katie for her comment. “Left out?” He blinks and looks to Wes. “She’s feeling left out. That’s not good.”

Before anyone can stop him, Jason steps closer to Katie, bending down and picking her up to sling over his shoulder, holding her legs in front of him and spinning her around.

“What on earth…” Cindy comes back into the living room, her eyes wide.

Jason comes to an immediate halt, almost running Katie’s head into the wall, looking at his mother as his face reddens. But she’s not looking at him.

Instead, Cindy has her hands on her hips and is looking at her husband. “Wes! I don’t care how young you are, we have someone even younger in the other room, trying to sleep!”

Jason stifles a laugh as Wes takes the blame for everything. “Easy, mom…I think it was my fault.”

Cindy quirks an eyebrow and throws her son a look, giving him a once over, seeing his hold on Katie. “I thought you were a little beyond roughhousing.”

“Me?” Jason twists around and down, trying to see Katie’s face. “I think…uh…mm…”

“That’s what I thought.” Cindy comes over behind Jason to look upside down at Katie. “If he causes you trouble, come knock on my door. He wouldn’t want his mommy to have to come spank him.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “That is so not fair.”

“Night, hunny.” Cindy gives his hand a pat, accompanied by a knowing grin. Then turning to her husband, she takes his arm. “And you…are coming with me so you can quit causing trauma to the living room.”

Jason waves at them both. “G’night!” Heaving a sigh, he just stands for a moment, as if having forgotten about his armful. “Oh yeah…” Turning around, he walks back to the couch, dumping Katie onto the cushions. “Incoming. Watch your head.”

Barely giving her enough time to move, he flops down, faking carelessness, though he knows exactly where Katie is. Stretching out on his side to face the television, he pulls a throw pillow under his head and grabs the remote from the floor, letting Katie find her own position. “Okay, Hero, whadya have?”

Reese thinks for a moment, and shakes his head. “I’m not sure…Bret isn’t home… but if he thinks he’s being tailed, he won’t come back. I think we should lay low and let him come back like everything is fine. Don’t call Charlotte… in case they’re together, so as not to tip off Bret. We wait at least another day or so… then if he doesn’t show up, we’ll start after him.”

Heaving another sigh, Reese gathers up his things. “Though there is one person I might call. In the meantime… just sit tight. See if your sister is home – if she is, don’t say anything about this. If she isn’t…then we can assume they’re together.”

He gives a short nod. “I guess…that’s it. Thanks, Angelica.”

Leaving her office, he already goes for his cell phone.

“What?” Con paces the living room, hearing Jamie making supper in the kitchen. “Yeah… we’re friends. Right. From Titan. But how could…” He pauses, frowning. “Yeah, I knew about his record. He told me once. But he wouldn’t do that again. I… I don’t know about the picture, but it couldn’t have been. It just…”

He stops, realizing that Reese is not looking for opinions. “I’m sorry, no. I haven’t seen him in about a week or so. Last time I did, he was same as always…I didn’t think anything was wrong. He talked about Charlotte…that was it. No… yeah, if I see him I let you know. Alright. Yeah. Bye.”

Hanging up the cordless phone, Con just stops and thinks for several moments, shaking his head, then going to the kitchen. Leaning back against the counter, he purses his lips in solemn thought. “There was as bank robbery today in town… Reese is on the case. Says Bret Parker was involved.”

Three days ago

*Hearing Jason's comment Wes walks slowly behind him and though Jason is taller Wes still has long arms and is strong from being in the army. Putting Jason in a headlock Wes pulls him around the living room for a second.*

"Old...you think I'm OLD. I'll show you old."

*In one quick movment Wes brings Jason to the ground gently as to not hurt him. Standing over top of him he laughs, and offers a hand up again to Jason.*

"Now, if I was old could I do that?"

*Wes can't help the smile on his face as the enjoyment dances in his eyes.*

*Katie can't help the laughter that ring from her mouth as she watches Wes and Jason. It was good to see them getting along. Wes might not be Jason's dad but it was still good to see that they interacted ok.*

"You know I am feeling left out here."

*Katie shakes her head and continues to watch. Once the horse play is over Katie looks to Jason and smiles.*

"A movie sounds good."

*Looking down at the picture Angelica's eyes grow a little bit wider as she looks back up at Reese. A millions things ran through her mind. Bret seemed nice enough but anyone could wair a mask and now, was her sister in danger is well.*

"I havn't seen Charlotte in 3 days or so do you think...."

*Angelica's voice trails off as she grabs her phone and calls Charlotte work.*

"Hello...this is Angelica Lockheart, my sister Charlotte works there and I was wondering if she was in today."

"Nope we have it written down that she called off three days ago. She told us she had something important to take care of and would be back in a few days."

"Ok thank you."

*Hanging up the phone Angelica shakes her head.*

"They said she called off a few days ago. What now?"


Cindy nods. “Sure. You just make yourself at home. And if you need any spare clothes, or anything, you just let me know.”

She waits for a few more moments, then finally relents, entering the living room. “Hey, hun.” She reaches down to run a finger through Jason’s hair. “Wake up, Jase.”

“Mm.” Jason squirms a little and forces his eyes open. “Mm-hmm.”

Cindy chuckles and moves to pick up Kaylee. “Better get up before you fall too much more asleep, or you'll never get into bed." She tucks the baby up by her shoulder and makes her way from the living room, nodding to Wes on her way.

Jason rubs his hands over his face and stretches out tall, yawning. "Okay...guess I was tired." Noticing Katie in the doorway, he gives her a sheepish grin. "Some rescuer I am. You're still up working, and I'm the one that conks out."

Cocking his head, his eyes twinkle with mischief. "So you up for a movie while the old folks go to bed, or are you conking out now too?"

Reese shrugs, fingering the folder in his hand. "Oh...well... " He sighs and steps into Angelica's office, setting the folder down on the desk. Opening it up, he reveals pictures from outside security cameras at the bank that was robbed. He points out one of them in particular. "This was digitally enhanced to zoom in... it's... Bret Parker's car, and it's him behind the wheel. It was, um... the getaway car for the robbers. He wasn't home when the police went to his place about an hour ago. I... thought maybe Charlotte might know where he was."

Apology glints in Reese's eyes. He wasn't sure what to think.


*Charlotte can't help but laugh again as the smile widens on her face. Stopping to think about it for a moment Charlotte can't help but see her sisters face already when she found out.*

"Oh boy are we ever."

*Charlotte shakes her head and takes Bret's hand with her own interlacing her fingers with his.*

"I'll go through anything as long as I am by your side."

*Charlotte looks out the window as the scenes as they pass by. The energy here fed her own, Bret helped her enjoy it and gave her even more. It was a circle Charlotte loved and was so happy to now have. An unexspected happyness that Charlotte wouldnt trade for the world.*

*Coming up behind Cindy Katie can't help but smile at Jason as a warmness washes over her from the picture that was before her. Watching Jason with little Kaylee was the cutest thing. He just needed to see more the confadince he already had. His sister loved him, and he new how to handle her.*

"Well, at least we know someone got through to him."

*Katie cocks her head as she watches for a little while longer. Finally shaking her head she lets out a small sigh.*

"Well, I'd like to see my Aunt and Mick again but I can do that in the morning. I think I would like to sleep here."

*Katie didn't feel to awkward and now that her and Jason were trying over again it made things a little easyer too.*

"Thank you Cindy for everything is means alot."

*Once more Katie looks to the coutch where brother and sister were laying the smile still on her face.*

*Angelica looks up from her desk as Reese enters. Quirking an eyebrow she thinks for a moment.*

"Well, I know they have been spending alot of time together I hardly ever see her at home anymore between working and spending all her free time with him. Other than that I am not sure what they do or anything. Why whats wrong? Do you think he had something to do with robbery?"

*Angelica has a bit of worry cross her face. She helped Bret out once and he seemed nice but other than that no one new anything alse about him.*

Soft spot

“Aw, thanks.” Bret smirks at Charlotte, scanning the street for the next fast food joint. “Then…we go to that beach you saw and eat in the car since I’m not in the mood to get cold. And if I feel adventurous, we’ll go for a walk.”

He stops in traffic to make a turn into a restaurant drive-thru. “And then we’re going to go get a movie or two somewhere to take back to the hotel, and stay up into the wee hours of the morning, just because we can and don’t have any responsibilities tomorrow.”

He grins and throws Charlotte a sidelong glance. “You do realize that we’re both dead.”

Reaching over, he roughs up her hair. “But at least we die together now.”

Jason gives Wes a wry grin. “No ringer…just life in general.” He gives him a subtle nod that they would explain later. Entering the house, he brings Katie in with him, setting down his bag in the entryway.

“What we both could use now is a good shower.”

“Wes, who is…” Cindy comes around the corner, and he face lights up. “Jason! Katie!” She smiles. “Don’t you two look like you’ve had an adventure. What are you doing here?”

Jason chuckles. “Sorry to barge in on you.”

“You don’t have to apologize and you know it,” Cindy chides. “This is home…for both of you. Please say you’re staying for supper.”

“If that’s okay.” Jason gives Katie a glance, then looks back to his mom. “I think we both could use some food after we clean up.”

“And then…?”

Jason shrugs. “I don’t think I want to go back to Nevada tonight, so I’ll sack out here if it’s alright.” He looks to Katie again. “I don’t know where Katie wants to stay.”

Cindy holds her smile. “Well if she wants to head to the ranch, that’s fine, but Katie, you’re more than welcome to stay here too. That’s what the guest room is for.” She opens her mouth to say more, but with all the noise, Kaylee is now awake and starts crying for her own supper. “Ohh, Kaylee.” Cindy rocks her gently. “Come on.” She heads down the hall, calling over her shoulder. “You guys are free to use the shower… Wes, watch the stove, could you?”

Jason grins and shakes his head. He gestures to the hallway, letting Katie use the shower before him. “Ladies first.”

Once everyone is cleaned up and settled, supper is on, and enjoyed in the dining room. Just as warm and cozy as always, the atmosphere is a loving one, and even more at ease than the last time, with less tension between Jason and Katie.

Brief explanations are shared with Wes and Cindy, though too many details are avoided, for privacy’s sake. After the meal is finished, the table is cleared off, and once more Cindy has to see to Kaylee. As everyone settles down for a little while though, Cindy hands the baby off to Jason. “Here, you can hold her for a while.”

No time to refuse even if he wanted, Jason takes the warm bundle, still feeling a little awkward. “Um…ok.”

Cindy smiles, and throws a wink in Katie’s direction, knowing that Jason wasn’t a hundred percent comfortable, but making him do it anyway. “Katie, you wouldn’t mind helping me with the dishes, would you? Then it can be done in half the time.”

The women in the kitchen, Jason wanders to the living room to sit down and chat with Wes for a while. Soon though, it’s quiet, exhaustion from the day taking over.

The dishes finished, Cindy cocks her head and listens, hearing nothing. Giving Katie a curious glance, she goes to the living room to peak in. A smile spreads on her face and she just stands and watches.

Jason was lying on his back on the couch, one foot on the floor, the other stretched out to set on the armrest. One hand was hanging off the couch, the other on top of the sleeping form on his chest.

Kaylee was slowly raised and lowered with every one of Jason’s breaths, her own eyes closed in sleep. Her tiny hand clutched Jason’s shirt in a vice grip, her other tucked under her own head.

Cindy leans against the doorway, her smile in place. She looks to Katie again, her voice in a whisper. “Some tough guy.” She chuckles softly. “At least someone was able to find his soft spot.”

She shakes her head a little and gives a contented sigh. “I hate to wake them up, but I need to put Kaylee down in her crib.” She looks to Katie with question. “Have you decided what you’d like to do tonight?”

“Angelica?” Reese taps lightly on her office door. It was late, and he wanted to go home, and he wanted her to be able to go home too, but he needed to talk to her. “I just got a call in about a bank robbery downtown. The station is full up right now, so they handed me the case to handle. I, um… I was wondering if… well…” He didn’t want to imply the wrong thing, but he just had to ask. “Has Charlotte said anything about where her boyfriend has been lately or anything?”


*Wes stands hearing the door setting down the paper work he was looking at for work.*

"Yeah I got it."

*Heading to the door he opens it to find Jason and Katie on the other side. A bit surprised but happy non the less a smile spreads across Wes face.*

"Well look who we have here."

*Noticing the start of the dirt on there cloths Wes grows concerned for a brief moment.*

"Is everything ok? You guys look like you have been through the ringer."

*Stepping aside Wes holds the door open and waves Jason and Katie inside.*

"Come on in your mom will be happy to see you again."

*Charlotte thinks for a moment trying to decide what she wanted to eat. She herself really did not care either but the choice was on her now so she had to choose. Reaching into her pocket and pulling own a coin a smile spreads across her face.*

"Heads we go fast food, we go family style. No elegant we are dressed for it at the moment."

*Tossing the coin in the air and catching it Charlotte slaps it into her other hand. Heads.*

"Looks like fast food. I saw a pretty nice looking beach over there, its not to cold out if you want to take it there to eat. Oh I picked what kind of food now you get to pick the place."

*Charlotte cant help the laugh that escapes her lips.*


Though Jason and Katie had been close before, this moment felt new. Both had been through so much... both had grown... both had changed. And though love did exist, it would be nurtured slowly, gently pushing away fear, and bringing two lives together that were meant to be from the very beginning.

Drawing away, Jason looks down into Katie's eyes, a small smile on his face. Right about now, he could stay here forever and not care. But life was moving on around them, and no matter how it felt, time wasn't really standing still.

"I guess if you're ready to go... we should head out. We can make my mom's and Wes' by suppertime... and I bet they'd be thrilled with the company."

Finally letting Katie go, Jason takes her hand to walk her back to her things, and also gathers up his own backpack.

Though the trek is hard going down the slippery slopes, it doesn't seem so bad. Hand-in-hand half the time, few words are spoken, but company is enjoyed. After stopping for a light lunch, Jason gives Mick a quick call that things were fine, then the hike continues.

By the time Jason and Katie reach the bottom, both look as though they've been camping for a week, covered in mud and grass stains. Walking down the path, Jason turns and grins, reaching up to take a twig out of Katie's hair. "Remember I said they'd be thrilled with company? We might scare them away before we can get that far."

The sun is beginning to sink lower in the sky by the time the two reach Wes and Cindy's. Jason isn't sure about Katie, but he's exhausted, not only from the physical workout, but also from the emotional strain of the day. Though knowing he could walk right in if he wanted, to, he knocks anyway.

Cindy is stirring the sizzling hamburger for her casserole on the stove, while holding Kaylee with the other arm, the baby sleeping against her shoulder. Hearing the knock, she turns to Wes at the table. "Would you see who that is, please, hun? I got my hands full."

"Alright, we got fast food, we got family-style diners, we got elegant." Bret looks out the window of his car as he and Charlotte cruise the busy road. "I'm starving, but I don't care where we go, so I leave the option up to you."


Mass Tango

*As Jason's lips touch Kaite's her heart starts to race. The sweetness of the kiss washing over her. Pulling away for a moment Katie looks Jason in the eyes as her own are lite with happyness. Coming in the opisite way for another kiss Katie press her lips to Jason's again as her one arm find his back and rubs gently and her other combs his hair.

Word need not be spoken the emotions of how they both felt were there and thats all they needed. Words spoken would only mess up the bliss they both felt and so...the kiss lingered.*

*Receving Bret's kiss on more time Charlotte can't help the smile that cross her face as the happyness, love and passion flow through her.

Hearing the coin hit the table and having Bret back away she looks him in the eye as he speaks. Kicking her bear foot up to where the coin was Charlotte kicks it off the table so it rolls off and under the coutch. Looking deep into Bret's eyes again she reply.*

"Looks like to me we are staying in to enjoy eachothers company. We can go out later tonight."

*Turning Bret a little bit so he lines up with the coutch Charlotte back up so he lowers on to it. Smiling she sits on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck again Charlotte returns to continue kissing her husband.*

Try again

Jason shakes his head a little as Katie talks, and gives her hand a squeeze. "It's okay...I understand. It's not like I helped you much." He cringes a little. "I know circumstances weren't my fault, but...I could have been there for you more, and I wasn't. So...I guess I'm sorry for that too."

A grin surfaces. "I guess that makes us even."

Jason curls a finger to tap Katie's chin. "We make a fine couple, don't we?" He shakes his head again. "Come on... we can stay up here a while, but... I'd recommend scooting on down below before anything else happens. I might have worried a few others too..."

He offers a look of apology. "Well...maybe just your aunt and Mick."

Jason gets to his feet and offers Katie a hand up as well. Standing near the edge of the cliff, he looks out and puts an arm around Katie's shoulders. It felt right. Finally... it felt right.

Quiet for several moments, he finally turns his head to look down at Katie, a small grin quirking the edge of his mouth. Taking off his hat, he cocks his head, and leans down close to her.

Since I messed up so badly the last time, how about we try this again?

Leaning in closer, his lips brush against hers for just a moment, before he stops and looks her in her eyes again. His eyes glinting, he returns again, letting out the passion he's denied for so long. His fingers gently comb through Katie's hair, the moment too sweet to ruin with words. Only emotions, blissful emotions were given.

Bret takes Charlotte close and swings her around, his eyes shining with the happiness he felt. He couldn't remember a time he'd felt like this... with Charlotte it was just different... and he felt complete.

"Mm... I've got a pocket full of quarters. Personally I'd rather give them to fate than a slot machine."

Grinning, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a coin. "Heads north, tails south. And if it falls under the couch, we just stay here all day and enjoy each other's company."

The coin is tossed, but before it can land, Bret has Charlotte in another kiss, hearing the quarter land on the table. "Rats." His eyes dance. "Guess we have to go."

Reese walks down the hall, opening up Scott's old office. Giving a sigh, he switches on the light. He didn't want to put someone else in here... but he didn't have much of a choice. Life moves on.

Sighing, he goes to sit down behind the computer, and flip it on again. He had to find enough files and information for when the new tech guy came.


*Katie smiles as Jason pulls away.*

"I'm ok. Well a took a tumble down a moutain and almost fell off a cliff but I'm ok."

*Katie looks down for a moment. She owed Jason an explanation on what happend that much she new.

Trying to gather her thoughts Katie looks back up meeting Jason's eyes.*

"I'm sorry I lift like I did J. I just thought it was for the best. I new I was in a down werd slope and I just didnt want to drag anyone with me."

*Katie lets out a long sigh.*

"I know it was wrong now, I just...I'm wanted to be alone to wallow but I didn't want to be alone. I was so confused it was hard to straten everything out. I'm sorry J, I really am. Thank you for coming for me."

*After the warm meal is eaten and Charlotte has showered she comes back into the room and wraps her arms around Bret not being able to help but grin at the ring she now wore on her finger. Giving him a kiss she finally pulls away.*

"So, how about a little bit of exploring. We have a whole new world out there to flip coins with."

*Charlotte can't help but smile giving a chuckle.*

Ready and willing

Katie's hand to Jason's face sends a shiver down his spine as hope builds. And as he receives her words of acceptance, the hope turns into a blissful relief.

As she embraces him and buries herself against his chest, he wraps his arms around her in a protective hold, not wanting to let go. "Oh Katie..."

A deep sigh doesn't signal disappointment or sorrow, but a simple relief, and the feeling that he knew it wouldn't be easy from here on out. But he was willing.

Jason rests his head against Katie's breathing in her sweet smell as he hugs her gently. There were so many unknowns... but Con was right. Life was about learning as they go.

After a few moments, Jason pulls away, bringing his palm to Katie's face to wipe away any remaining tears. "I thought something was wrong... I couldn't stand not knowing. I wasn't going to come but... I realized that I wasn't just upset because I thought you were hurt... I was upset even more because I missed you... and I realized that I didn't want to let us both keep being lonely... it wasn't fair to either of us. So... I came."

Jason pauses, looking into Katie's eyes once more. "I know it won't be easy for us..." He gives a short laugh. "Nothing ever has been with us, has it?" He shakes his head. "But I'm tired of fighting this thing all the time... No matter what happens... I'm willing to start walking again."

His hands move to tighten around hers. "Are you okay?"

A silent alarm goes off downtown. Guns are waved in the air. Masked men take what they can and run. Sirens can be heard nearing. The culprits jump into their black car and burn rubber, speeding away from the scene. Bystanders stop and stare. Police cruisers screech to a halt in front of the bank. The thieves had escaped.

One step

*For a moment Katie looks down at Jason's hands as his fingers interlock with his. Than as his emotions and all he was feeling starts to flow Katie looks up and locks eyes with Jason. It had been a long time since he shaired everything with her and it felt good. Like giving water to the desert it soaks it up.

Her heart feels so many things as Jason shairs. Some of it hurts, and some makes her smile, while other stuff makes her understand why was so scaired to show feelings again. Taking them in Katie feels good but drained, and a tear forms in her eye.

As the emotions starts to end and the one last one comes Katie is a bit saprised. The one emotion she though Jason would never feel for her again after the other night was really there and now he was shairing it with her.

Once the emotions stop and Jason sends his emotional messages and than flat out tells Katie he loves her, her head spins. She's waited for this.

Bring her hand to Jason's face she turns a finger over it maping out his face. As a smile and a glint in her eye forms.*

"I wan't to stay too. If you sure thats what you want. There is no right or wrong way. We will take it slow, and learn together. One step at a time."

*Katie finally wraps her arms around Jason just holding him. Burying her face into his shoulder.*

"I love you J."

Failure? Rejection?

As Katie lifts the walls, Jason can literally feel his body start to relax as the flow of emotions is freed again.

I’m really here…. If it were a dream, I would have been able to make it sooner.

Jason slowly withdraws his arm, enabling him to move around beside Katie. Instead of facing the cliff though, he faces her, sitting crosslegged. He cocks his head, studying her face. It looked like she had had a rough time of it…but she was okay. His reasons for coming could wait. His questioning as to what had happened to alert him to come here could wait.

Though his ballcap’s brim shades his face, it doesn’t hide his eyes, and he roams her own, searching for understanding…for answers.

I’m sorry, Hero… for everything.

Reaching out slowly, he takes her hands in his, turning them up so their palms were together, lacing his fingers through hers. He needed this…she needed this. It had been too long.

There was so much he wanted to say, but didn’t know how. There was so much he should explain and ask, but couldn’t find the words.

Slowly, gently, the floodgates are opened. Jason keeps a handle on his emotions so they don’t surge in one big wave, controlling them as they flow. Like poison being drawn from his veins, the emotions lift their burden to leave him and nourish the receiver.

Though some things hurt, Jason doesn’t hide. At first what comes is painful… his frustrations, hurt, and anger. From now…from the past. The accompanying memories date back to hurting Katie, to Camryn, to Scott. Then the fears and pain from the current time are brought out, proving the turmoil that he’s had locked inside.

Though his hands start to tremble, Jason doesn’t let go. His eyes remain on Katie’s, not breaking their gaze.

Then comes the relief… the happiness… the gratitude. Though recently things had been hard, there had been good times and good moments. And those emotions needed to be released just as badly. For even the good held inside created turmoil.

Sweat forms on Jason’s brow as he stares into Katie’s eyes. There was only one thing left he had not yet shared, and even now it was hard to pull out. The fear tried to cover it up, but he tried so hard not to let it. And finally, slowly, it is passed from his inner being to hers. Love. A love that had existed for so very long, that had seen bright days and dark days, but in truth had never left… it had only been buried deeply in the shadows, creating an unbearable battle of the heart.

As the emotions begin to fade, the physical tiredness sets in, and Jason’s shoulders drop slightly. He loosens his grip on Katie’s hands. He knew she needed his emotions, but whether or not she would have appreciated this, and how she would react to love was unknown.

Swallowing hard, Jason finally drops his gaze. Holding her hands in his lap, he rubs them gently with his thumb.

I don’t know what this means…and I can’t understand it. I don’t know what to do…and I don’t know how to go from here.

He looks up again, once more searching her eyes, as the fear pools behind his eyes. Would he fail? Would he ruin friendship? Would he be rejected?

I don’t know how to love…and I don’t know how it works. But I can no longer keep it locked away. I just can’t do it anymore.

His words stick in his throat, and come out barely above a whisper. “I love you, Katie Pent. I’ve denied that fact long enough. Please don't try to move past your feelings...I want you to stay.”


*As Jason's shadow can be seen beside her Jason can feel a bit of a pull through the small crack she had open. Still not opening up though Katie don't move surprised but not sure why Jason had some.

As he bends down behind her and brings his arms around to offer the red rose, Katie is even more amazed and shocked. Bringing her hands up to the object Katie gently take it running her fingers over the petals as if making sure this was real. A small smile spreads across her face as the tears dry up.

Before Jason's arms can retreat from around Katie she brings her hands to his arms holding the flower and he arms her herself gently and slowly Katie opens her emotions block, taking down the walls.

I'm surprised to see you. Your really here? I'm not dreaming?*

*Slowly Charlotte opens her eyes as a smile spreads across her face as she looks back at Bret. Sitting up Charlotte brings a hand to Bret's face and runs her finger over his cheek.

She couldnt deny just how happy she was. Everything had come up with Bret in the snap of a fingers. If asked when she first met him she would be married she would of said no way because it was the last thing on her mind. But now, she was so happy to be.*

"Ms. Parker would if Mr. Parker joins her."



Jason leans against a tree to catch his breath after hiking up a steep slope. “Katie, why did you have to go so far?” he pants.

Feeling his muscles starting to go weak, and slightly dizzy, he reaches in his pocket for the bottle of sugar pills. Thank goodness for Misty.

Regaining some strength, he pushes off the tree, standing for a moment with his eyes closed. Ignoring everything else around him, he groped for any sign that he was closer to his target. It was still so faint…she had truly shut him off almost completely. But it was there…and ever-so-slightly stronger. He was still heading the right way. It would be hard to tell when he was near. He didn’t know how strong it would feel once he could see her, since she’d never done this before.

Trudging on, his feet felt heavy, his boots caked with mud. Though the rain had stopped sometime in the night, the trail was left slick, and he continually had to grab onto tree branches or rocks to keep from sliding or falling.

Reaching a small clearing, Jason sheds his backpack, stopping to catch his breath once more. It was a cold morning, and he could see his breath as steam against the air.

Setting his hands on his hips, he looks up to the morning sky. Clouds rolled by, each one painted with brilliant pink and gold. The sun was just over the horizon, not having yet shown itself. Even the most unobservant person would notice this beautiful scene.

Jason lets his mind wander for a few minutes, contemplating where he was and what he was doing. What was he really doing anyway? Con was right…this was about more than just seeing if Katie was okay. Going through with this proved what he’d been avoiding all along… His feelings for Katie ran deeper than friendship. He knew that Katie had felt it not all that long ago when she’d pressured him about it. But the fact that he’d denied it, made it seem less real.

Could he really just let go for once? Could he forget about the past enough to move on and show Katie what he really wanted to? The thought really was something he feared… But maybe Con was right about that too… maybe he really was holding himself back by not moving forward and getting back on his feet again.

He sighs, still feeling the battle within him. Perhaps it was time…perhaps this wasn’t a mere chance happening. Whether Katie was hurt or not… maybe this had been the wakeup call he’d needed. He missed Katie…he missed their connection, and he missed just seeing her, even though it had only been a couple days. He couldn’t deny those feelings… And maybe it was time he let go of the past. Maybe it was time he started being the man he was supposed to be, and quit with the lame excuses, and childish behavior. That wasn’t who he was…and he knew it.

Giving one last glance to the sky, Jason suddenly wonders if there really was a God up there, looking down on him. Was this really chance and fate, or was this something that had been planned?

Shaking his head, Jason moves on. He couldn’t waste any more time…

…Jason can feel the pull strengthening as he reaches the small plateau near the cave. It was still faint…but he knew he was close. Coming out from the stand of trees, his eyes scan the area. Mid-morning, the sun was warm, but at this height, the air was still cool. Seeing nothing, his heart sinks again. How far had Katie gone? Was this searching useless? Had his feelings really led him in the right direction?

He almost heads off to the north trail, when suddenly his eyes catch sight of a figure sitting at the edge of the cliff. His heart leaps into his throat. Though slow and cautious, Jason makes his way closer, close enough that he could see Katie was crying. The scene tore at his heart.

He’d known Katie had been working through a lot, and had known that her coming here had probably just been her way of getting away from people to clear her head. But maybe Jason hadn’t been sensitive enough… perhaps he hadn’t seen just how hard a time she was going through… and maybe he had been a little calloused.

Jason tries to be quiet as he approaches, looking at Katie intently to see if he could tell whether or not she was hurt. He could see she wasn’t in the best of shape. What had happened? Had she fallen? Run into an animal? Worse?

Setting his backpack down quietly, Jason comes up behind Katie cautiously. He didn’t want to scare her, but didn’t want to barge in on her time either. Would she even want him here? Should he just wait and see that she was okay, then leave without talking to her? He didn’t want to do that, but if that’s what she would prefer…

Walking a little further, he began to hear Katie’s words, and stops, listening to her heart being laid bare. Her words of Scott made a lump rise in his throat. Her words about her feelings for him make it even harder to control the emotions surrounding his own heart.

He really had done a good job of making her feel badly…perhaps unwanted. This whole thing was partly his fault. Losing Scott wasn’t, but her misery was. She really had believed he would never return love to her. And maybe before today, that had been true. But he couldn’t keep going like this…he couldn’t keep things as they were. It wasn’t fair…it wasn’t right… for either of them.

Swallowing hard, he walks closer, fingering the object he’d brought from his pack. His shadow makes its way up beside Katie, and he knew that she’d see it and know someone was there. Come on, Katie… Her crying broke his heart. Feel me here…open up…please…

Kneeling down behind her, Jason simply reaches a hand around her to reveal his gift. He had no words to say. He didn’t know what to say. His emotions were pounding at the door with nowhere to go. The red rose was the only thing he had to give.

Already showered and dressed, Bret stands at the little stove of the hotel suite. It had enough amenities one could live here if they wanted to.

Stirring up the bacon in the pan, it sent a sizzle through the kitchenette, the smell of breakfast wafting on the air.

Setting several strips of bacon on the plate next to the eggs, and pouring a small glass of orange juice, he sets it all on a little tray. Finishing it off with a white rose, on the side, Bret makes his way to the bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot.

Entering, he walks quietly to the bed, setting the tray down on the table and easing down next to Charlotte. Just watching her sleep for a moment, a smile spreads on his face. He reaches down to softly move a strand of hair from her face before leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“Hey,” he whispers. “How would Mrs. Parker like some breakfast?”

*Rosetta rolls over and mumbles again as there is a knock at the door and Mick answers it. Opening her eyes just a little she strains to listen in the dark to what was said. Finally as Mick comes back into the bedroom again Rosetta sleepily talks.*

"Was that Jason I herd? Now whats going on?"

*Finally reaching the cave it is nearly dawn. Feeling over exhausted Katie's muscles hurt and her head is pounding. If she didn't get sick from this than she would believe she was invincible. Finding a nice dry spot Katie sits down and leans her head against the wall and finally falls asleep.*

And when the rain is gone the sun comes out. The clouds roll away and the light can be seen. Sometimes it takes long than other and sometimes its not so long. Depending on the day will depend what is written. But sooner or later the sun will come, the light will break through the darkness can't linger forever.

*Katie wakes as the sun peeks through the cracks the sun felt worm on her skin. Slowly standing Katie eaks all over from the position she was sleeping. Walking it off Katie leave to the cave and starts to walk twords the edge. Getting half way there Katie stops as her mind starts to play memories of Scott and her. The tears slowly show themself.

Slowly Katie walks to the edge of the cliff and sits down her tears still coming. It was time....It was time to let go.*

At times life is wicked and I just can't see the light
A silver lining sometimes isn't enough
To make some wrongs seem right
Whatever life brings
I've been through everything
And now I'm on my knees again
But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many feel this way

"Scott, I miss you like no other. Even if we were ending it again I new this time we would of been friends and you would of been ok. We were through a lot you and I. Maybe not like most people but still it was alot."

*Katie swings her legs absintmindedly as she is quiet for a moment. Collecting her memories as the tears still fall.*

At times life's unfair and you know it's plain to see
Hey God I know I'm just a dot in this world
Have you forgot about me?
Whatever life brings
I've been through everything
And now I'm on my knees again
But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many feel this way

"I'm ready to move on now Scott. I'm ready to let you go and let you be at peace. Even if that means I have to walk alone for a while. I'm sorry that I in a sence cheated on you as well. I had feelings like you said for someone who would never love me back. But like you also said I guess you can't help who your heart belongs to. I'll be ok, and hopefuly move on from that as well sooner or later and just try and look at Jason and I as friends. Its gonna be hard but I'v got to try right."

*Katie lets out a long sigh more memories of Scott make there way through and a few of Jason as well. She had to move on, she'd be ok.*

Am I hiding in the shadows?
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows
Am I hiding in the shadows?
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows
But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many feel this way

"GoodBye Scott, I'll see you again one day. Stop worrying too, Domino is in good hands."

*Katie can't help the small smile that slips through her tears. It felt as though a waght had been lifted. One of a few, so she felt a little lighter now.*

Right way

“You realize that this is totally illegal.”

Jason looks out through the rain, seeing the road below. “You realize by obeying my orders, you’d get in trouble with me, yet you’re doing it anyway.”

Ben grins. “I sure do. See anybody coming?”

“Nope. It’s a quiet road – anybody out here this time of night, and in this weather is crazy anyway.”

“Alright. Hang on.”

The plane circles around, the area and Jason can make out the lights of the ranch. It was the middle of the night, and obviously, no one would be up. But he wasn’t sorry about waking someone up. This was important enough.

His stomach does a flipflop as the plane starts to descend. It never failed.

The plane hits the ground with a lurch, the pilot skillfully keeping it straight as they head down the center of the road. Slowing down, they pass the sign to the ranch before coming to a stop.

“Sorry. Misjudged that one.”

Jason looks to Ben and rolls his eyes. “Yeah. You did a terrible job. Now I have to walk, what…. A few hundred feet?”

Ben grins. “TJY Airlines at your service. Now get out before some poor car comes along and we get called in.”

“Right.” Jason gets up from the seat and heads to the back. “Thanks, Ben!”

Within minutes, he’s walking in the rain. He was glad he’d brought a baseball cap to at least keep the rain from hitting his face directly, but it was still cold. Pulling his jacket tighter, he bends against the weather, heading up the driveway.

Mick’s eyes fly open as a roll of thunder passes, followed by a knock at the door. “Since when does thunder stop on our doorstep?”

He sighs and sits up. “I’ll go see who it is,” he speaks quietly. Pulling on a pair of jeans, he finds his handgun, sticking it in the back. At this time of night, he didn’t trust anything.

He goes cautiously to the front door, resting his hand on the knob. “Who is it?”


Mick’s eyebrows raise and he immediately opens the door, ushering Jason inside. “What on earth…”

“I came to look for Katie,” Jason explains lamely.

Mick sees his boots and backpack, and gives a nod. It looked like it. “How on earth did you get here so quickly?”

“Uh…” Jason can’t help a crooked grin. “Did you know your road makes a perfect runway?”

Mick rolls his eyes. “Great. Well now what? You really think something is wrong?”

“I don’t know. But I figure better safe than sorry, right?”

“I suppose. You want someone to go with you?”

Jason shakes his head. “No. I’ll go alone. I got my phone if I need help, and if everything is fine, there’s no need to take anyone else along.”

“How you gonna find her?”

“I don’t know.” Jason shrugs. “But I gotta try. I just wanted you to know that I was here and looking for her. Don’t spread the word though. I don’t want to stir up worry, especially if everything is just fine.”

Mick gives a tired nod. “Alright. Whatever. Give a call if you need something, and be careful. It gets mighty slippery out there.”

“Yeah, thanks, Mick.” Turning back around, Jason heads out into the rain once more. He’d tossed around the idea of asking to take a horse, but the ground was too unstable, and that would be unwise. On foot it would have to be. At least for now, his knee was holding up.

Mick stands in the doorway for a few minutes, watching Jason disappear into the dark. Whether the man admitted it or not, his actions proved he did care for Katie deeply. Mick could only hope that Katie really was alright…he couldn’t worry until he heard otherwise.

Jason slips and slides up the back trail, not even sure where he was heading, but up. He stops again, reaching down deep for any feelings….that faint pull had to be there somewhere… otherwise he’d be dead by now.

There…Jason almost cringes…. There it was… so faint. He walks a while longer, ignoring the time, ignoring the rain. It had subsided a bit, though the trail was left dangerous. An hour later, he stops again, digging down deep and trying to sense anything. It was stronger. Not much, but he could feel it. He was going the right way.


*Hearing the phone ring herself Rosetta rolls over her eyes slowly opening. Why was the phone ringing now? She'd finally gotten BJ to bed after being scaired by the thunder and lighting and now the phone was ringing and could wake him up again.

As Rosetta hears Mick talking a little of her own consern shows through. Proping herself up on her elbows she listens to the one side of the conversation and gathers what is going on. Once the conversation is over Rosetta falls back on the pillow holding Mick's hand as he draps it over her.*

"Everything ok?"

*Rosetta lets out a tired sigh. Even though Katie new is out there well it still worryed her to think she was out there for so long and in weather like this. Gaining a small smile Rosetta rolls over and wraps her arm around Mick.*

"You know, you use to worry about me too before we ever dated. Do you remember why? I think its kind of the same thing with Katie and Jason."

*Rosetta can't help but nuzzle her face into Mick as she closes her eyes and trys to let the rain drift her back to sleep.*

*Jamie lets out a groggy grumble as Con gets out of bed. Rolling over to see him she squints in the dark.*

"Give him a swift kick for me too I was comfortable."

*Jamie can't help the tired smile on her face anyways and leans up to give Con a kiss.*

"Be safe and hurry back."

*Once Con is gone Jamie shakes her head and rolls over closing her eyes and trying to fall back to sleep though it wasnt easy now that she was up.

Minutes pass and Jamie finally falls asleep only to wake up again as Con gets into bed. She didn't mind though knowing he was home and back in bed was a good feeling. Bringing her hand to Con's arm Jamie gives it a squeeze.*

"I love you too."

*Finally standing from the ground after getting caked in dirt and wet from rain Katie stands. Panting Katie trys to catch her breath still quite shaken from what had happend. Gathering her things again Katie slings them over her back. Starting up the moutain again Katie take it slower and it more carfel. If she was luck she would reach the cave by Morning and clean up a bit in the stream.*

Wakeup Calls

Jason’s eyes fly open and he sits bolt upright on the couch. The tv was still droning, casting an eerie light through the living room. But it wasn’t the sound or light from the latenight movie that had woken him. It had been something else. Something bigger. Something worse.

His heart still races, a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. For a split second, once more, the connection between him and Katie had been released. Like a dam had been opened. But again, it had been shut tight. Except this time…this time it was different, and it scared him.

Not only had Jason’s emotions flowed for a moment, but he’d felt something as well. It hadn’t been a direct communication. It hadn’t been a pointed effort at telling Jason something. It had been one big ball of negative emotion, hurled up the emotional current like a comet.

There was no language… no message. Just…emotion. Fear? Hurt? Pain? Panic? Whatever it was, sent chills down Jason’s spine. Something was wrong.

Reaching for his phone, it takes Jason a minute or two to find the number he wants, but finally sees it.

Mick gives a jump as the bedside phone rings. Squinting in the dark, it takes him a minute to figure out that it really was the phone ringing. It felt like he’d just gotten to bed… oh… he really had just gotten to bed. But he’d been out like a light.

Rolling over, he accidentally whacks Rosetta on the head with his elbow, and cringes as the tingle goes up his funny bone. “Mm – sorry,” he mumbles.

Finally grabbing the receiver, he tries to clear his head. “Yeah, hello?”


“Yes. Who is this?”

“Jason…Stevenson. Sorry, bad timing?”

Mick pulls himself up a little, propped up on his elbow. “Um… that depends on how you look at it. What’s up?”

“I, um…well, has Katie come back yet?”


“I don’t know, I just… have you heard from her at all?”

Mick quirks an eyebrow, and glances over to Rosetta. “No…but we weren’t too worried. It’s been raining pretty good here, but she knows this place like the back of her hand.”

“Yeah, I know.”

There’s a pause, and Mick waits. “Jason…What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. I just got a funny feeling was all… So you don’t know where she went?”

“No. We just assumed she went up on the mountain…it’s her favorite spot. It seems logical. She could be a million and one places up there though. Do you think we need to do anything?”

“Like you said, she could be anywhere. It would take forever to find her. I guess….no….maybe it’s just me.”

“Get some rest, Jase. Quit worrying.”

“Yeah. Thanks. Sorry to bother you, Mick.”

“No bother. Talk to you later.” Mick hangs up the phone, sighs and rolls over again, burying his head in his pillow, while letting his arm flop back over Rosetta again. “For a guy who isn’t her boyfriend…” he mumbles, “…he sure worries like one.”

Jason hangs up his phone, but he can’t shake the lingering feeling he had. Maybe it really was just his imagination though. But…it had been such a strong feeling…one that had really set him off. He could have told Mick that someone needed to go look for Katie… but where would they go? It was pointless. Katie could be anywhere. They wouldn’t be able to find her, especially if she didn’t want to be found, not to mention in the rain, they wouldn’t be able to find any traces of her trail or where she’d been.

Maybe Mick was right. Maybe it was nothing, and he just needed to quit worrying.

Unable to sit still on the couch, he finally picks up the phone again.

Lying on his left side, Con’s good ear picks up the sound of the bedroom phone. He was tired enough that he was tempted to just take the thing off the hook for the rest of the night.

Not wanting Jamie to have to answer it though, he reaches over her to get it, keeping her curled in front of him, too comfortable to move. He brings the receiver to his ear. “What.”

Jason cringes. “You in bed already?”

Con rolls his eyes. “Jason… what on earth do you want?”

“Sorry. I didn’t think you’d be in bed yet.”

“It was a long day. I’d like it to be a long night too, so say it fast.”

“Well I just… it’s a long shot, cuz I know she left her phone behind, but like, you haven’t heard from Katie or anything, right?”

Con finally opens his eyes. “No, why?”

“I just got the feeling something was wrong.”

“Did you call the ranch?”

“Yeah, Mick said I just needed to quit worrying.”

“You think he’s right?”

“I don’t know.”

Con sighs. “Jason…you and Katie have sixth senses about each other. If you think something is wrong, don’t you think you should trust it? Why don’t you have someone from the ranch go look for her?”

“’Cause no one would be able to find her like that. Too many variables. They don’t know where she went, and on top of it, Mick said they’ve been getting rain. All anybody would be doing, would be putting themselves at risk.”

Con keeps his groggy eyes open. “Then why don’t you go?”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Well who says I could find her?” Jason argues.

Too annoyed at the hour, Con’s voice reflects no emotion. “You have a connection with her.”

“Yeah, but…”

“Use it.”

“It doesn’t work that way!” Jason gives a frustrated sigh. “Everybody thinks they got it figured out, but they don’t. Katie can find me – I can’t find her. Well… not really.”

“You did once though.”

“Yeah, and I took a crazy ride around town, trying to pinpoint her. I can’t do that on the side of a mountain, not to mention, she’s shut me out, Con. I can barely feel a thing.”

A small bit of worry forms in Con. He didn’t like the idea of Katie being out alone and in trouble. Jason was right though, that anyone from the ranch going to look for her would pretty much be pointless. Any search and rescue team would agree. “Well what other options do you have, than going yourself? No matter how little you can feel her, it’s more than anyone else. You’re the best bet to find her.”

“I…I can’t.”

“Why? What now?”

“It would just be… I mean…. She could be perfectly fine. Then there would be no reason for me to go, and I’d just upset her all over again and…”

Con’s eyebrows lift. “And what? At least you’d know she was okay! If she gets mad someone looks for her, then I think she’ll get over it.”

“But it’s…” Jason groans. “It’s more complicated than that. I just don’t want her to think…”

“What? That you love her?”


Con shakes his head. “Look. You know as well as I do, that the reason you’re sitting on your butt is because you don’t want to face your feelings for Katie.”

“That is…”

“So just don’t go.” Con cuts him off. “Let her stay up there. Keep worrying, and keep bugging people about it.” Without waiting for a response, Con hangs up the phone, bringing his arm back around Jamie to pull her even closer.

He heaves a sigh and just wants to go back to sleep. But now his conscience wouldn’t let him. It’s several minutes before he gives a groan and rolls over. “This is ridiculous,” he grumbles. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he gropes for his jeans. “No one is ever going to get any rest until he gets his head on straight.” Standing up, he pulls on a t-shirt, hoping it’s on the right way around, unable to see it in the dark.

He reaches over to give Jamie a light pat. “Sorry. I have to go do something about that moron before I go crazy. It won’t take me long. Keep the bed warm.”

Jason hangs up the phone with frustration. Why was everybody laying into him? First Misty, now Con! Could no one keep their noses out of his personal life? Could no one quit trying to pry these feelings from him?

He stands up, pacing the living room. One minute, he was ready to go, the next, he wasn’t. If he went, and Katie was perfectly fine, then she’d just think he’d invaded her space, and would probably get upset that she couldn’t even spend a little time alone. Jason knew if it were him, he’d probably wonder if privacy even existed anymore. She had a right to do what she wanted, and was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Besides all that, if she’d really been in danger, wouldn’t she have kept the connection open? Or asked for help?

Jason keeps pacing. But what if she couldn’t? He didn’t know how this thing really worked… what if she was really hurt, and lying somewhere unconscious, unable to send him a message? Would their connection automatically open if she passed out, or did it have to be a manual thing? He wasn’t close enough to an answer to be sure that Katie wasn’t hurt…that she wasn’t in need of help…

“Jason!” A fist pounds on his front door. “Open the door.”

Jason’s eyes widen at the tone in Con’s voice. Great. He’d made his friend mad. Now what?

He goes to the door and cautiously opens it, letting Con inside. “What?”

Con sets his hands on his hips. “You know what. I’m tired of watching you play these little games. Get your jacket. You’re going to find Katie.”

“But I told you why I can’t!” Jason throws up his arms. “Sorry, but your trip was wasted. I gave you good reasons why I shouldn’t go to Texas.”

“I don’t care!” Con shakes his head. “This isn’t about Katie’s physical condition, and you know it. It wasn’t all that long ago, you would have dropped everything and run, not caring about what she thought when you got there. Who gives a rip if she’s perfectly fine and gets upset? At least you would have cared enough to check on her.”

“But I don’t want her to think I’m invading her space!”

“No, you don’t want her to think that you actually care.” Con crosses his arms. “Get over it, Hotshot.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I?” Con shakes his head, unwilling to back down. “Do you love her?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Why does everybody keep asking me that?”

“Because we’re waiting for you to be honest for once! Everybody knows the answer, but you’re not willing to give it!”

Jason starts to glare at him. “Just drop it. You don’t understand.”

“I understand that you’re scared,” Con states flatly. “You’re scared of being vulnerable and getting hurt again. You’re scared that you’ll hurt Katie again. You’re probably a little scared that you’ll end up like your own father and do something stupid.”

Jason takes a step back, his emotions spiking. “That’s not fair.”

“What’s not fair? That I know you so well?” Con shakes his head again. “You’re like a little kid learning to walk, Jase. You got up once, and fell down. You got up a second time and fell down again. So now instead of trying it again, you’ve decided to stay on all fours and crawl the rest of your life because it’s safer. You know good and well you’d be better off on your feet and walking, but you’re sacrificing that freedom just so you don’t get hurt.”

Jason’s anger boils. The truth was painful. “That…”

Con doesn’t let him interrupt. “Fear is no excuse. You think I wasn’t scared to marry Jamie? I was terrified! I’m still scared that I’ll go and screw something up! But I’m not going to allow it to ruin my life. Sure, a ton of things could go wrong. But I’m not going to let that stop me from enjoying the freedom of being with the one I love. Living in fear is no way to live at all.”

He pauses, searching his friend’s eyes. “You know that song? Life’s a dance, you learn as you go… sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Don’t worry ‘bout what you don’t know – life’s a dance, you learn as you go.” Con begs Jason to listen. “We fall down and we get hurt, yes. And we still will, no matter how old and wise we get. But life’s not about getting it right every time. It’s learning as we go. Sometimes we’re in control and sometimes things just happen that there’s nothing we can do about. But we can’t quit living, Jase. We can’t.”

Jason’s eyes drift to the floor, his anger starting to subside. Con was truly speaking from his heart as one who cared. How could Jason refuse to listen to him?

Con reaches over to put his hands on Jason’s shoulder, and waits until he looks him in the eye again. “Now I’m going to ask you one more time, and you better tell me the truth.” He stops, forcing Jason to pay attention. “Do you love Katie?”

Jason swallows hard, the emotions running rampant through him, and surging through his eyes. “Yes.”

“Then for pity sake, get out there.” Con turns around to grab Jason’s jacket off the couch. “Get your stuff. The plane is waiting.”


“I called them on my way.”

“And they took orders from you?”

“Once a TJY agent, always a TJY agent.” Con nods down the hall. “Come on, get going! I want to get back to bed.”

Con flops back down in bed, feeling better to know that Jason was on his way, and though still worrying about Katie, at least he know Jason would be looking for her.

Pulling Jamie close, he gives her cheek a kiss. He couldn’t imagine not showing his love for her. Despite his annoyance towards Jason’s attitude, part of him pitied his friend for holding out for so long. He had to be miserable hiding something as powerful as love.

“I love you,” Con whispers.

Jason looks out the cockpit window, staring into the dark. It was the smallest plane this time, but he kind of liked it, being allowed to sit up here. He would have enjoyed it more, had his mind not been wandering every which way, still full of worry. What if Katie was perfectly fine? What if he was getting all worked up for nothing? Then he’d be the fool. But maybe Con was right…maybe it was better to make sure. Not to mention…there was another purpose to him going.