

*Hearing the phone ring herself Rosetta rolls over her eyes slowly opening. Why was the phone ringing now? She'd finally gotten BJ to bed after being scaired by the thunder and lighting and now the phone was ringing and could wake him up again.

As Rosetta hears Mick talking a little of her own consern shows through. Proping herself up on her elbows she listens to the one side of the conversation and gathers what is going on. Once the conversation is over Rosetta falls back on the pillow holding Mick's hand as he draps it over her.*

"Everything ok?"

*Rosetta lets out a tired sigh. Even though Katie new is out there well it still worryed her to think she was out there for so long and in weather like this. Gaining a small smile Rosetta rolls over and wraps her arm around Mick.*

"You know, you use to worry about me too before we ever dated. Do you remember why? I think its kind of the same thing with Katie and Jason."

*Rosetta can't help but nuzzle her face into Mick as she closes her eyes and trys to let the rain drift her back to sleep.*

*Jamie lets out a groggy grumble as Con gets out of bed. Rolling over to see him she squints in the dark.*

"Give him a swift kick for me too I was comfortable."

*Jamie can't help the tired smile on her face anyways and leans up to give Con a kiss.*

"Be safe and hurry back."

*Once Con is gone Jamie shakes her head and rolls over closing her eyes and trying to fall back to sleep though it wasnt easy now that she was up.

Minutes pass and Jamie finally falls asleep only to wake up again as Con gets into bed. She didn't mind though knowing he was home and back in bed was a good feeling. Bringing her hand to Con's arm Jamie gives it a squeeze.*

"I love you too."

*Finally standing from the ground after getting caked in dirt and wet from rain Katie stands. Panting Katie trys to catch her breath still quite shaken from what had happend. Gathering her things again Katie slings them over her back. Starting up the moutain again Katie take it slower and it more carfel. If she was luck she would reach the cave by Morning and clean up a bit in the stream.*

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