

*Jamie smiles at Con and gives a small nod. It was getting late and she herself had a long day at work.*

"You know I am kind of tired myself. These days just seem longer and longer I tell ya. I think I will head to bed myself with ya babe."

*streching and standing Jamie gives Con a kiss before heading into the kitchen for a moment o get a glass of water, than use them bathroom before finally making it to bed.*

*As the rain continues to fall Katie looks out the open Tent door just watching it. The Sky almost complete dark as night had fallen. It had been raining since late last night and surly by not the river on the mountain was start to over flow. If that was so it would be reaching where so was in no time and who knows how much water was coming. Katie had to get above the river itself. She did not really want to get out in the rain and get wet but she new if she didnt there would be bigger problems.

Letting out a long sigh Katie starts to pack up everything that was inside the tent in her back making sure to cover that with the extra poncho she braught to keep it try. Than venturning out Katie exits the tent and starts taking that down. As the last peace is put away Katie look up the hill only to see water start to come pouring down. It would be slippery and a little dangerouse to walk up seeing as the side had no pertection only a cliff that droped and you would fall to your death. But she had to keep going, all she needed to do was get to the cave and she would be fine.

Starting to make her way up the moutain Katie strugles to keep her footing ans slips a few times going down on her hands and knees but ends up catching herself. Continuning her way up the hill Katie trudges forward.

Suddanly a big stream of water starts to come down the hill knockng into Katie's feet as she walks and throws her off balance once again. Going down to the ground Katie goes to catch herself but grabs nothing this time. Tumbaling Katie continues to fall as she loses her train of thought and the emotionaly block is lifted a little. Finally Katie stops tumbaling but what was worse is she no longer felt and ground under her eather. Katie had gone off the edge of the cliff and was now falling. Reaching out for anything in panic Katie grabs on to the ledge and his the wall with force. The block open all the way up and the burst wave of panic coming with such a force as Katie hangs from the edge and in a split moment Her life pass before her eyes. From her mother and baby brother, to her father, to her ex boyfriends, to the ranch, to Jason, than Scott. Lingering there for a moment the scenes play in her head reminding her of the good times this in any other situation would bring a smile, than her mind goes back to Jason and scenes of him flash through her mind. As Katie hanges from the ledge her keeps her eyes closed shut hoping she could hold on. Till finally she knows she cant hang there any longer. Closing off the emotions again Katie trys with all her might and pulls herself up. Once up and safe Katie callapes on the ground leting the rain hit her in the face and cools off her skin. In that split second of coming so close to death everything changed for Katie. God had opend her eyes and showed her there was more to life and more people. Now, she wasnt going to continue up the moutain because she wanted to be alone but because she wanted to reach her destination and remember. It was time to let Scott go so he could rest in peace.*

From: Arizona Tech
To: Mike Reese
RE Subject: Help
It was good to get your message and know you guys are doing ok. We just so happen to have an extra guy and he said he liked the idea of coming on out. I'll send Dalton out the day after tomarrow. Take care.

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