

Cindy nods. “Sure. You just make yourself at home. And if you need any spare clothes, or anything, you just let me know.”

She waits for a few more moments, then finally relents, entering the living room. “Hey, hun.” She reaches down to run a finger through Jason’s hair. “Wake up, Jase.”

“Mm.” Jason squirms a little and forces his eyes open. “Mm-hmm.”

Cindy chuckles and moves to pick up Kaylee. “Better get up before you fall too much more asleep, or you'll never get into bed." She tucks the baby up by her shoulder and makes her way from the living room, nodding to Wes on her way.

Jason rubs his hands over his face and stretches out tall, yawning. "Okay...guess I was tired." Noticing Katie in the doorway, he gives her a sheepish grin. "Some rescuer I am. You're still up working, and I'm the one that conks out."

Cocking his head, his eyes twinkle with mischief. "So you up for a movie while the old folks go to bed, or are you conking out now too?"

Reese shrugs, fingering the folder in his hand. "Oh...well... " He sighs and steps into Angelica's office, setting the folder down on the desk. Opening it up, he reveals pictures from outside security cameras at the bank that was robbed. He points out one of them in particular. "This was digitally enhanced to zoom in... it's... Bret Parker's car, and it's him behind the wheel. It was, um... the getaway car for the robbers. He wasn't home when the police went to his place about an hour ago. I... thought maybe Charlotte might know where he was."

Apology glints in Reese's eyes. He wasn't sure what to think.

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