
Soft spot

“Aw, thanks.” Bret smirks at Charlotte, scanning the street for the next fast food joint. “Then…we go to that beach you saw and eat in the car since I’m not in the mood to get cold. And if I feel adventurous, we’ll go for a walk.”

He stops in traffic to make a turn into a restaurant drive-thru. “And then we’re going to go get a movie or two somewhere to take back to the hotel, and stay up into the wee hours of the morning, just because we can and don’t have any responsibilities tomorrow.”

He grins and throws Charlotte a sidelong glance. “You do realize that we’re both dead.”

Reaching over, he roughs up her hair. “But at least we die together now.”

Jason gives Wes a wry grin. “No ringer…just life in general.” He gives him a subtle nod that they would explain later. Entering the house, he brings Katie in with him, setting down his bag in the entryway.

“What we both could use now is a good shower.”

“Wes, who is…” Cindy comes around the corner, and he face lights up. “Jason! Katie!” She smiles. “Don’t you two look like you’ve had an adventure. What are you doing here?”

Jason chuckles. “Sorry to barge in on you.”

“You don’t have to apologize and you know it,” Cindy chides. “This is home…for both of you. Please say you’re staying for supper.”

“If that’s okay.” Jason gives Katie a glance, then looks back to his mom. “I think we both could use some food after we clean up.”

“And then…?”

Jason shrugs. “I don’t think I want to go back to Nevada tonight, so I’ll sack out here if it’s alright.” He looks to Katie again. “I don’t know where Katie wants to stay.”

Cindy holds her smile. “Well if she wants to head to the ranch, that’s fine, but Katie, you’re more than welcome to stay here too. That’s what the guest room is for.” She opens her mouth to say more, but with all the noise, Kaylee is now awake and starts crying for her own supper. “Ohh, Kaylee.” Cindy rocks her gently. “Come on.” She heads down the hall, calling over her shoulder. “You guys are free to use the shower… Wes, watch the stove, could you?”

Jason grins and shakes his head. He gestures to the hallway, letting Katie use the shower before him. “Ladies first.”

Once everyone is cleaned up and settled, supper is on, and enjoyed in the dining room. Just as warm and cozy as always, the atmosphere is a loving one, and even more at ease than the last time, with less tension between Jason and Katie.

Brief explanations are shared with Wes and Cindy, though too many details are avoided, for privacy’s sake. After the meal is finished, the table is cleared off, and once more Cindy has to see to Kaylee. As everyone settles down for a little while though, Cindy hands the baby off to Jason. “Here, you can hold her for a while.”

No time to refuse even if he wanted, Jason takes the warm bundle, still feeling a little awkward. “Um…ok.”

Cindy smiles, and throws a wink in Katie’s direction, knowing that Jason wasn’t a hundred percent comfortable, but making him do it anyway. “Katie, you wouldn’t mind helping me with the dishes, would you? Then it can be done in half the time.”

The women in the kitchen, Jason wanders to the living room to sit down and chat with Wes for a while. Soon though, it’s quiet, exhaustion from the day taking over.

The dishes finished, Cindy cocks her head and listens, hearing nothing. Giving Katie a curious glance, she goes to the living room to peak in. A smile spreads on her face and she just stands and watches.

Jason was lying on his back on the couch, one foot on the floor, the other stretched out to set on the armrest. One hand was hanging off the couch, the other on top of the sleeping form on his chest.

Kaylee was slowly raised and lowered with every one of Jason’s breaths, her own eyes closed in sleep. Her tiny hand clutched Jason’s shirt in a vice grip, her other tucked under her own head.

Cindy leans against the doorway, her smile in place. She looks to Katie again, her voice in a whisper. “Some tough guy.” She chuckles softly. “At least someone was able to find his soft spot.”

She shakes her head a little and gives a contented sigh. “I hate to wake them up, but I need to put Kaylee down in her crib.” She looks to Katie with question. “Have you decided what you’d like to do tonight?”

“Angelica?” Reese taps lightly on her office door. It was late, and he wanted to go home, and he wanted her to be able to go home too, but he needed to talk to her. “I just got a call in about a bank robbery downtown. The station is full up right now, so they handed me the case to handle. I, um… I was wondering if… well…” He didn’t want to imply the wrong thing, but he just had to ask. “Has Charlotte said anything about where her boyfriend has been lately or anything?”

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