

“Ahh!” Though yelping, Jason can’t help but laugh as Wes drags him around, then puts him down on the floor. He groans a little, looking up at his stepfather panting. “Alright, alright, you’re not old!”

He accepts Wes’ hand up, just in time to throw a look at Katie for her comment. “Left out?” He blinks and looks to Wes. “She’s feeling left out. That’s not good.”

Before anyone can stop him, Jason steps closer to Katie, bending down and picking her up to sling over his shoulder, holding her legs in front of him and spinning her around.

“What on earth…” Cindy comes back into the living room, her eyes wide.

Jason comes to an immediate halt, almost running Katie’s head into the wall, looking at his mother as his face reddens. But she’s not looking at him.

Instead, Cindy has her hands on her hips and is looking at her husband. “Wes! I don’t care how young you are, we have someone even younger in the other room, trying to sleep!”

Jason stifles a laugh as Wes takes the blame for everything. “Easy, mom…I think it was my fault.”

Cindy quirks an eyebrow and throws her son a look, giving him a once over, seeing his hold on Katie. “I thought you were a little beyond roughhousing.”

“Me?” Jason twists around and down, trying to see Katie’s face. “I think…uh…mm…”

“That’s what I thought.” Cindy comes over behind Jason to look upside down at Katie. “If he causes you trouble, come knock on my door. He wouldn’t want his mommy to have to come spank him.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “That is so not fair.”

“Night, hunny.” Cindy gives his hand a pat, accompanied by a knowing grin. Then turning to her husband, she takes his arm. “And you…are coming with me so you can quit causing trauma to the living room.”

Jason waves at them both. “G’night!” Heaving a sigh, he just stands for a moment, as if having forgotten about his armful. “Oh yeah…” Turning around, he walks back to the couch, dumping Katie onto the cushions. “Incoming. Watch your head.”

Barely giving her enough time to move, he flops down, faking carelessness, though he knows exactly where Katie is. Stretching out on his side to face the television, he pulls a throw pillow under his head and grabs the remote from the floor, letting Katie find her own position. “Okay, Hero, whadya have?”

Reese thinks for a moment, and shakes his head. “I’m not sure…Bret isn’t home… but if he thinks he’s being tailed, he won’t come back. I think we should lay low and let him come back like everything is fine. Don’t call Charlotte… in case they’re together, so as not to tip off Bret. We wait at least another day or so… then if he doesn’t show up, we’ll start after him.”

Heaving another sigh, Reese gathers up his things. “Though there is one person I might call. In the meantime… just sit tight. See if your sister is home – if she is, don’t say anything about this. If she isn’t…then we can assume they’re together.”

He gives a short nod. “I guess…that’s it. Thanks, Angelica.”

Leaving her office, he already goes for his cell phone.

“What?” Con paces the living room, hearing Jamie making supper in the kitchen. “Yeah… we’re friends. Right. From Titan. But how could…” He pauses, frowning. “Yeah, I knew about his record. He told me once. But he wouldn’t do that again. I… I don’t know about the picture, but it couldn’t have been. It just…”

He stops, realizing that Reese is not looking for opinions. “I’m sorry, no. I haven’t seen him in about a week or so. Last time I did, he was same as always…I didn’t think anything was wrong. He talked about Charlotte…that was it. No… yeah, if I see him I let you know. Alright. Yeah. Bye.”

Hanging up the cordless phone, Con just stops and thinks for several moments, shaking his head, then going to the kitchen. Leaning back against the counter, he purses his lips in solemn thought. “There was as bank robbery today in town… Reese is on the case. Says Bret Parker was involved.”

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