

Jason leans against a tree to catch his breath after hiking up a steep slope. “Katie, why did you have to go so far?” he pants.

Feeling his muscles starting to go weak, and slightly dizzy, he reaches in his pocket for the bottle of sugar pills. Thank goodness for Misty.

Regaining some strength, he pushes off the tree, standing for a moment with his eyes closed. Ignoring everything else around him, he groped for any sign that he was closer to his target. It was still so faint…she had truly shut him off almost completely. But it was there…and ever-so-slightly stronger. He was still heading the right way. It would be hard to tell when he was near. He didn’t know how strong it would feel once he could see her, since she’d never done this before.

Trudging on, his feet felt heavy, his boots caked with mud. Though the rain had stopped sometime in the night, the trail was left slick, and he continually had to grab onto tree branches or rocks to keep from sliding or falling.

Reaching a small clearing, Jason sheds his backpack, stopping to catch his breath once more. It was a cold morning, and he could see his breath as steam against the air.

Setting his hands on his hips, he looks up to the morning sky. Clouds rolled by, each one painted with brilliant pink and gold. The sun was just over the horizon, not having yet shown itself. Even the most unobservant person would notice this beautiful scene.

Jason lets his mind wander for a few minutes, contemplating where he was and what he was doing. What was he really doing anyway? Con was right…this was about more than just seeing if Katie was okay. Going through with this proved what he’d been avoiding all along… His feelings for Katie ran deeper than friendship. He knew that Katie had felt it not all that long ago when she’d pressured him about it. But the fact that he’d denied it, made it seem less real.

Could he really just let go for once? Could he forget about the past enough to move on and show Katie what he really wanted to? The thought really was something he feared… But maybe Con was right about that too… maybe he really was holding himself back by not moving forward and getting back on his feet again.

He sighs, still feeling the battle within him. Perhaps it was time…perhaps this wasn’t a mere chance happening. Whether Katie was hurt or not… maybe this had been the wakeup call he’d needed. He missed Katie…he missed their connection, and he missed just seeing her, even though it had only been a couple days. He couldn’t deny those feelings… And maybe it was time he let go of the past. Maybe it was time he started being the man he was supposed to be, and quit with the lame excuses, and childish behavior. That wasn’t who he was…and he knew it.

Giving one last glance to the sky, Jason suddenly wonders if there really was a God up there, looking down on him. Was this really chance and fate, or was this something that had been planned?

Shaking his head, Jason moves on. He couldn’t waste any more time…

…Jason can feel the pull strengthening as he reaches the small plateau near the cave. It was still faint…but he knew he was close. Coming out from the stand of trees, his eyes scan the area. Mid-morning, the sun was warm, but at this height, the air was still cool. Seeing nothing, his heart sinks again. How far had Katie gone? Was this searching useless? Had his feelings really led him in the right direction?

He almost heads off to the north trail, when suddenly his eyes catch sight of a figure sitting at the edge of the cliff. His heart leaps into his throat. Though slow and cautious, Jason makes his way closer, close enough that he could see Katie was crying. The scene tore at his heart.

He’d known Katie had been working through a lot, and had known that her coming here had probably just been her way of getting away from people to clear her head. But maybe Jason hadn’t been sensitive enough… perhaps he hadn’t seen just how hard a time she was going through… and maybe he had been a little calloused.

Jason tries to be quiet as he approaches, looking at Katie intently to see if he could tell whether or not she was hurt. He could see she wasn’t in the best of shape. What had happened? Had she fallen? Run into an animal? Worse?

Setting his backpack down quietly, Jason comes up behind Katie cautiously. He didn’t want to scare her, but didn’t want to barge in on her time either. Would she even want him here? Should he just wait and see that she was okay, then leave without talking to her? He didn’t want to do that, but if that’s what she would prefer…

Walking a little further, he began to hear Katie’s words, and stops, listening to her heart being laid bare. Her words of Scott made a lump rise in his throat. Her words about her feelings for him make it even harder to control the emotions surrounding his own heart.

He really had done a good job of making her feel badly…perhaps unwanted. This whole thing was partly his fault. Losing Scott wasn’t, but her misery was. She really had believed he would never return love to her. And maybe before today, that had been true. But he couldn’t keep going like this…he couldn’t keep things as they were. It wasn’t fair…it wasn’t right… for either of them.

Swallowing hard, he walks closer, fingering the object he’d brought from his pack. His shadow makes its way up beside Katie, and he knew that she’d see it and know someone was there. Come on, Katie… Her crying broke his heart. Feel me here…open up…please…

Kneeling down behind her, Jason simply reaches a hand around her to reveal his gift. He had no words to say. He didn’t know what to say. His emotions were pounding at the door with nowhere to go. The red rose was the only thing he had to give.

Already showered and dressed, Bret stands at the little stove of the hotel suite. It had enough amenities one could live here if they wanted to.

Stirring up the bacon in the pan, it sent a sizzle through the kitchenette, the smell of breakfast wafting on the air.

Setting several strips of bacon on the plate next to the eggs, and pouring a small glass of orange juice, he sets it all on a little tray. Finishing it off with a white rose, on the side, Bret makes his way to the bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot.

Entering, he walks quietly to the bed, setting the tray down on the table and easing down next to Charlotte. Just watching her sleep for a moment, a smile spreads on his face. He reaches down to softly move a strand of hair from her face before leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“Hey,” he whispers. “How would Mrs. Parker like some breakfast?”

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