

Con shakes his head, lost in thought. "I don't know... I just don't know. Reese said they've got Bret driving the getaway car on film...he said there's no doubt that it's Bret and Bret's car."

He's quiet for several moments before looking down. "Bret did seem a little uptight the last time I saw him, and he mentioned some old buddies..." He stops and looks up to Jamie. "I didn't tell Reese that. I should have but... I don't know...I should probably call him back tomorrow."

Con wanders to a kitchen chair to sit down, still solemn. "Bret does have a record...he got in trouble with this one before. Not many people know about it... he was able to keep it relatively quiet... quiet enough that I'm not even sure Titan Inc. knew about it when they hired him. But would he do it again?" He shrugs lamely. "I don't know...I wouldn't have guessed so, but... people do crazy things sometimes."

Jason gives a grunt as Katie lands on his stomach. As if you didn't enjoy it.

"Come here." Grabbing Katie's arms, he pulls her down so she's resting on his chest, within reach to give her a kiss. As the movie starts though, he turns onto his side, bringing Katie in front of him to the edge of the couch, where he can wrap an arm around her and just see over her head to the television. "Now hush so we can enjoy the show."

...Two o'clock. Cindy pads down the hallway, curious at the feeling no one was in the guestroom or Jason's room. Glancing into the living room, a smile spreads on her face. The television was still on, though the movie was long over. Jason and Katie were sound asleep on the couch, Jason with his arm still around her. Quietly, Cindy moves to take the light blanket off the chair, then spreads it over the two on the couch.

It's just enough movement for Jason to wake, and he gives a start, realizing where he is, and that his mother was standing there, and perhaps wasn't pleased about the scene. She lays a hand on his shoulder though, shaking her head and putting a finger to her lips. She thought nothing about this, her eyes telling her son that he was fine. Ensuring they stayed, Cindy retreats, going back to bed.

Jason settles his head back into the throw pillow, warm and comfortable. Within seconds, he's asleep again...

Cindy leans over Wes' shoulder at the kitchen table to hand him a cup of coffee, along with giving him a kiss. "Morning." She smiles before returning to the stove where she was preparing breakfast. "Did you notice who was asleep on the couch?" Her tone is kept quiet, a slight smile on her lips as she turns to see her husband. "I hope they make it this time."

The subtle noises in the house finally reach Jason's ears and he manages to get his eyes open, needing just a moment to remember where he was. Feeling Katie in his arms, everything comes back to him quickly. What time was it? Late enough for the sun to be shining in the windows...late enough that he could hear his mom's muffled voice in the kitchen as the smell of breakfast just started to waft through the house.

Though wishing he could just sleep in, Jason knew he couldn't. First, his mom and Wes were up, and second, he at least needed to get back to Texas. He wan't sure if Katie would leave with him today or not, but Reese would already be on the warpath once he realized Jason was gone for today.

Mischief entering his mind, Jason gives Katie a light shake. "Hey, hero of mine...time to get up." Not even giving her enough time to respond, he sighs. "Okay...if you're not going to wake up..."

Giving a slight shove, he sends Katie sliding off the couch and onto the floor. Rolling onto his back, he simply stretches and yawns, trying to wake up his brain.

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