

*Wes hangs his head for a moment as Cindy yells at him through a grin was still on his lips. Looking up just a little he whispers jokingly.*

"You can beat him up for me for this Katie."

*Katie gives a little wave to Wes as she hangs upside down on Jason's back.*

*Giving a small giggle to his wife he stands and takes her in an embrace as she takes his arm.*

"Yes dear I will leave the kids alone. Night Guys."

*Was gives a little wave as he disapears down the hall.*

*Katie can't help but laugh as Jason plops he on the coutch. Stairing at the movies for a long moment Katie scans.*

"How about Iron Man."

*Standing back up Katie puts it into the DVD played and starts the movie before walking back over to the coutch to sit down. Moving up just a little bit Katie sits and ends up landing lightly on Jason's stomach. Smiling down at him she chides.*

"Thats for swinning me over your shoulder,"

*Giving a small laugh Katie pretends she is snuaggling in*

*Jamie looks up at Con and he leans aganst the counter a sad look on her face. Bret involved in a bank robbery.*

"Con are they sure its Bret? I mean...would he do that? He seemed like he was doing so well with Charlotte and really happy."

*Jamie lets out a sigh as she continues to wash the dinner dishes as Con talks. It was just so hard to believe Bret would do this. He really had seemed like he was doing good.*

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